[Meditation Journal – Lee Mei

[Meditation Journal - Lee Mei (金菩提宗師 Facebook)
[Meditation Journal – Lee Mei Lian] Before coming to Bodhi Meditation, my relationship with my mother was rather good. However, I could not recall when it started that whenever my mother came to have a chat with me, I would always correct her problems, such as lack of consideration of her behaviour or mannerism. My mother would be so angry and would say, “I do not want to talk to you!”
After I participated in the 8.5-Day Health and Happiness Retreat in 2013, I began to practice “The Meditation of Greater Illumination”. A few months later, I realized that I have become more stable and calmer. One day, when I was looking at my mum while chatting with her, a realization suddenly came across my mind.
All this while, my mother just wanted to find a topic to chat with me and at the same time, complaining about her troubles. She might find it inappropriate to talk to her friends or neighbours about the matter and thus came to talk to me instead. Thinking of it, I felt that I was harsh on her. In the past, I did not feel that there was any problem with it. From that moment on, I stopped correcting my mother and now our conversation is more harmonious!

【见证禅修 – 李美莲 】
This sharing represents the sharer’s personal view. It does not represent the view point of Bodhi Meditation nor its Facebook Page. Benefits from meditation varies for individuals. #BodhiMeditation #Testimonial #HealthAndHappinessRetreat #TheMeditationofGreaterIllumination #Calm #Harmonious

分享人的意见仅代表个人观点, 不代表菩提禅修或其Facebook页面的观点; 禅修效果会因人而异。 #见证禅修 #菩提禅修 #健身班 #大光明修持法 #平静 #融洽

常憶念感恩母親 對我們無微不至的照顧!


重陽傳說 . . 很久以前有個農夫,他住…

收伏了怪獸,老者向村民們說: 「記住,這些功法需要持續精進修行,不僅可以快速治癒身心的疾病,還能改惡行善,增福增壽,使家國富強。」還將菩提寶瓶贈送給大家做為鎮村之寶,說完後老者突然現出藥師佛莊嚴的法相,冉冉升向天空消失了。
#重陽傳說、 #大光明修持法、 #八卦內功、 #清淨觀想法、 #消災延壽 #却病延年



Amazing meditation experience — “sleep condition improved and ureteral stone excreted”

Congratulations to this Malaysian gentleman – Fuwen Liao – for sharing his health journal.

In the past, for 3 years, he would wake up daily after only 1 hour of sleep. After a mere 3 days at the Health and Happiness Retreat, he could sleep continuously for 4 hours.

He also suffered from two years of ureteral calculi (stones), and had tried a variety of treatments, which were not effective. Yet, during the 4th day of the Retreat, he easily excreted the ureteral stone.

What other kinds of surprises are in store at Bodhi Meditation’s 8.5 Days of Health and Happiness Retreat?

(Note: Results of meditation may vary according to individuals.)
*Bodhi Meditation do not advocate reducing or stoping of medication. Please seek your doctor’s advice.

From the video:
I am Fuwen Liao and live in Ampang. I do furniture carpentry work.
Before, I could only sleep an hour every night and would wake up and stay awake, unable to fall asleep again and this went on for 3 years.

When I started practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination and the Meditation of Purity, my whole body ached. I persevered on with the practices and after 3 days, I sensed some transformation. I slept for a stretch of 4 hours that night.

Two years ago, I was actually diagnosed with stones in the ureter and insomnia.
On the 4th day of the Health and Happiness Retreat, I continued to practice diligently. I experienced pain in my abdominal area. That afternoon, I felt discomfort and pain when I urinated.
After that I continued practicing for 4 consecutive sessions of meditation. That evening when I went home, I was surprised when I felt a grain being passed out while showering.
The grain fell to the floor and being curious, I washed the grain and examined it. It seemed hard and I kept it.
My son said it was a stone and my daughter searched the Internet for an answer.
Was it (related to) my ureteral calculi? It was! I was elated as the ureteral stone was discharged from my body.
I returned to share my experience with the Teachers at the Retreat,
“It’s so amazing”, I told them. The results are apparent within four to five days.
I’d been searching for two years, seeing different doctors and taking medication but to no avail. I’d tried many treatment, but they were not effective. Now, with this meditation practice which I learnt during the 8.5 -day Health and Happiness Retreat, I witnessed positive results in just 4 days, My back and spinal aches have also vanished
As I practiced till the 7th and 8th day, my sleep duration increase to 6 hours.
I have deep gratitude to my Grandmaster JinBodhi for the recovery.

