【緬甸_大金石】 . . 看見信仰的力量…

緬甸_大金石(Golden Rock)位於緬甸南部_孟邦(Mon State),位在海拔1100多公尺的山頂上,這顆大金石身長長約8公尺、有上百噸重,以令人難以置信的姿態,佇立於懸崖峭壁間,彷彿一不小心,就會滾落山崖。
石頭上面建造了一座_吉諦瑜佛塔(Kyaiktiyo Pagoda),約7公尺。傳說因為塔下埋著佛祖的兩根頭髮,所以才能撐住這顆大石不會滾落,信眾們深信不疑,將金箔貼滿了整顆石頭,因此變成一顆大金石。
【The Golden Rock – Myanmar】
Witness the power of faith! Even if poor, one should offer the best before the Buddha.
The Golden Rock is located in the Mon state to the south of Myanmar. With an altitude of more than 1,100 meters above the sea level at its peak, the stone measures about 8 meters long, with a weight exceeding hundreds of tons. It is perched in a remarkable (yet treacherous) position against the cliff, where it seems a careless move can cause it to plunge into the abyss below.
Built atop the rock is the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, of about 7 meters. Legend has it that due to two strands of the Buddha’s hair buried under the pagoda, the rock is well secured and thus has not tumbled down the cliff. Followers unwaveringly believe in it, and have used gold foil to plaster the whole stone, honoring it as the Golden Rock.
Myanmars believe that if one makes 3 pilgrimages to the Golden Rock in a year, he/ she will not be poor in this life. Thus, the monument will be crowded with followers from diverse places every morning. They reckon, “the hair of the Buddha represents the Buddha’s head. To have the opportunity to sleep by the Buddha’s head, is indeed very rare!” So, around the compound of the rock, there would be many people and families alike, laying mats, lying down and taking a nap – relishing with much pleasure despite the inherent risk.
Everyone is welcome to visit this monument, and if there’s time, take a stroll, pay homage and venerate the Buddha!!
Lastly, I wish everyone;
May the compassionate radiance of the Buddha illuminate every corner of the universe!
May the Buddha bless you with prosperity, auspiciousness, happiness, peace and serenity.
May you attain unparalleled wisdom, expertise and achievements.
Many thanks to our online friends in Myanmar who helped to source for beautiful photographs.
References – http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140607000699-260116
#Myanmar, #GreatIllumination, #Prosperity, #Auspiciousness, #Longevity, #Healthy, #Happiness, #GoldenRock
#緬甸、#光明、 #富貴、#吉祥、#長壽、#健康、#幸福、 #大金石


《2018新春_菩提交好運》 教你怎麼消…

2018新年即將要來臨了,在新舊年交替的時節,也是「轉運、改運、化煞、消災」等的最佳時機,咱們在新年若有了好的起始,就會平安、吉祥一整年。 以下是我給大家教授的,如何趁這吉祥年氣「交好運、轉轉運」的方法,簡單而且效果非常卓越,一起來試試看吧!


1) 犯太歲的五大生肖,需注意什麼?

