【網路開課預告】 ───2019年八月「…

開課日期:2019年8月13日 到 2019年8月15日 (共3天)
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年08月13日 凌晨04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年08月13日 晚上07:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年08月13日 早上07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年08月13日 上午11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年08月13日 下午01:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年08月13日 下午02:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年08月13日 下午05:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年08月13日 晚上06:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年08月13日 晚上08:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年08月13日 晚上09:00開始


不只管地獄!你所不知道的地藏王菩薩! ….


參考資料:http://kabuki11.pixnet.net/blog/post/276819512-%E4%BD%A0%E5%B0%8D%E5%9C%B0%E8%97%8F%E7%8E%8B%E8%8F%A9%E8%96%A9%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%8D%E8%AD%98%E6%9C%89%E5%A4%9A%E5%B0%91%3FrnrnNot merely the guardian of the nether realms; there are still things about the Earth Store (Ksitigarbha) Bodhisattva that you are not aware about!

Among the traditional folk beliefs of the Chinese, the Earth Store Bodhisattva epitomizes the bearer of salvation for all sentient beings. Many people will wonder if it is the King of Hades or the Earth Store Bodhisattva who is more senior? Actually, even the King of Hades believe in and venerate the Buddhadharma, thus he will naturally worship the Earth Store Bodhisattva. It is often believed that the main duty of the Earth Store Bodhisattva is to help the deceased spirits to transcend in peace, relieve the living, and take charge of all matters in the nether realm.

In fact, the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s “jurisdiction” includes not only the nether realm! While his vow not to become a Buddha unless he had saved all sentient beings from hell created the limiting impression that he oversees only the hell realm, in the Sutra of the Great Vows of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he was entrusted with the heavy responsibilities of educating, and developing all sentient beings by the Buddha. Therefore, the compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva also oversees issues in the sentient world. Under what exceptional circumstances do we seek the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s help?

Some examples that we are most familiar with are, to seek peace for departing relatives, so that they are spared from the sufferings of Hell; to pray for the smooth delivery of babies by expectant mothers, and for the children’s wholesome fortune, wisdom and health; to recite the Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on behalf of those afflicted by unintended deaths or for relatives afflicted by spirits so that the spirits can transcend and allow the living sentient beings to regain peace; to recite the Sutra on behalf of our karmic creditors to reduce our past wrongdoings so that they can transcend to the Pure Land and be spared the sufferings of Hell, in the process reducing our current life obstacles to usher in smoother paths; also, sincere prostration to the Earth Store Bodhisattva can also elevate wisdom, eliminate ignorance, accumulate blessings, and develop affinity with the Earth Store Bodhisattva. Those who often dream about the Earth Store Bodhisattva can also venerate the Bodhisattva.

So, do not presume that the Earth Store Bodhisattva merely oversees the nether world. We can pray to him to help resolve issues, such as with safety and security, employment search, for smooth delivery of children and so on. The compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva would certainly attend to our prayers. As we approach the eve of the Ullumbana festival, we can sincerely venerate the Buddha, as the immeasurably great and inspirational Earth Store Bodhisattva will bring us auspiciousness, peace, and fulfill our aspirations.

#KsitigarbhaBodhisattva, #Compassion, #UllumbanaFestival
Reference: http://kabuki11.pixnet.net/blog/post/276819512-%E4%BD%A0%E5%B0%8D%E5%9C%B0%E8%97%8F%E7%8E%8B%E8%8F%A9%E8%


盂蘭盆節 . . 每年的農曆七月十五日為…


Ullambana Festival

The Ullambana Festival, also known as the Ghost Festival, falls on the 15th day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar.

The origin of this festival can be traced back to the time of the Buddha. Maudgalyayana, a disciple of the Buddha, with his spiritual divine power saw his deceased mother tormented with hunger and starvation in hell. Saddened, he tried feeding her to ease her hunger. But before she could eat, the food turned into burnt charcoal and fire.

Maudgalyayana was deeply disturbed and begged the Buddha for help. The Buddha said to him, “Her past sins are too deep and huge for you alone to save. Your existing merits are not sufficient to release her from her sufferings.”

Maudgalyayana replied, “But Buddha, as a son, I can’t bear to see my mother suffer.”

The Buddha responded, “I have a way and that is to make food offerings to buddhas, bodhisattvas and cultivating practitioners. If you can move them with your sincerity, their compassionate blessings and merits will help redeem her of her karmic debts.”

Maudgalyayana took Buddha’s advice and was able to free his mother from sufferings.

From then on, Buddhists would hold Ullambana Festival every year on the 15th day of the seventh month. During the festival, offerings will be made to the Buddha and the Sangha to express gratitude towards our ancestors so that they will be relieved of suffering and be auspicious. Only when our ancestors are auspicious then will we be auspicious and lead a fulfilling life.

The Buddha, through his teaching to Maudgalyayana, actually showed us how we can avoid calamities and become auspicious through the help of compassionate and virtuous practitioners. All it takes is for us to have a sincere heart.
#UllambanaFestival, #Maudgalyayana, #GhostFestival, #Buddha
