菩提禅修青年营后, 大儿子会主动沟通, 小儿子成绩突飞猛进 My eldest son started to communicate with me and my younger son academic result improved tremendously after they join Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp.
– 石美蓉的故事 Story of Mother Chok Bee Yoong
▹ 青年营让小儿子潘泇缣学习成绩突飞猛进
▹ 青年营让大儿子潘泇豪变得主动拥抱我
▹ Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp improved my younger son’s academic results
Since primary school, the best result my youngest son has achieved is only one A. After he joined the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp in December 2017, his results skyrocketed. During his exams in September 2018, he scored all As. He was the only student in his grade to get all As. His grade ranking improved from the 70th-80th to the 4th position.
▹ Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp Made Eldest Son take the Initiative to Hug Me and communicate
My eldest son Fung Jia Jun rarely talks to us. He avoids our hugs even more. Not only does he avoid talking to us, he gets impatient when his younger brother asks him questions. Every time he leaves the house, it’s as if he disappears. He would not leave us text messages.
Since joining Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp in June 2018, he started leaving us texts when he goes out. He started initiating conversations with us. He talked and joked around with his younger brother, their relationship improved. What surprised me even more was he took the initiative to give us a hug.
I am very grateful for Grandmaster JinBodhi that my son improved so much. I hope Grandmaster JinBodhi will organize Youth Camps every year so that more children and families will benefit from it.
#菩提禅修青年营 #BMYC
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菩提禅修「青年营」Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp
★ 第一期 ★
? 日期:2019年5月31日 至 6月9日
? 地点:馬來西亞_吧生龍泉禪堂
✆ 603-3345 6688
★ 第二期 ★
? 日期:2019年7月25日 至 8月3日
? 地点:台灣_台中菩提禪堂
Due to limited spaces, please quickly register if you are interested!!!
To enroll, please contact your local Bodhi Meditation Center and register through them. For further enquiries, feel free to contact us
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#见证禅修 #MeditationJournal
*分享人的意见仅代表个人观点, 不代表菩提禅修Facebook 或观点; 禅修效果会因人而异。
*This sharing represents the sharer’s personal view. It does not represent the view point of Bodhi Meditation nor its Facebook Page. Benefits from meditation varies for individuals.
***** ** *****rnrn參加的人們說…
▹ 菩提禪修青年營改善了我大兒子的壞脾氣⭐
▹ 青年營讓大兒子變得主動擁抱我⭐⭐
▹ 青年營讓小兒子學習成績突飛猛進⭐⭐⭐
Participants have shared that…
– Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp has changed my son’s temper for the better
– After attending the camp, my eldest son took the initiative to hug and embrace me
– My younger son’s academic results improved tremendously after the camp
Come join the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp, it’ll help solve most of the problems your child face!