2) 2017菩提交好運: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47303&rpid=527441&ordertype=0&page=1#pid527441
3) 菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/
全球菩提禪堂連繫信息: https://www.puti.org/ch/worldwide-centers
菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/
#菩提交好運、#佛前點燈、#加持寶物、#行善、#做功德、#紅色曼陀羅化境、#吉祥、#富貴吉祥、#健康長壽rnrn《2018 Spring Festival – Bodhi’s way to good fortune》
Ways to eradicate calamities, neutralize adversities, and secure auspiciousness.
2018 Lunar New Year is approaching and the transition represents an excellent opportunity to turn around, or change one’s fortune as well as neutralize adversities or eradicate calamities. When we enter the New Year with a good head start, we will be safe and auspicious for the whole year. Here are some pointers I would like to share on “securing good luck; turning around the fortune” so that you can capitalize on and enjoy an auspicious year – simple and with very remarkable effects – let’s all try it!
Bodhi Meditation has three tips for attracting good fortune …
First, offering Lights and venerate the Buddha: Offering lights before the Buddha illuminates our path to a good future!
「Light」is symbolic of brilliance and wisdom. When we offer lights to Buddha, we light up Buddha’s countenance and body and this will in turn brighten our body and mind.
Come with family and friends to Bodhi Meditation Centers, pay respects, prostrate, and offer a light to the Buddha. As you offer illumination before the eyes of the Buddha, you also brighten your future, so let’s sincerely offer our prayers together with our loved ones for blessings.
Secondly, perform more meritorious deeds: doing more good deeds and accumulating merits bring good luck and bountiful harvests!
You are welcome to volunteer in Bodhi Meditation activities or help the less fortunate whenever you can. The fastest way for us to quickly eradicate and overcome conflict or clashes related to our year of birth and life’s adversities and negative magnetic field is through performing meritorious deeds and accumulating merits.
Thirdly, wear specially blessed precious items from great enlightened cultivators: be in the aura of auspiciousness and protection!
During this Lunar New Year period, we have also prepared some specially blessed auspicious items. These blessed items represent the huge blessings of Buddha and Bodhisattvas and contain strong auspicious energy. When we wear these blessed and auspicious items, we will gain blessings from Buddha and Bodhisattvas of the Eastern Land of Lapis Lazuli so as to eradicate our calamities and obstacles.
⭐⭐⭐Tips to better luck⭐⭐⭐
Do you want to prosper in wealth and luck and be successful in your career, marriage, academic or political pursuits?
If you do, regardless which method you choose to seek for blessings, just remember the key lies in having a sincere heart – earnestly venerate the Buddha, sincerely make offerings, and have genuine faith that your aspirations are smoothly fulfilled, completed and auspicious.
After reading what I have just shared, do you have a better idea how you can go about transforming your luck for the upcoming New Year?
It is actually very easy to attract good fortune, you just need to follow my instructions and you will be rewarded with a bumper harvest….
Contact Information for Global Bodhi Meditation Centres: https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
Bodhi Meditation Website: http://www.putihome.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47303&rpid=527441&ordertype=0&page=1#pid527441
Bodhi Meditation Testimonials: https://www.putixiaoguo.com
#BodhiGainGoodLuck, #OfferLightBeforeBuddha, #BlessedTreasures, #PerformCharitableDeeds, #AccumulateMerits, #RedMandala, #Auspicious, #ProsperityAndAuspicious, #HealthyAndLongevity


讓好運陪你過元旦 . 元旦倒數計時了,狗…

May good luck be with you as you cross over the New Year
As New Year approaches, doggy braced himself and proposed to lady bear:
[Will you marry me? I will make you happy.] Lady bear replied: [ No. I will not marry you. If I marry you, I will give birth to a bear (combination of Chinese character Dog and bear). I want to marry a cat. Then I will give birth to a panda (combination of Chinese character bear and cat) which is more prestigious. ]May all enjoy a good laugh and forget all your troubles.
May all become a better person than you were before.
May lotus flower bloom, luck and auspiciousness be with you as you cross into the New Year.
May Buddha and Bodhisattvas bestow you with auspicious brilliance, may you receive a golden egg and become more prosperous, may all brighten up physically and mentally, enjoy a smooth life in the New Year, be accompanied by auspiciousness and good health . Happy New Year!
#HappyNewYear, #Auspicious, #Healthy, #Happy, #GoodLuck


傳家之寶 . . 問:「請問世界上什麼功…


The Inheritance
Question: “What has the greatest merit in this world?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
Question: “Emptiness encompasses everything in the universe. What can hold the emptiness in return?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
According to legend, an accomplished Zen Master lived on the Mountain of Yi. One night, the Zen Master was about to take a bath and found the bath water to be scalding hot. Hence, he called out to his little disciple to bring in a pail of cold water to mix into the bath water so as to bring the temperature down. When he has finished his task, the little disciple proceeded to discard the remaining cold water.
The Zen Master gave the disciple a knock on the head: “How can you be so wasteful? Everything in this world has its purpose and value, even a single drop of water. If the drop of water is given to a little sapling that is withering on parched land, the life of the sapling will be saved. That may also be the beginning of the formation of a forest. It may have been just one drop of water, but its value is infinite.”
The little disciple was ashamed after hearing this. This was a valuable lesson to him and from then on, he took on the Dharma name “Water Drop”. This little disciple later grew up to be the renowned and well-respected monk known as the “Water Drop Monk”.
The amount of blessings and good fortune that a person enjoys on Earth is actually limited. As the saying goes: “An inheritance of morality will last for more than ten generations; An inheritance of wealth will not last beyond three.” The amount of possessions, wealth, good fortune and longevity that a person has in his or her lifetime is limited. It is analogous to the savings in your bank account – if you keep spending more than what you are earning, eventually all your savings will run out.
Rich and prosperous people are where they are today because of the karmic merits accumulated in previous lives. For that to last through generations, it is important to cultivate morality and accumulate merits. Be thankful for what we have, be prudent with our resources, and do not waste even a drop of water. A drop of water may seem insignificant, but the collective energy of millions of them is very substantial.
I give my blessings to all of you, and hope that you can pass on an inheritance of morality to your descendants, so that they will be blessed with good fortune, prosperity and wealth, generation after generation!
If you like this post, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. The more you share, the more blessings you will accumulate!
#aDropOfWater #karmicMerits #InheritanceOfMorality #goodFortune #prosperity


