除夕餃子餡包什麼? . . 後天,就是除…

What’s in for the filling of Lunar New Year eve’s dumpling?

The day after tomorrow is the eve of lunar new year’s reunion dinner. Let’s share a joke with everyone here. Time to relax after a whole year of hard work!

There was once a pair of diligent elderly couple who had worked hard all their life, on the eve of lunar new year, the old man suddenly said whimsically: “We always eat dumpling with celery filling on eve of lunar new year , shall we have a change this year? It’s time for a change after working so hard throughout our life (In Mandarin, celery sounded like “working hard”). His wife without lifting her head or batting an eye asked: “Then what do you suggest for the filling?”

The old man said: “It will be great to have Chinese chives stuffing. It’s auspicious as there is liquor and vegetable (Chinese chives sounded like “liquor” and “vegetable” in Mandarin). His wife replied happily: “Well! It’s very auspicious, then can you go and buy the chives whilst I prepare the dumpling skin.”

The old man replied loudly ” Great!”

Morning passed by quickly, and the old man did not go and buy the chives. At noon, his wife reminded him repeatedly. When the old man was ready to go out, he suddenly remembered that in the ipad that his son gave him, there were still radish, and vegetables that had not been harvested, he hurriedly opened the ipad farm to take a look, Wow! Half of the vegetables that I have grown have been taken away . The old man thought: “In the coming lunar new year, we should have a good harvest, and squatted before the Ipad to sprinkle beans, waiting for the harvest, time just slipped by and before he realized, the day had ended.

The wife saw her spouse squatting beside the ipad looking at the mushrooms all day long, She asked: “Old man, so where is the chives that you were supposed to buy for the dumpling filling for eve of lunar new year?”

The old man staring at the ipad replied ” Wait, it is still not ready for harvest”.

His wife was dumbfounded, she has no choice but to mould the dumpling skin into shape of gold ingot. For lunar new year eve this year, the old couple ate gold ingot dumpling without any filling!

This year Spring Festival , are your golden ingot dumplings filled with chives?

#LunarNewYear’sEve, #Dumplings, #GoldIngotDumplings, #Compaction, #AGoodLaughWillChaseAwayAllProblems, #GoodTidings
