不只管地獄!你所不知道的地藏王菩薩! ….


參考資料:http://kabuki11.pixnet.net/blog/post/276819512-%E4%BD%A0%E5%B0%8D%E5%9C%B0%E8%97%8F%E7%8E%8B%E8%8F%A9%E8%96%A9%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%8D%E8%AD%98%E6%9C%89%E5%A4%9A%E5%B0%91%3FrnrnNot merely the guardian of the nether realms; there are still things about the Earth Store (Ksitigarbha) Bodhisattva that you are not aware about!

Among the traditional folk beliefs of the Chinese, the Earth Store Bodhisattva epitomizes the bearer of salvation for all sentient beings. Many people will wonder if it is the King of Hades or the Earth Store Bodhisattva who is more senior? Actually, even the King of Hades believe in and venerate the Buddhadharma, thus he will naturally worship the Earth Store Bodhisattva. It is often believed that the main duty of the Earth Store Bodhisattva is to help the deceased spirits to transcend in peace, relieve the living, and take charge of all matters in the nether realm.

In fact, the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s “jurisdiction” includes not only the nether realm! While his vow not to become a Buddha unless he had saved all sentient beings from hell created the limiting impression that he oversees only the hell realm, in the Sutra of the Great Vows of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he was entrusted with the heavy responsibilities of educating, and developing all sentient beings by the Buddha. Therefore, the compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva also oversees issues in the sentient world. Under what exceptional circumstances do we seek the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s help?

Some examples that we are most familiar with are, to seek peace for departing relatives, so that they are spared from the sufferings of Hell; to pray for the smooth delivery of babies by expectant mothers, and for the children’s wholesome fortune, wisdom and health; to recite the Sutra of the Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on behalf of those afflicted by unintended deaths or for relatives afflicted by spirits so that the spirits can transcend and allow the living sentient beings to regain peace; to recite the Sutra on behalf of our karmic creditors to reduce our past wrongdoings so that they can transcend to the Pure Land and be spared the sufferings of Hell, in the process reducing our current life obstacles to usher in smoother paths; also, sincere prostration to the Earth Store Bodhisattva can also elevate wisdom, eliminate ignorance, accumulate blessings, and develop affinity with the Earth Store Bodhisattva. Those who often dream about the Earth Store Bodhisattva can also venerate the Bodhisattva.

So, do not presume that the Earth Store Bodhisattva merely oversees the nether world. We can pray to him to help resolve issues, such as with safety and security, employment search, for smooth delivery of children and so on. The compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva would certainly attend to our prayers. As we approach the eve of the Ullumbana festival, we can sincerely venerate the Buddha, as the immeasurably great and inspirational Earth Store Bodhisattva will bring us auspiciousness, peace, and fulfill our aspirations.

#KsitigarbhaBodhisattva, #Compassion, #UllumbanaFestival
Reference: http://kabuki11.pixnet.net/blog/post/276819512-%E4%BD%A0%E5%B0%8D%E5%9C%B0%E8%97%8F%E7%8E%8B%E8%8F%A9%E8%


在〈不只管地獄!你所不知道的地藏王菩薩! ….〉中有 39 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩大慈大悲的师父!感恩大慈大悲的地藏王菩萨!顶礼叩拜!☕???????????

  2. 大家可以誠心禮佛,擁有大願力的地藏王菩薩必定會為你帶來吉祥平安、所願皆成。

  3. 산들바람이
    불어오는 아침~

    이브를 타고

    청정의 나라
    티벳 주님께서
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  4. 师父早上吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!真诚顶礼大慈大悲两地藏王菩萨!真诚叩拜尊贵的恩师!??????????

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!在十年前弟子有一两个月晚上几乎天天念一遍地藏经,从空白念到有点明白,之后念其它经就很容易念了,特别是跪在菩萨前念此经,修时明白特快,原来都是自己的业障深重,才修时障碍。每念一次心中都真诚的忻悔自己的罪过,感恩大慈大悲的师父!加持着众生吉祥安康!感恩大慈大悲的地藏王菩萨!?叩拜

  6. Love the way this article is written. Thanks for introducing us to this most compassionate being….RESPECT to the earth store Buddha’s vow and commitment to sentient beings!!!

