慈悲的力量_上 . 您聽過慈悲能產生健康…


The Power of Compassion – Part 1

Have you heard that compassion can bring health?
Compassion and Health, how are they related?
What benefits can we gain by being Compassionate?

Let us discuss about the power of compassion these three days!

#ThePowerOfCompassionPart1, #ThePowerOfCompassion, #Health, #Blessed, #Happiness


誰是最有福氣的人?! . . 當我們跌倒…

Who is the most fortunate person?!

When we fall, our parents are the first to reach out to us; when we were wronged and complained to our parents, they would give us a big hug; when we encounter many obstacles outside, our homes are always our warmest safe haven. All because they love us, and we need to feel and appreciate this. Children with parents’ love are so blessed.

Parents love us selflessly and we can never repay them. What we can do is to send them our deepest blessings. With a most sincere and grateful heart, lets chant for our mother. May they be blessed with good health, longevity, be at ease and joyful!

On my live broadcast two days ago, there were several lucky people who received gifts (cups) that I personally painted. I hope that you can continue to expand this auspiciousness so that more people can enjoy this well wishes and blessings.

Let us chant the Buddha name together for our beloved mother!

“The most effective way is to chant with no desire (request); a sincere heart will naturally receive inspiration.”

#FBLiveBroadcast, #TaichungRetreat, #MostEffectiveWayToChant, #ChantForMother, #MostFortunatePerson, #Blessed, #Present, #20180425
