【禪修的益處_上】 ───為何要禪修? …

哈佛醫學院心理學教授的Sara Lazar表示:

【The Benefits Of Meditation – Part 1】 – What is the purpose of meditation?

What tangible benefits does meditation bring to our lives?

According to Harvard Medical School’s Assistant Professor in Psychology, Sara Lazar: “People who practice meditation are very relaxed. Their brain undergone experience-based structural alterations which result in a substantial increase in positive energy. As their sense of happiness increases, their body and mind relaxes, and their overall health improves.”

Meditation does not just help to reduce the stress we feel as a result of the fast pace of our lives. It also helps to unleash our potential and creativity!

If you, too, would like to bring about positive changes in your brain structure, please join us to learn more about meditation, and how it can transform your life to bring about better health and more happiness!

#BenefitsOfMeditation, #BenefitsOfMeditationPartOne, #TransformBrainStructure, #SenseOfHappiness


菩提禪修 健康快樂 . . 在世界各地,…

菩提禪修 健康快樂
Bodhi Meditation brings Health and Happiness

In all parts of the world, Bodhi Meditation bring health and happiness to everyone.
“Bodhi Meditation – health and happiness” is our mission.

If a person is not heathy, it is difficult to be happy; and perhaps a big part of that person’s life will not be living in happiness. We strive at work to enjoy a happy life, but once poor health strikes, we lose more than half of our happiness immediately, especially when stricken with debilitating illnesses. Some diseases do not bring pain till death; others may not be critical, but bring pain and suffering, such as backache, neck pain, cervical pain, shoulder ache, and even “frozen shoulder”. These ailments afflict our daily life. When simple task such as combing your hair, and washing hands become painful, can life be happy? We can’t be truly happy with these ailments, so while not life-threatening, the body and mind suffer. There are many such diseases, but with little remedies.

Through cultivation and practice, the elements above may broadly improve, allowing us to experience true happiness.
I warmly welcome everybody to come visit and practice at Bodhi Meditation more often!

#BodhiMeditationMission, #HealthAndHappiness, #SenseOfHappiness


昨日眼淚昨夜乾.. . 人要活在愛心的狀…

Leave behind the tears of yesterday…
Compassion must be at the center of one’s life.
When stepping out of your house, start by taking a deep breath. You should be able to feel a sense of bliss as you connect with the natural energy of the air and sky around you; You also treat the trees as if they were another living beings and greet them naturally within your heart.
#MasterJinBodhisAphorism, #Compassion, #FeelingBlessed
Leave behind the tears of yesterday…
Compassion must be at the center of one’s life.
When stepping out of your house, start by taking a deep breath. You should be able to feel a sense of bliss as you connect with the natural energy of the air and sky around you; You also treat the trees as if they were another living beings and greet them naturally within your heart.
#MasterJinBodhisAphorism, #Compassion, #FeelingBlessed