I am also more outspoken now. When I first came, I spoke little, as I was afraid. I’m more cheerful now, right? I just feel so happy!
My ureteral stone has been expelled!
Introduction to Fuwen Liao’s Testimonial
There was a period of three years during which he would wake up every hour of every night. Yet after just three days of meditation practice at the Health & Happiness Retreat, he was able to sleep soundly for four hours at a stretch.
He also suffered from urinary calculi, for which he had tried all kinds of treatment to no avail. On the fourth day of the meditation retreat, he was able to excrete the stones from his body.
What other surprises are in store at a Bodhi Meditation 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat? Let’s find out.
#Insomnia, #UreteralCalculi, #BodhiMeditationHealthAndHappinessRetreat, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #MeditationOfPurity


健康讓人上癮 . . 「禪修」不僅僅是個…

Meditation is not just a catchword for good health. It is a trendy exercise that really improve your health and make you happy. Do you want to know what is it that made a Malaysian, who is more than 60 years old, addicted to this trendy exercise? I welcome you to join him to exercise your way to good health!
Getting addicted to good health
(Note: Meditation effects vary according to individuals.)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing medication on your own. Please consult the doctor and follow his or her instructions.
Runji Cai said: “I am not going to stop!”

What made his stiff body totally relaxed?

What alleviated his severe heart pain?

What is the cause of his so-called “addiction”? Let’s find out.
From the video:
My name is Runji Cai and I work in the renovation industry. I have a weak heart and suffer from heart disease. I suffered an attack in 2014. After the attack, my wife wanted me to attend the 8.5-day Meditation and Happiness Retreat conducted by Bodhi Meditation. She told me lots of good things about the class but I was rather unmoved. Later, my sister wanted to attend the retreat for the second time and she too, asked me to join her. And I did.

The first two days were very tiring. I was so tired that I felt disconnected from my body. My body felt numb and I had difficulty standing. While practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, I felt a strong force pressing down on me. There was also a strong pulling sensation inside my body, which was really painful.

It was so painful I wanted to squat down but it did not feel right because everyone else was standing. So I persevered. I was exhausted by the time I got home the second day.

On the third morning, my whole body had hardened from the pain. Initially I did not feel like coming to class. But I am glad that I did. We practiced Meditation of Greater Illumination again that morning. After that practice though, my body suddenly felt relaxed; there was a lightness that I had never experienced before. The pain and stiffness were gone. I was astounded by the transformation.

I never regretted attending the retreat. This meditation is very beneficial to my body and it made my heart a lot stronger. In the past, I had to pound at my own heart from time to time to relieve the clammy pressure that built up. Since the retreat, I have never had to do that.

In addition, I used to have very dark eye bags. And now, the eye bags have lightened tremendously. I will not stop practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, because I want to continue to improve my heart condition. I do not want to get tormented by my heart anymore. I will definitely attend the 8.5-day Health and Happiness Meditation Retreat again.
#HeartDisease, #BodhiMeditationHealthAndHappinessRetreat, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #MalaysiaMediationJournal


【百日修行_圓滿分享】 一個承諾,一份責…


[100-day Meditation Practice – Completion Sharing]

Promise, Responsibility, Habit, Perseverance

Today, is the successful completion of 100-day Meditation Practice.
Have you experienced joy and happiness?
I welcome everyone to share your experience, regardless whether they are good or bad.
Although the 100-day practice has already been completed, whether it was a success or not, it is the perseverance that leads us to complete our dream. Only when we are able to overcome ourselves can we truly achieve success.
It is consistent actions that form habits and habits mould personality which eventually determines destiny. Thus, if laziness if our habit, we will achieve nothing.
I hope that we can continue to adhere to this good practice habit and strive for continuous improvement.

Let us continue with this good habit of regular practice and strive for improvement.
Together, we will attain personal fulfillment, success and great energy.

Here’s wishing you auspiciousness, health and happiness!
Do share this auspiciousness with more people.

#DateInMeditativeState, #100dayPracticeExperienceSharing, #WarmthOftheBodhisattva, #MeditationofGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostration, #CompletionOf100DayPractice

[100-day Meditation Practice – Completion Sharing]

Promise, Responsibility, Habit, Perseverance

Today, is the successful completion of 100-day Meditation Practice.
Have you experienced joy and happiness?
I welcome everyone to share your experience, regardless whether they are good or bad.
Although the 100-day practice has already been completed, whether it was a success or not, it is the perseverance that leads us to complete our dream. Only when we are able to overcome ourselves can we truly achieve success.
It is consistent actions that form habits and habits mould personality which eventually determines destiny. Thus, if laziness if our habit, we will achieve nothing.
I hope that we can continue to adhere to this good practice habit and strive for continuous improvement.

Let us continue with this good habit of regular practice and strive for improvement.
Together, we will attain personal fulfillment, success and great energy.

Here’s wishing you auspiciousness, health and happiness!
Do share this auspiciousness with more people.

