
📹 想更瞭解生肖相生相剋之間的關係?如何化解衝撞?歡迎收看:https://youtube.com/live/P8GMT-rRyUo
[Download] 12-Zodiac Horoscope Compatibility & Clashes
Within China’s ancient zodiac and Five Elements theory, there exists a unique interaction of compatibility and clashes between the twelve zodiac signs. Some signs seem to have a natural harmony, while others appear to always hide a potential conflict, prone to friction and discord.
Feel free to download this poster for reference!
📹 Learn more about the compatibility of zodiac signs, as well as how to resolve clashing zodiacs: https://youtu.be/Wc1esnSNy3k

📹 想更瞭解生肖相生相剋之間的關係?如何化解衝撞?歡迎收看:https://youtube.com/live/P8GMT-rRyUo
[Download] 12-Zodiac Horoscope Compatibility & Clashes
Within China's ancient zodiac and Five Elements theory, there exists a unique interaction of compatibility and clashes between the twelve zodiac signs. Some signs seem to have a natural harmony, while others appear to always hide a potential conflict, prone to friction and discord.
Feel free to download this poster for reference!
📹 Learn more about the compatibility of zodiac signs, as well as how to resolve clashing zodiacs: https://youtu.be/Wc1esnSNy3k


在〈【歡迎下載】十二生肖相生相剋表〉中有 12 則留言

  1. 師父新年好!頂禮叩拜感恩師父慈悲大愛!

  2. 收到。感恩师父。祝愿师父大愿成真。感恩师父祝愿师父大愿成真。感恩师父

  3. 感恩师父慈悲加持与呵护!!祝福师父师母阖家新年快乐、法体安康!!顶礼叩拜感恩师父🙏🙏🙏

  4. 师父好,弟子和兒子相克应该怎么做呢?恭敬祈请师父指点,顶礼感恩师父🙏🙏🙏