【菩薩送吉祥】 . 一念生慈悲,雪花似天…

Bodhisattvas giving out blessings
A thought on compassion, snow flakes in heaven!
One (compassionate) heart,
brings warmth to a silver screen world.
May Buddha’s blessings waft here just like snow flakes,
giving all bountiful and empowered blessings!
May all enjoy a blessed Christmas!
“Like” to encourage and “share” to support.
The more you share, the more blessings you will receive!!
#Christmas, #Blessings, #EmpoweredBlessings, #Auspicious, #AuspiciousAndSmooth、#聖誕節、#祝福、#加持、#吉祥、 #吉祥如意


《藥師佛心咒》 超越一切的力量,宇宙的聲…

《藥師佛心咒》 超越一切的力量,宇宙的聲音。
或到以下連結迎請_藥師佛心咒CD完整版本 (60分鐘)
<> a mantra beyond all energy, sound of the Universe
[A sincere chant of prayer begets infinite fortune and merits] .
The power of the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra is inconceivable. When we listen to it with a calm and peaceful heart and chant it silently in our heart, our body and mind can be purified quickly. It will also help us to establish connections with Buddha and Bodhisattvas and attract heavenly deities to our sides to protect us.
The mantra also soothes our anxious emotions and helps us to relax so that we are able to receive the vast amount of energy bestowed by the universe. It will lead us into primordial tranquility, transforming us into our purest, most serene and transparent selves, like a white lotus flower. As a result, our bodies will naturally become lighter and our health will improve.
Hence chanting tthe <> brings about inconceivable good fortune, wonder and miracles.
Do you want to call out to the vast energy field of the universe and experience its inconceivable magical energy? If you do, please join me in chanting the <> …
「A sincere chant directly reaches the heart of Buddha! 」
Or you can visit the link below to purchase and download the full 60 min version of the Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra CD.
#MedicineBuddhaHeartMantra, #Serenity, #GoodFortune, #Health, #Purity, #Relaxation, #90secondAudioSample


2018門神和春聯、福字來賀年! . ….

year 2018 door deities and couplets, Chinese character “fortune” to bless the New Year!
As Chinese New year approaches, everywhere feels lively and crowded, Bodhi auspicious pack is ready for collection.
First sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese New Year door deities. Two generals holding on to gold swords, imposing and awe-inspiring, protectors of household peace and safety.
Second sign of auspiciousness:
Virtue and fortune accumulation couplets. May your family accumulate merits, fortune and wealth.
Third sign of auspiciousness:
Chinese character (fortune) and (amulet) has the same pronunciation. This is not only a Chinese character for fortune, it is also an amulet drawn by me encompassing strong auspicious energy.
With these 3 auspiciousness packed into a gift pack, your family will naturally be surrounded by bountiful blessings and this induces reunion, happiness, wealth, health and safety.
We welcome all to collect your auspicious gift pack at the nearest Bodhi Meditation Center and give them as gifts to your friends and relatives during Chinese New Year. Help to spread auspicious blessings and welcome good fortune into all houses!
#Couplets, #DoorDeities, #Fortune, #Auspicious, #Reunion, #Happiness


放下貪念,迎來富貴。 . 其實佛法說的,…

Let go of greed and unlock your wisdom
Buddha Dharma is primarily about “The way of life”; followed by “The way to liberation”.
In order to live well, we must be magnanimous and overcome self-centeredness. We should analyze and do things irrespective of the constraints of space and time. Only then, can we access to wholesome and long term benefits, attaining beauty, prosperity, auspiciousness, longevity and health.
#ExcerptFromTheKeysToBuddhistPractice, #Liberation, #Prosperity, #Auspicious


月光送吉祥、送平安。 . . 八月十五這…

Moonlight sends out auspiciousness and blessings.

