✅月薪资:马币 $6000+
1. 有丰富的管理经验和管理成效
– 善于激励团队,有亲和力与责任感
– 熟悉团队建设、目标管理和资源分配
– 具备良好的沟通与协调能力
– 能有效处理内部和外部事务
2. 有虔诚的佛教信仰
– 热爱学习,能够深入理解佛教文化与禅修理念
⭐工作地点:大吉隆坡地区, 槟城, 新山, 芙蓉,怡保等
Whatsapp:012-233-6283 (大马电话)
邮箱: [email protected]
机构网站: www.jinbodhi.org
[Bodhi Meditation Malaysia: Hiring Management Personnel]
✅Monthly Salary: RM $6,000+
✅Age Range: 35-65 years
1. Extensive management experience with proven results
– Skilled in motivating teams, with strong interpersonal skills and a sense of responsibility
– Proficient in team building, goal management, and resource allocation
– Excellent communication and coordination abilities
– Capable of effectively handling internal and external matters
2. Have a sincere Buddhist faith
– Passionate about learning and capable of deeply understanding Buddhist culture and meditation
⭐ Work Locations: Greater Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru, Seremban, Ipoh, and others
Contact Us:
Whatsapp: +60 12-233 6283 (Malaysian number)
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.jinbodhi.org
We warmly welcome like-minded individuals to join our team!
师父您好 ! 感恩师父 ! 感恩师父 ! 感恩师父 !
感恩师父发布菩提禅修招聘管理人员的启示。符合条件的人士赶紧来应聘吧,机不可失 时不再来,成就一番事业不虚度,菩提禅修会让你人生变得越来越好!🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️