叱吒商海幾十年,不如叱吒健康的巔峰!! …

Having ten years of career success is nothing compared to having good health

He is a young Malaysian entrepreneur who has attained extraordinary achievement for more than a decade. Although successful, he had to deal with extreme stress and suffered from the torment of goiter. He felt adrift in life, like a boat lost at sea.

An opportunity combined with his persistency allowed him to climb out of his abyss of suffering and regain joy in his family life. Let’s listen to his story.

#YoungEntrepreneur, #Goiter, #Persistence, #Miracle, #BodhiMeditation, #Health& #HappinessRetreat


《佛前供燈靈驗大解秘》 . 問:為什麼先…

同樣的道裡,咱們在佛前點燈, 借助「光」的傳遞­可以快速地與佛相應,當我們為家人親人點燈祈福、溝通吉祥、光明的能量,可以快速的幫助您實現願望。 。 。
我是一個平凡的家庭主婦,沒多久前突然摸到自己乳房有一顆腫塊,到醫院檢查後確診為腫瘤,但必須經或化驗才能判斷腫瘤是否為良性,一次的機緣,我出門去市場買菜,鄰居見我氣色不大好,便介紹我到菩提禪修。 。 。
當下我決定給自己一個機會,原本預約好一週後要到醫院手術做化驗,我向醫院延後檢查的日期,想說等參加完課程再去醫院檢察吧!就拿著鄰居給我的「禪修與健康」雜誌,報名了菩提禪修「健身班」,並聽從許多人的建議,在佛前點了一盞七日酥油燈,心中暗自祈求菩薩,幫我度過這一個劫關。 。 。
#佛前供燈、#光速、#見證禪修、#明火燈、#奇蹟、#健康快樂rnrn《Secret Revealed: The Effectiveness of Light Offering》

Question: Why do we always see the lightning before hearing the thunder? Does light travel faster than sound?

Answer: Yes! Light travels a lot faster than sound. In actuality, lightning and thunder occur at the same time; the difference is that light travels at a higher speed than sound. Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second in air, which means it can complete seven rounds around the Earth’s equator in one second compared to sound which travels at 350 meters per second in air. That is only 1/900,000th the speed of light.

Using the same logic, when we make light offerings to Buddha, the light will help us to rapidly establish a connection with Buddha. When we make light offerings on behalf of our family and relatives, our blessings, the energy of light and the messages of good fortune will help to speedily fulfill our well wishes for them.

Let us listen to the story of a fellow practitioner’s miraculous experience with light offerings.

I am an ordinary housewife. Some time back, I went to the hospital after feeling a lump in my breast. The hospital confirmed that I had a tumor, but further diagnosis was needed before we could tell whether it was benign or malignant. Not long after that, I ran into my neighbor in the market and she introduced me to Bodhi Meditation upon seeing that I did not look well.

At that moment, I decided to give myself a chance. I postponed the appointment at the hospital and thought to myself: Let me go for my tests after my meditation class! With the Meditation and Health magazine clutched tightly in my hand, I made my way to Bodhi Meditation Center and signed up for the Health and Happiness class. I also took the volunteers’ advice and lit a 7-day light in front of the Buddha, praying to Bodhisattva in my heart to help me overcome this huge obstacle.

On the seventh day of the class, while we were doing the closing exercise, suddenly I realized that I could not feel the lump in my breast any more. The tests at the hospital confirmed the miracle – the tumor has disappeared without a trace! No words could describe how ecstatic and touched I felt at that moment, that such a miracle actually happened to me! This personal experience has dispelled all doubts I had about dharma practice.

I hope to share my good health and happiness with all of you. May all of you be blessed with good health, safety and great fortune.

If you like this story, please feel free to share it, and send your blessings to your loved ones!

#LightOfferingToBuddha, #SpeedOfLight, #MeditationJournal, #Light, #Miracle, #HealthAndHappiness
