【菩提養生素食廚房】 青團——寒食節的江…


1、 鮮艾草葉洗淨,川燙2分鐘,放在料理機中,加水打碎。
2、 打碎的艾草汁與糯米粉混合,揉成青綠色的艾草麵團。
3、 艾草麵團分成核桃大小的劑子,擀平擀圓,再捏成碗窩的形狀。
4、 中間放入豆沙餡或自己喜歡的餡料,包好、揉圓揉勻。
5、 取大白菜葉或圓白菜葉,開水燙軟,鋪在蒸鍋的篦子上。
6、 將包好的青團放在白菜葉上,表面抹一層橄欖油,大火蒸8-10分鐘即可。


聞風色變_風濕症。 . 問:「我的母親每…

?歡迎分享,多傳多福!! ?
Changes with the wind – Rheumatism
Q: “Whenever it rains, or when there is a sudden change in the climate , my mother will experience extreme pain in her ankles, knees, or wrists. She has sought treatment from western doctors and Chinese physicians but to no avail, they can only help to relieve the pain with medicine. As their child, we are distressed and saddened that there is no effective way to help our parents to relieve their pain.
“Rheumatism is caused by the effect of changes in nature in the body such as wind, cold, dampness and evil “.It is also known as arthralgia syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine and is a disease characterized mainly by muscles and joints pain.
Rheumatism: Although there are many causes for this illness, what I am sharing today relates mainly to our daily dietary habits.
In western diet, many people tend to add ice to their drinks. You will realize that the pain in the wrists and joints usually arise after a cold drink with ice.
When you are above 35 years old, your body temperature drops. If you continue to drink iced water, beverages with ice cubes or cold food, it will naturally result in rheumatic pain, There is another type of disease called “gout” This is caused by eating seafood, shrimp, crab or lamb. When eating lamb paired with cold beer, one will be susceptible to “gout”, Besides seafood, one should also eat less fatty food as this can attribute to rheumatism.
Therefore, this illness is caused by our eating habits. Maybe medical experts will be able to explain the reasons. Anyway, when these three kinds of things are consumed together, it is easy to fall sick. I hope today’s sharing on consumption of food and cold drinks that could lead to rheumatism is helpful to all of you. I wish every one good health and good fortune!
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#ChangesWithTheWind, #Rheumatism, #DietaryHabit, #DrinkColdBeverage, #ColdFood, #FollowTheDoctorAdvice