#DateInMeditativeState, #100dayPracticeExperienceSharing, #WarmthOftheBodhisattva, #MeditationofGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostration, #CompletionOf100DayPractice



20:30–23:00 走八卦、大禮拜、念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

“100-day Meditation Practice – Completion of the Second Month”

“100-day Meditation Practice – Completion of the Second Month”
We have accomplished two months (or 60 days) of our 100-day practice.
Through hard work and perseverance, we begin to enjoy the practice.
Do you begin to feel the wondrous energy and purity of meditation?
With sincerity and perseverance, thread the path of the bodhisattvas; you will feel the omnipresence and compassionate blessings of the bodhisattvas.
Look at the success stories and you will find a lot of persistence and effort behind the success.

Let’s continue to maintain the practice and enjoy the warmth and compassionate blessings of the Moonlight bodhisattva. Together, we will attain self-fulfillment, success and great energy.

Sincerely, I invite you to continue practice together. Upon the completion of the third month, 25thMay, do visit this Facebook page to share your spiritual experience. I will give you guidance.
May your practice be auspicious! May you be healthy and happy!

Let’s practice based on the following schedule:
Every night: 20:30—01:00
20:30—23:00: Energy Bagua; prostration; chanting
23:00—01:00: Meditation of Greater Illumination; Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Note: Please schedule your practice from 20:30 – 01:00 in accordance with your time zones.
#ZenMeditation, #100dayPractice, #PracticeExperienceSharing, #InTheRealmOfZen, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostrations, #SecondMonth, #Day60of100DayPractice
20:30–23:00 走八卦、大禮拜、念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

“100-day Meditation Practice – Completion of the Second Month”

“100-day Meditation Practice – Completion of the Second Month”
We have accomplished two months (or 60 days) of our 100-day practice.
Through hard work and perseverance, we begin to enjoy the practice.
Do you begin to feel the wondrous energy and purity of meditation?
With sincerity and perseverance, thread the path of the bodhisattvas; you will feel the omnipresence and compassionate blessings of the bodhisattvas.
Look at the success stories and you will find a lot of persistence and effort behind the success.

Let’s continue to maintain the practice and enjoy the warmth and compassionate blessings of the Moonlight bodhisattva. Together, we will attain self-fulfillment, success and great energy.

Sincerely, I invite you to continue practice together. Upon the completion of the third month, 25thMay, do visit this Facebook page to share your spiritual experience. I will give you guidance.
May your practice be auspicious! May you be healthy and happy!

Let’s practice based on the following schedule:
Every night: 20:30—01:00
20:30—23:00: Energy Bagua; prostration; chanting
23:00—01:00: Meditation of Greater Illumination; Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Note: Please schedule your practice from 20:30 – 01:00 in accordance with your time zones.
#ZenMeditation, #100dayPractice, #PracticeExperienceSharing, #InTheRealmOfZen, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #EnergyBagua, #Chanting, #Prostrations, #SecondMonth, #Day60of100DayPractice


【禪境相約_百日修行_滿30天】 . ….


20:30–23:00 走八卦、大禮拜、念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

A Date in the Meditative Realm_100-days of Practice
Completed 30 days of practice
Of the 100-days of practice, you have already passed the one-month mark. Did you fall asleep? Are you tired?
Persevere in your practice and touch the Buddha and bodhisattvas with your sincerity.
Be persistent in your practice to invite the Buddha’s compassionate rays to illuminate the darkness of the nights and clear all confusions.
May Buddha’s blessing of light shine upon you!
May it lead us to the stairway of health and happiness!
May it liberate us from poverty, disease, bitterness and traps!
May it bestow our lives with good fortune and happiness!
I sincerely invite you to continue your practice with me~
After the second month, on April 25, I welcome you to share your spiritual experience on my Facebook.
Wishing everyone a successful practice, health and happiness!
Timing of our 100-days daily practice:
Daily 20:30hrs – 01:00hrs
– 20:30 – 23:00 Energy Bagua; prostration; chanting
– 23:00 – 01:00 the Meditation of Greater Illumination (GI); the Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination (MBGI)
Remark: you may follow your local time 20:30hrs – 01:00hrs as your practice time.

