一份真誠、無量功德 . 昨天直播裡,給大…

1) 「大日如來」唐卡
大日如來是破除一切無明、光明遍照萬物的佛。 大日如來因無量的智慧和無量的功德,能夠滿足眾生的一切需求,以無量光明普照眾生,乃至成就眾生種種美好事業。 真誠供奉者,能獲得殊勝吉祥加持,得心性光明、智慧通達、相貌端莊、耳聰目明、皮膚光滑、手腳溫暖、能量充滿、清淨智慧、降伏煩惱、走入正途、除妖避邪、消災滅難、出入平安、勇往直前等等,眾生心願,所求皆得。
2) 「十八臂准提觀音」唐卡
准提觀音,是觀世音菩薩救度眾生的化身。 恭敬供奉者可祈求相貌端莊、目光明亮、耳根清淨、聰明智慧、口齒伶俐、辯才無礙、婚姻美滿、求得子嗣、兒女雙全、延長壽命、治療疾病、消災避難、脫離拘禁、遠離惡鬼、惡賊之難、以及清淨修行、突破障礙、勇猛精進、建功立業等等,種種祈願,無不滿足。
3) 「地藏王菩薩」唐卡
地藏王菩薩,因其 「安忍不動如大地,靜慮深密如秘藏」,故名地藏。 因地藏王菩薩「大孝」和「大願」的巍巍功德,誠心供奉者可獲得極大的殊勝加持。 供奉者的家庭會平安吉祥、家宅和睦、上下一心。 供奉者的歷代宗親和七世父母會得佛救度,不再墮入三惡道,往生極樂淨土。 供奉者本人更能相貌端莊、身體健康、福壽延長、無病無災、遠離夢魘、出入平安、衣食豐足、貴人相助、得人敬愛、所求皆得。
#浴佛節 #供養古唐卡的功德 #大日如來 #十八臂准提觀音 #地藏王菩薩



https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance

During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha’s blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha’s blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all.
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help.

Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.

On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn’t help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart. At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!

#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting
Information Source:

https://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=50837rnrn【Ullambana Festival】 Make light offerings to the Earth Store Bodhisattva and receive his blessings and guidance 
During the Ullambana festival, let us offer lights for our deceased relatives in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva and sincerely chant their mantras, praying that they can receive Buddha's blessings. Through our sincere chantings and offerings, may Buddha's blessings eliminate their karmic debts, bless our descendants with a smooth-sailing life and bring everlasting purity and auspiciousness to all. 
I am Huimei Chen from Seramban Bodhi Meditation Centre in Malaysia. Since February 2018, my husband and I  participated in every meditation course held at the centre and we have benefited greatly. Interestingly, the day before class commenced, my daughter who lived in Singapore called and told me that she dreamed of my younger brother (who had passed away) appearing in front of her silently, making hand gestures that seemed to indicate that he needed help. 
Hence, on the first day of the Chanting class, I offer lights for my brother in front of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s statue, hoping that he can receive blessings and peacefully depart into the Pure Land.
On the fifth day of the Chanting class, when I was chanting the mantra sincerely, I suddenly saw my brother appearing in front of my eyes, smiling at me. He was neatly dressed and a ray of golden light surrounded his head. I was so touched by this scene that I couldn't help but cry. My brother had died suddenly in a disease-free and painless condition. I was very sad at the time and have been unable to let go of this incident for ten years. This was the first time I saw my brother while chanting. I believe that my brother has received the guidance and blessings of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and has departed for a better place. I have finally released the burden in my heart.  At the end of the chanting class, my heart was filled with infinite joy and gratitude!
#EarthStoreBodhisattva, #OfferingLight #Chanting 
Information Source: 


念佛能得光明解脫… Transfer…

Transferring Merit Of Light through Mantra Chanting…
Recent natural disasters, from Typhoon Hato in Hong Kong, severe earthquakes in Mexico, hurricane destructions in Texas, Florida and other places in the United States … In the face of these continual natural disasters, I witnessed the devastating effects on many people – homelessness is mounting, countless lives still in suffering, and their unbearable cries. My heart goes out to all who are suffering, and their loved ones who are in difficulties and pain.
I hope that everyone can recite the mantra of the Earth Store Bodhisattva along with me to invoke the immeasurable Illumination; sincerely pray for the Buddha’s exceptional blessings, so that the affected victims can swiftly restore their health; the deceased be received by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, and their relatives recover quickly from the pain of the loss.
May the world be blessed with peace and calm, and everyone is auspicious and safe. May loving-kindness, and the Buddha’s immeasurable compassionate prevail in the world, and bring Illumination and warmth to the pain and suffering of all beings…
#ReciteBuddhistMantra, #EarthStoreBodhisattva, #Repent, #EliminateNegativeKarma, #Bless, #AuspiciousAndWishFulfilling
#念佛、#地藏王菩薩、 #懺悔、 #淨除業障、 #加持、 #吉祥如意
