解除中年危機 . 當一個人到了中年,他的…

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腿腳是人的健康之鑰 . 腿腳不健康,感覺…

Our Legs reflect our state of health

Without a healthy pair of legs, we will feel a lot older than we really are.
When our legs become healthy, we will feel much younger instantaneously.

Let us listen to the meditation story of Baoli Lin (Ninghui).

#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #LegPain
Our Legs reflect our state of health
Without a healthy pair of legs, we will feel a lot older than we really are.
When our legs become healthy, we will feel much younger instantaneously.
Let us listen to the meditation story of Baoli Lin (Ninghui).
#MeditationJournal, #EnergyBagua, #LegPain

From the video:
I am Baoli Lin, dharma name Ninghui. I live in Kepong, Malaysia.
In the past, I had difficulties in lifting my legs and it was challenging to remove or wear my trousers whenever I shower.

One day, a friend visited me and was shocked to see me in this state. She encouraged me to step out of the house and brought me to the park for a walk. At the park, many groups of people were exercising. I continued walking around the lakes in the park for a few days. One particular group was practicing Energy Bagua. I was curious as they were walking in straight lines with slow and synchronized steps. At that moment, I thought to myself that this form of walking exercise may suit me. I decided to follow their footsteps and thus started the exercise. This continued for some time but the pain on my legs remained. I asked an Uncle about my pain and he advised that it was alright for me to continue walking. He encouraged me to persevere and I did it without any hesitation. Later on, he said I could join the group to practice Energy Bagua.

I practice Energy Bagua with the group everyday without fail and was as diligent as I could be. One day, to my surprise, I realized I could lift my legs without struggling. I was delighted. I had always been worried about driving in my condition. I persevered in Energy Bagua practice; whenever we were told to lift our legs as part of the exercise routine, I would lift my legs as high as I could and was teased many times for the pride that I could lift my legs so high!

Indeed, I deserved to be proud of it and would tell everyone around me about my success story.
Since then, I have been practising Energy Bagua for 2 years now. My health has improved tremendously and now I took up a role and position in the Energy Bagua team of trainers.
I am thankful and grateful to Grandmaster JinBodhi and Bodhi Meditation.


成為真正的健美之星 . . 來自於馬來西…

She had a passion for fitness, and believed that intensive workouts would keep her in good shape. However, she sustained injuries from working out. Physical pain became a way of life, along with mental pain.
Finally, she regained health and happiness through gentler, slower practices, and she has become a true star of healthy living.
What sort of practices have such marvelous effects? Let’s find out.
Be a true bodybuilder star
This is the testimonial of Min Che [珉澈] who is 52 years old and comes from Malaysia.
Passionate about good health and fitness workouts, she started off with very rigorous physical exercises, which she hoped would make her healthy and beautiful. But unexpectedly, she sustained an injury from the exercise. This caused her to suffer mentally and physically. She was able to find health and happiness and only became a real “healthy and beautiful star” after she learned of a slower and more moderate form of exercise. What kind of exercise can have such a magical effect?

#LowerBackPain, #FootPain, #Myopia, #EnergyBagua


不需要花大把銀子也能瘦身變窈窕!!! ….

富足的生活中,人們每天吃大餐,甜品、美食。加上食物的加工過程日新月異,這些東西每天有進無出,自然容易就會累出病來,當身體負擔重了,健康與美麗也會離我們越來越遠 。

You don’t need to spend a fortune to lose weight and slim down!
The cause of obesity may be due to the accumulation of toxics in the body.
With a life filled with abundance, people tend to feast on food and desserts. Coupled with the ever changing ways of processing food, these are consumed daily and remains in the body, thus causing sickness over time. When the body becomes overly burdened with these, our health and beauty are affected.
However it is not difficult to regain our health and beauty. Lets hear from Chen Xiu-Zhen (Ning Juan) from Malaysia who shares on how she has achieved it!
She came to Bodhi Meditation with the intention to slim down;
In the process of practicing meditation, the pain on her body that she was suffering from gradually disappeared and she became healthier and prettier; her original intention of wanting a drop of water turned out to be receiving an ocean instead…
# Backache, # Leg pain, # Aches and pain, # Slimming, # Full Prostration, # Meditation of Greater Illumination, # Meditation of Purity
