緬甸慈善光明行 . 3月13日,緬甸菩提…

3月13日,緬甸菩提慈善走進Yedashe 村,為當地患者進行眼科義診。為150名患者免費進行了白內障手術。恭喜大家重獲光明 。
#緬甸 #慈善 #白內障手術 #光明 #恢復健康

3月13日,緬甸菩提慈善走進Yedashe 村,為當地患者進行眼科義診。為150名患者免費進行了白內障手術。恭喜大家重獲光明 。
#緬甸 #慈善 #白內障手術 #光明 #恢復健康


【緬甸_大金石】 . . 看見信仰的力量…

緬甸_大金石(Golden Rock)位於緬甸南部_孟邦(Mon State),位在海拔1100多公尺的山頂上,這顆大金石身長長約8公尺、有上百噸重,以令人難以置信的姿態,佇立於懸崖峭壁間,彷彿一不小心,就會滾落山崖。
石頭上面建造了一座_吉諦瑜佛塔(Kyaiktiyo Pagoda),約7公尺。傳說因為塔下埋著佛祖的兩根頭髮,所以才能撐住這顆大石不會滾落,信眾們深信不疑,將金箔貼滿了整顆石頭,因此變成一顆大金石。
【The Golden Rock – Myanmar】
Witness the power of faith! Even if poor, one should offer the best before the Buddha.
The Golden Rock is located in the Mon state to the south of Myanmar. With an altitude of more than 1,100 meters above the sea level at its peak, the stone measures about 8 meters long, with a weight exceeding hundreds of tons. It is perched in a remarkable (yet treacherous) position against the cliff, where it seems a careless move can cause it to plunge into the abyss below.
Built atop the rock is the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, of about 7 meters. Legend has it that due to two strands of the Buddha’s hair buried under the pagoda, the rock is well secured and thus has not tumbled down the cliff. Followers unwaveringly believe in it, and have used gold foil to plaster the whole stone, honoring it as the Golden Rock.
Myanmars believe that if one makes 3 pilgrimages to the Golden Rock in a year, he/ she will not be poor in this life. Thus, the monument will be crowded with followers from diverse places every morning. They reckon, “the hair of the Buddha represents the Buddha’s head. To have the opportunity to sleep by the Buddha’s head, is indeed very rare!” So, around the compound of the rock, there would be many people and families alike, laying mats, lying down and taking a nap – relishing with much pleasure despite the inherent risk.
Everyone is welcome to visit this monument, and if there’s time, take a stroll, pay homage and venerate the Buddha!!
Lastly, I wish everyone;
May the compassionate radiance of the Buddha illuminate every corner of the universe!
May the Buddha bless you with prosperity, auspiciousness, happiness, peace and serenity.
May you attain unparalleled wisdom, expertise and achievements.
Many thanks to our online friends in Myanmar who helped to source for beautiful photographs.
References – http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140607000699-260116
#Myanmar, #GreatIllumination, #Prosperity, #Auspiciousness, #Longevity, #Healthy, #Happiness, #GoldenRock
#緬甸、#光明、 #富貴、#吉祥、#長壽、#健康、#幸福、 #大金石


蓮池一夜蓮花開 ‧ 前些天收到一位網友來…





Lotus flower from lotus pond bloom after just one night
A few days ago, a netizen wrote me a letter with the header
(Master, lotus pond is crowded with blooming beautiful lotus flowers!)
When I read the note, I was puzzled but curiosity prompted me to read on…
Netizen explained in the later part of her letter:
Master, it’s like this.
I love your drawing on the lotus pond. When I saw your post, I downloaded it immediately and shared the post with my friends.
Everyone liked your drawing especially when they knew that it was for a good cause- fund raising to build a school in Myanmar. Hence they also shared the post with their friends.
A few of my friends even asked me enthusiastically how they can contribute to this worthy school building project in Myanmar! Now my timeline is filled with comments on the lotus pond drawing. It is literally thousands of blooming lotus flowers!
There was even a young girl who asked her mother to leave me a note:
(I like your lotus pond, I tell my mother I do not want to buy any more new clothes from now on. I want to save my pocket money and not buy sweets so that the Burmese children would be able to attend school.)
I felt so touched when I saw that even a child was so eager to help!
I felt that I merely did a “throw brick” action and this attracted many “beautiful jade”! (Master’s lotus pond is the world’s most beautiful, perfect and auspicious brick!)
I was very happy when I saw this. A charitable heart blossomed to become the world’s most beautiful lotus flower overnight….
Lastly, I want to tell this netizen the most beautiful brick still remain as a brick ultimately! However if this brick can help others, then even if this is merely a brick, it becomes a supreme priceless treasure!
I hope that everyone can become a “throw brick” Bodhisattva!
The more you share, the more blessings you will receive!
#Myanmar, #BuildSchools, #Charity, #LotusPond, #ThrowBrick


你也想一起變美嗎? . . 緬甸人為啥抹…

原來啊,這種塗在臉上的「黃粉」,實際上是緬甸人就地取材、自製的一種天然防曬美容霜,他們稱之為「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka) 特納卡」,學名叫作「黃香楝粉」。
無論貧富,緬甸人幾乎家家都有一個像飯碗那麼大的石磨,用來製作「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka) 特納卡」,就是用這個樹幹、再加一點水,然後就在石板上磨。如果一個家庭裡先生很喜歡他的太太,她的先生早上起來就替他太太提前給磨好了,太太就會塗上她自己喜歡的一個圖案,比如說是四方形、或者圓形、或者是葉子形等等;小孩子臉上被繪上小兔子等可愛的動物形狀。通常未婚女子會把這種粉塗滿前額和鼻樑;結過婚的婦女只塗兩頰、不塗鼻樑。
附註:這種黃香楝樹所提煉出來的「黃香楝粉」,英譯為「tanaka (另翻譯Thanaka)」中文譯名則非常多,例如:有德纳卡,檀那卡,特納卡,塔納卡或是塔內卡..等。
Do you want to become beautiful too?

Why do the Myanmar people ‘paint’ their faces?
During the live broadcast on Facebook a few days ago, many puzzled netizens asked, “Why do the Myanmar women and children have their faces painted? What did they use to do this?


Actually, the “yellow powder” that they applied on their faces is something readily available all around Myanmar. It is a homemade natural sunscreen cum beauty cream. They call it “Thanaka”; scientific name being “Hesperethusa Crenulata”.


This “Thanaka” is native to Africa and Myanmar, and requires a tropical climate to thrive. It grows into a very straight tree, and has a nice fragrance, a trait similar to camphor and sandalwood trees.

Regardless of wealth, almost every Myanmar family has a rice bowl-like grindstone that is used to make “Thanaka”. They would add a little water to the tree trunk, and then use this tool grind it into a paste. If the husband of the household is very fond of his wife, he would rise early to grind and prepare the paste for his wife, who would apply to her face with a preferred design, such as a square shape, a circle, or the shape of a leaf, etc. Children would paint their faces with shapes of a rabbit or other cute animals. Usually women who are single would apply the paste on their whole forehead and nose, and the married ones would only paint their cheeks and not the noses.

Naturally, this is not unique to the females. The males like to apply this paste on their face as well because it can help prevent sunburn, mosquito and insect bites, as well as nourish one’s skin to maintain a youthful complexion and remove acne. In all, the yellow-painted faces have become part of Myanmar’s local unique sights! Friends who are interested are certainly welcomed to try it when you have the opportunity to visit Myanmar!

#Thanaka, #HesperethusaCrenulata, #Myanmar, #Sunscreen, #Beauty
