放生的真諦 . 最近有個學員來問我: 「…

#放生、#慈悲、#不殺生、#不忍 #20171019FB直播、#溫哥華rnrnThe True Meaning of Life Release.

A student asked me recently,
“Someone told me that to learn compassion, we need to release animals so that they can live (life release) or if I am sick, then I need to perform life release and only then will my sickness be cured. Is this true?”

A: “I do not advocate this form of life release.”
The idea of life release is good – it is a manifestation of compassion but if more fishes die because of your release of fishes, not only will you not achieve your goal, you would have sinned hugely instead!

For example, if you put the ocean fishes into the river, you actually kill them. If you put river fishes into a lake, they may not survive; it is also inappropriate to put ocean fishes back into the sea as how many fishes you put back to the sea equals to how many fishes get killed. Why?

Looking at the strict marine biological control adopted by all countries and you will understand why. There is a river called the Mississippi River in the United States. There is a flourishing number of Chinese carp. The local fishes have been eaten up. This may be caused by the release of Chinese carp by the Chinese people.

The concept of “compassion”, as I understand, means “letting go of life without killing”.

Instead of performing life release, it will be better if you practice non-killing – do not kill pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens etc. Let them not get killed because of your gluttony or because of your carelessness. You are then practicing releasing of lives.

Therefore, I think, the essence of “releasing of lives” should be:
In our daily practice, it is a way of treating all sentient beings, not bearing to see them suffer this in itself is compassion.

Therefore, in my opinion, “If you do not kill a sentient being, it means you are practicing releasing them! ”
Share if you like. More sharing, more blessing ~

#Release, #Compassion, #DoNotKill, #CouldNotBear, #20171019FBLive, #Vancouver