Golden light shined upon the surrounding trees…
and illuminated the mountains and the woods. As I visualized in detail, there are three lotus under every tree. Each lotus is seated with a Bodhisattva looking so pure, calm, bright and auspicious. I am a Bodhisattva, I am compassionate, I wish to deliver all sentient beings from sufferings, I wish that all sentient beings become compassionate. I wish that the universe and all sentient beings are illuminated with compassion and warmth.

Before going to bed at night, I would like to reinforce the visualization of “compassion” in the mind.
This is the fundamental reason why I impart “Meditation of Greater Illumination”. Let us learn to visualize “compassion” in our everyday life so that “compassion” is fully internalized and integrated as part of us.

Our lifespan is limited, also known as “the impermanence of life”. On the other hand, “infinite life” is an eternal life. How do we get away from the six realms of reincarnation so as to get out of “limited life” and attain “infinite life” ?

“I am most compassionate! My entire body, both inside and outside together with every cell of my body, atomized a loving smile of the Buddha, I wish that all painful beings will experience joy, I wish that all ignorant people will develop wisdom, I wish that everyone who sees me to be happy and healthy. “.
“I am the most loving GuanYin Bodhisattva! I want all poor people to have food to eat, have roof over their head, have clothes to wear, have a job, I want to let every person suffering from pain to become healthy and happy! ”
“I am most compassionate! I am the kindest! I see golden moonlight with countless golden sparks flying into my body and into my heart. That is the Bodhisattva’s light!”

I am “Compassion”, “Compassion” is me. When this beautiful thought becomes a tangible “image” or “concept” ingrained in your mind, Bodhisattva and you become one. You will become wise and auspicious. The heavenly gods will assist you to succeed in anything you aspire to do.

On this auspicious and blessed day, may all our friends from all over the world continue to have ample food to eat and clothes to wear. May their dreams come true and may they be blessed with complete wisdom, good health and happiness!

Here’s wishing all:
When the moon is round and every family is complete during Mid Autumn Festival, may all your faces also become round after enjoying some moon cakes
May you be well-liked and have good affinity with people
Enjoying a walk in the park hand in hand with your family members
May your life be complete in every aspect
May you be fulfilled and filled with happiness during this Mid Autumn
Blessed with plenty of good fortune for years to come.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!!

#InfiniteLifeSutra, #MoonlightBodhisattva, #Moonlight, #Auspicious, #Compassion, #BuddhaWithinMyHeart



學習大慈大悲觀世音菩薩 . . 每個人都…

Everyone can become a Bodhisattva!
As long as we allow our Bodhicitta to grow, to benefit all and practice Buddhadharma with the spirit of a Bodhisattva, everyone can obtain enlightenment and brings good fortune to all sentient beings, gain happiness and avoid sufferings just like a Bodhisattva.

As the Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day approaches, the days are filled with great auspiciousness. The energy field is extremely strong as the Buddha and Bodhisattvas shower compassionate blessings on all sentient beings.

I encourage all of you to chant the mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva for at least 30 minutes each day. Pray to the omnipresent Guanyin Bodhisattva who has a thousand hands and thousand eyes – who bear infinite wisdom and compassion – to help us overcome the difficulties and obstacles that we encounter in our lives. As we chant, make offerings, make vows and prostrate to the Bodhisattva with great sincerity during this period of time, we will be blessed with great fortune, great wisdom and strong energy.

As we chant with sincerity everyday, I also wish for the mantra to spread throughout the world, showering illumination and auspiciousness on everybody. May all enjoy good health and happiness.
#GuanyinBodhisattvaEnlightenmentDay, #Chant, #BodhisattvaOnEarth, #Auspicious, #GainHappinessAndAvoidSuffering, #Liberation
