【小暑】龍宮曬龍袍 . . 俗諺:小暑過…

#二十四節氣、#小暑、#蓮藕、#解熱食物rnrn【Minor Heat】 Drying the dragon robes under the sun in the Dragon Palace

As the Chinese saying goes: “The day gets hotter by 30% after the Minor Heat solar term.”
Add to the fact that the temperatures are rising globally as a result of global warming, summers just gets hotter year after year. Today is the day of the 11th solar term – Minor Heat.

As its name implies, “Minor Heat” is a time when the weather starts to get a bit hot, yet it is not at the hottest point of the year. Even so, we need to make sure that we apply sunblock and hydrate ourselves with sufficient water in order to avoid getting heatstroke. This is also the time when we need to be more cautious about our diet.

Legend has it that this is the day that the dragon robes in the Dragon Palace are placed out in the sun to dry. This is because in the few days before the Minor Heat solar term, the sun is strong, the days are long and the temperature is high. Hence everybody will rush to bring out their thick blankets and winter wear and place them under the sun to absorb the sunlight which helps to remove the mold, dampness and kill germs!

So what type of food is appropriate for this season?
Many people will instinctively think of colorful fruits. Other than fruits, the Chinese also believe that lotus root is the best food for this solar term. Lotus roots are rich in vitamin C and minerals. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, other benefits of consuming lotus roots include dispelling of heat, appetite stimulation, digestion and calming of the nerves. The rich fibers in it will also aid in metabolism. However, lotus roots are cooling in nature, hence folks who have weaker disposition and folks whose stomach and spleen are not as strong should not consume too much of it.

If you have used lotus roots as ingredients in your dish, please take photos and share with us here!

#24SolarTerms, #MinorHeat, #LotusRoot, #HeatDissipationFood

#二十四節氣、#小暑、#蓮藕、#解熱食物rnrn【Minor Heat】 Drying the dragon robes under the sun in the Dragon Palace
As the Chinese saying goes: “The day gets hotter by 30% after the Minor Heat solar term.”
Add to the fact that the temperatures are rising globally as a result of global warming, summers just gets hotter year after year. Today is the day of the 11th solar term – Minor Heat. 
As its name implies, “Minor Heat” is a time when the weather starts to get a bit hot, yet it is not at the hottest point of the year. Even so, we need to make sure that we apply sunblock and hydrate ourselves with sufficient water in order to avoid getting heatstroke. This is also the time when we need to be more cautious about our diet. 
Legend has it that this is the day that the dragon robes in the Dragon Palace are placed out in the sun to dry. This is because in the few days before the Minor Heat solar term, the sun is strong, the days are long and the temperature is high. Hence everybody will rush to bring out their thick blankets and winter wear and place them under the sun to absorb the sunlight which helps to remove the mold, dampness and kill germs!
So what type of food is appropriate for this season?
Many people will instinctively think of colorful fruits. Other than fruits, the Chinese also believe that lotus root is the best food for this solar term. Lotus roots are rich in vitamin C and minerals. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, other benefits of consuming lotus roots include dispelling of heat, appetite stimulation, digestion and calming of the nerves. The rich fibers in it will also aid in metabolism. However, lotus roots are cooling in nature, hence folks who have weaker disposition and folks whose stomach and spleen are not as strong should not consume too much of it. 
If you have used lotus roots as ingredients in your dish, please take photos and share with us here!
#24SolarTerms,  #MinorHeat,  #LotusRoot,  #HeatDissipationFood


夏日動動更健康 . 我們平時所說的「三伏…


Exercise to Greater Health in Summer
The “Three Hottest Periods” or “Summer Heat” – these are common phrases that refer to the hottest times of the year. One occurs after the third heavenly stem (or about 21 days) from the summer solstice. The core of the “Three Hottest Periods” lies in the summer season. This year, the hottest summer day falls on July 7th on the Gregorian calendar. Around this time, the rainy season in southern China is about to end, heading into the intense summer with rising temperatures marking the hot, dry period; whereas the north starts experiencing a hot, rainy season.
As the saying goes, “practice in the depths of winter; practice at the height of summer”. When one practices in the intense summer heat, engaging the climatic changes and interacting with the evolving yin-and-yang, it enhances the bodily functions with benefits to heat regulation, adaptation to climatic changes, and ultimately to robust immunity and fitness.
In this 30-day summer season, choose a relevant meditative practice, such as the Full Prostration or the Energy Bagua, and persevere in a daily practice of at least an hour each time. Within 30 days, I trust you’ll experience bountiful positive energy.
#Seasonal, #MildSummer, #ThreeHottestPeriods, #Practicernrn夏日動動更健康

Exercise to Greater Health in Summer
The “Three Hottest Periods” or “Summer Heat” – these are common phrases that refer to the hottest times of the year. One occurs after the third heavenly stem (or about 21 days) from the summer solstice. The core of the “Three Hottest Periods” lies in the summer season. This year, the hottest summer day falls on July 7th on the Gregorian calendar. Around this time, the rainy season in southern China is about to end, heading into the intense summer with rising temperatures marking the hot, dry period; whereas the north starts experiencing a hot, rainy season.
As the saying goes, “practice in the depths of winter; practice at the height of summer”. When one practices in the intense summer heat, engaging the climatic changes and interacting with the evolving yin-and-yang, it enhances the bodily functions with benefits to heat regulation, adaptation to climatic changes, and ultimately to robust immunity and fitness.
In this 30-day summer season, choose a relevant meditative practice, such as the Full Prostration or the Energy Bagua, and persevere in a daily practice of at least an hour each time. Within 30 days, I trust you’ll experience bountiful positive energy.
#Seasonal, #MildSummer, #ThreeHottestPeriods, #Practice