  7. 如果大家看过地藏王菩萨如何成菩萨的真实故事,你就知道,每次礼拜她时,是提醒自己要像地藏王菩萨一样,孝顺父母。她还是人身时,她的母亲因为在世时造了太多杀业,及恶业,死后堕入地狱。她因为孝顺母亲,一心只想帮助母亲脱离地狱,虔诚祈求佛菩萨,她还把所拥有的都卖了,供养佛菩萨。虔诚念佛祈求佛菩萨救母。因为她的孝心感动了佛菩萨,她的母亲也脱离地狱之苦,投身做天人。她在一天一夜之内修成菩萨。还发大誓愿,要度地狱众生,如果地狱不空,誓成佛的大愿!太感动了!

  8. 是啊,我想啊地藏王菩萨对地狱众生的慈悲救度,和我们人世间人的生活、健康、快乐等也息息相关,祈请地藏菩萨超度我们的祖先、冤亲债主、历代亲人等脱离苦海、往生天国,才能使我们消灾灭难、遇难呈祥,才能使我们生活得安心吉祥、生活得健康快乐!。南无地藏王菩萨!

  9. 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛曾說,任何一位眾生,都有可能是我的父親,我的母親,祖先亦有可能,把孝心擴大,亦有可能和佛,菩薩相印

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享,颂念地藏王菩萨心咒,为往生的亲人,为在世的亲人,为芸芸众生,求得平安、吉祥,健康,幸福!感恩慈悲,法力无边的地藏王菩萨!

  11. 感恩师父的慈悲开示!???让我们更深入全面地了解地藏王菩萨的大愿大行和无量的功德、智慧与法力。使我们更加恭敬、亲近地藏王菩萨,并向他学习,用伟大慈悲的愿力,去救度无量、无边的苦难众生!???

  12. 感恩师父分享親自诵念地藏王菩薩心咒,让我們

  13. 南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛˙南無阿彌陀佛

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师父诵唱的地藏王菩萨心咒,情真意切感人至深。我跟着唱感觉到师父的慈悲能量,给我们帶來吉祥平安、所愿皆成。弟子顶礼叩拜师父!

  15. 通过师父开示,的确可以知道许多以往不知道的事。

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩地藏王菩萨慈悲大愿渡化一切众生!愿我们往生的历代宗亲、怨亲债主、堕胎婴灵借助盂兰盆法会,借助地藏王菩萨慈悲大愿都能往生天国,往生东方琉璃世界!顶礼师父!顶礼地藏王菩萨!

  17. 感恩師父慈悲明解的開示!師父弟子有一疑惑不解一直困擾著我、台灣有一伝言、地藏王是大慈悲者、地獄不空誓不成佛。所以一般家庭不是宮廟、家裡沒供奉佛 神不宜在家裡念地藏王經、也不能供奉地藏王,會承受不起會引鬼魂到家、是真的嗎?弟子愚昧不解不敢嘗試。因……

  18. 感恩师父开示!感恩地藏王菩萨慈悲大愿渡化一切众生,愿我们往生的历代宗亲,冤亲债主祈愿地藏王菩萨的慈悲佛力加持都能往生东方琉璃世界!顶礼师父!顶礼地藏王菩萨!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩大慈大悲的师父!擁有地藏王菩薩大願力帶來吉祥平安、所願皆成!感恩大慈大悲的地藏王菩萨!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  20. 師父好!睡覺時聽著師父的地藏王菩薩心咒,睡的安穩,平靜,能量充滿,師兄姐們睡不著的可以試試看,感覺真的不一樣,感恩師父分享地藏王菩薩心咒!弟子合十感恩

  21. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩地藏王菩萨慈悲救度一切众生离苦得乐,自在吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  22. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!让我们更深入了解大慈大悲地藏王菩萨的大愿大行和无量功德、法力无边!我们要在盂兰盆会之前、颂念地藏王菩萨心咒、为往生的亲人、都能往生天国去东方琉璃世界、在世的亲人求得平安吉祥、健康幸福!感恩大慈大悲师父!顶礼师父!顶礼大慈大悲地藏王菩萨!

  23. 感恩师父教化,这些知识。明白了就去做,每天跟上师柔软慈悲法音颂念(地藏王菩萨心咒)。感觉广阔宇宙空间,地藏菩萨威严慈悲一个小时很快就念完了!

  24. Nam mo a di da Phat.
    Nam mo dai hieu muc kien lien bo tat ma ha tat
    Nam mo dai nguyen dia tang vuong bo tat ma ha tat