#ADateInMeditativeRealm, #100-daysOfPractice, #SharingOfSpiritualExperience, Dream-likeMeditativeRealm, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #Chanting, #Prostrationrnrn【禪境相約_百日修行_滿30天】

20:30–23:00 走八卦、大禮拜、念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

A Date in the Meditative Realm_100-days of Practice
Completed 30 days of practice
Of the 100-days of practice, you have already passed the one-month mark. Did you fall asleep? Are you tired?
Persevere in your practice and touch the Buddha and bodhisattvas with your sincerity.
Be persistent in your practice to invite the Buddha’s compassionate rays to illuminate the darkness of the nights and clear all confusions.
May Buddha’s blessing of light shine upon you!
May it lead us to the stairway of health and happiness!
May it liberate us from poverty, disease, bitterness and traps!
May it bestow our lives with good fortune and happiness!
I sincerely invite you to continue your practice with me~
After the second month, on April 25, I welcome you to share your spiritual experience on my Facebook.
Wishing everyone a successful practice, health and happiness!
Timing of our 100-days daily practice:
Daily 20:30hrs – 01:00hrs
– 20:30 – 23:00 Energy Bagua; prostration; chanting
– 23:00 – 01:00 the Meditation of Greater Illumination (GI); the Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination (MBGI)
Remark: you may follow your local time 20:30hrs – 01:00hrs as your practice time.

#ADateInMeditativeRealm, #100-daysOfPractice, #SharingOfSpiritualExperience, Dream-likeMeditativeRealm, #MeditationOfGreaterIllumination, #Chanting, #Prostration


【禪境相約,百日修行。】 (2017年2…

20:30–23:00 走八卦 、大禮拜、 念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

【Let us meet in the realm of Zen as we practice together in the next hundred days】
(Feburary 25th, 2017 to June 4th, 2017)
To understand the Truth, we must make our practice a part of our daily lives. As such, I sincerely invite you to join me in my meditation practice for the next hundred days.
We shall start our practice at your local time 8:30 pm, and continue till 1 am. If time allows, please join me and follow through the whole practice. Otherwise, even a half hour practice will be helpful.
After a month of practice, on the day of March 25th, 2017, I welcome you to post your comments on my Facebook page. Share with us your personal experience along this wondrous journey. I will guide you along your practice and if you practice well, I will reward you!
I wish all of you the best of blessings, health, joy and happiness.
The scheduled time for the Hundred Days of Meditation:
Every night from 8:30 pm till 1 am.
8:30 pm till 11 pm : Bagua practice, prostration, chanting.
11 pm till 1 am : The Meditation of Greater Illumination / The Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Remarks : The above timings refer to your local regional time
#Hundred days practice, #realm of Zen, #The Meditation of Greater Illumination, #Energy Bagua, #Chant, #Full Prostrationrnrn【禪境相約,百日修行。】
20:30–23:00 走八卦 、大禮拜、 念佛。
23:00–01:00 修練《大光明修持法》/《藥師大光明》。

【Let us meet in the realm of Zen as we practice together in the next hundred days】
(Feburary 25th, 2017 to June 4th, 2017)
To understand the Truth, we must make our practice a part of our daily lives. As such, I sincerely invite you to join me in my meditation practice for the next hundred days.
We shall start our practice at your local time 8:30 pm, and continue till 1 am. If time allows, please join me and follow through the whole practice. Otherwise, even a half hour practice will be helpful.
After a month of practice, on the day of March 25th, 2017, I welcome you to post your comments on my Facebook page. Share with us your personal experience along this wondrous journey. I will guide you along your practice and if you practice well, I will reward you!
I wish all of you the best of blessings, health, joy and happiness.
The scheduled time for the Hundred Days of Meditation:
Every night from 8:30 pm till 1 am.
8:30 pm till 11 pm : Bagua practice, prostration, chanting.
11 pm till 1 am : The Meditation of Greater Illumination / The Medicine Buddha’s Meditation of Greater Illumination
Remarks : The above timings refer to your local regional time
#Hundred days practice, #realm of Zen, #The Meditation of Greater Illumination, #Energy Bagua, #Chant, #Full Prostration


不需要花大把銀子也能瘦身變窈窕!!! ….

富足的生活中,人們每天吃大餐,甜品、美食。加上食物的加工過程日新月異,這些東西每天有進無出,自然容易就會累出病來,當身體負擔重了,健康與美麗也會離我們越來越遠 。

You don’t need to spend a fortune to lose weight and slim down!
The cause of obesity may be due to the accumulation of toxics in the body.
With a life filled with abundance, people tend to feast on food and desserts. Coupled with the ever changing ways of processing food, these are consumed daily and remains in the body, thus causing sickness over time. When the body becomes overly burdened with these, our health and beauty are affected.
However it is not difficult to regain our health and beauty. Lets hear from Chen Xiu-Zhen (Ning Juan) from Malaysia who shares on how she has achieved it!
She came to Bodhi Meditation with the intention to slim down;
In the process of practicing meditation, the pain on her body that she was suffering from gradually disappeared and she became healthier and prettier; her original intention of wanting a drop of water turned out to be receiving an ocean instead…
# Backache, # Leg pain, # Aches and pain, # Slimming, # Full Prostration, # Meditation of Greater Illumination, # Meditation of Purity




