
📧 [塔塔]- 師父,我的兒子是屬龍的,能和屬龍的女孩處對象,結婚嗎?

📧 [雲翳]- 師父好!感恩師父!我兒子屬牛,能不能與屬虎的談對象,祈請師父指導!感恩師父

📧 [漣漪]- 屬蛇明年適合結婚嗎?如果適合的話,對方是屬龍的話怎麼辦,可以結婚嗎?
這個有趣的話題將是我們下周日的直播內容 ⭐

歡迎網友們把家人,好朋友之間相沖相剋,相生相合的好故事發過來(📬 [email protected]

🎁 如果您的故事被直播選中,將會得到金菩提宗師特別加持的大獎!
【Story Collection: Love and Care; Clashes and Conflicts】
During our last livestream, we received many messages from viewers expressing their curiosity about a very interesting topic: marriage compatibility between different Chinese zodiac signs.
📧 [Tata]: Master, my son is born in the Year of the Dragon; can he date and marry a girl who is also born in the Year of the Dragon?

📧[Yunyi]: Hello, Master! My son was born in the Year of the Ox. Can he date someone born in the Year of the Tiger? Please guide us. Thank you, Master!

📧 [Lianyi]: Is next year a good time for someone born in the Year of the Snake to get married? And if the other person is born in the Year of the Dragon, can they marry?
Within China’s ancient zodiac and Five Elements theory, there exists a unique interaction of compatibility and clashing between the twelve zodiac signs. Some signs seem to have a natural harmony, while others appear to always hide a potential conflict, prone to friction and discord.
Let me give you a little sneak peek at the relationships between the zodiac signs for your reference. Are you and your family or friends compatible or clashing?
This topic will be the main concept of our livestream this Sunday ⭐

You’re welcome to send in your stories of zodiacal clashes or compatibilities between your family and friends (📬 [email protected]).

🎁 If your story is selected for the livestream, you will receive a grand prize with special blessings from Grandmaster JinBodhi.
Bodhi Meditation International Headquarters Livestream Team

📧 [塔塔]- 師父,我的兒子是屬龍的,能和屬龍的女孩處對象,結婚嗎?

📧 [雲翳]- 師父好!感恩師父!我兒子屬牛,能不能與屬虎的談對象,祈請師父指導!感恩師父

📧 [漣漪]- 屬蛇明年適合結婚嗎?如果適合的話,對方是屬龍的話怎麼辦,可以結婚嗎?
這個有趣的話題將是我們下周日的直播內容 ⭐

歡迎網友們把家人,好朋友之間相沖相剋,相生相合的好故事發過來(📬  buxiangxudu@gmail.com)

🎁 如果您的故事被直播選中,將會得到金菩提宗師特別加持的大獎!
【Story Collection: Love and Care; Clashes and Conflicts】
During our last livestream, we received many messages from viewers expressing their curiosity about a very interesting topic: marriage compatibility between different Chinese zodiac signs.
📧 [Tata]: Master, my son is born in the Year of the Dragon; can he date and marry a girl who is also born in the Year of the Dragon?

📧[Yunyi]: Hello, Master! My son was born in the Year of the Ox. Can he date someone born in the Year of the Tiger? Please guide us. Thank you, Master!

📧 [Lianyi]: Is next year a good time for someone born in the Year of the Snake to get married? And if the other person is born in the Year of the Dragon, can they marry?
Within China's ancient zodiac and Five Elements theory, there exists a unique interaction of compatibility and clashing between the twelve zodiac signs. Some signs seem to have a natural harmony, while others appear to always hide a potential conflict, prone to friction and discord.
Let me give you a little sneak peek at the relationships between the zodiac signs for your reference. Are you and your family or friends compatible or clashing?
This topic will be the main concept of our livestream this Sunday ⭐

You're welcome to send in your stories of zodiacal clashes or compatibilities between your family and friends (📬 buxiangxudu@gmail.com). 

🎁 If your story is selected for the livestream, you will receive a grand prize with special blessings from Grandmaster JinBodhi.
Bodhi Meditation International Headquarters Livestream Team


在〈【故事徵集】相親相愛,相沖相剋〉中有 17 則留言

  1. 师父好,感恩大慈大悲金菩提宗師慈悲加持我全家人都平安健康順利,如意吉祥,消除業障🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👨‍👧‍👧❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. 感恩师父分享!🙏🙏🙏这个12生肖相生相克表非常好!收藏了!感恩师父!🙏🙏🙏

  3. Grandmaster JinBodhi Good morning plz pray for mi and my fiance have a beautiful day God Bless you and your family thank you very much

  4. 最敬愛的師父,師母好,早安安,吉祥如意

  5. 感恩师父,不过属相是否相克也要看八字。我属牛,但是也曾被属鼠的前上司背后插刀,也不是每个属鸡属蛇的都旺我,有时和其他属相如狗还比较相合。个人经历,所以我不太看属相,是否合得来要看品性人格

  6. 感恩师父分享!有相生相克,就有相助相冲!知道了,就是解决问题的一半!幸好有师父的平台,借助师父和佛菩萨的功德及法力,可以化解或减轻,得平安吉祥!回想以前,我有一个很熟的律师朋友,人好又英俊,但有一次看到他读幼儿园的儿子,两耳呈现出“金木开花,(父母)不死也离”的形状,心就很纳闷,他们夫妻俩关系也很好啊!但不久后他被他办案的对手、用砂枪报复枪杀!唉,好像冥冥中都注定了,但如果早知道呢、或者能作预防呢?现在想起我心里都痛,我失去了一个很好的朋友。“无形总是在主宰着有形的世界”,凡事敬畏,凡事预防,“预则立”!感恩师父慈悲!🙏🙏🙏

  7. 感恩师父!期待师父在下次直播中为我们揭秘,属相之间相冲相克的关系。🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  8. 生肖,相合,相尅在运数,占小部份,终究还是自心善行对带,事务的态度。喔!我所理解也,一笑。感恩师父,期待师父,点亮咱们心结。

  9. 師父好!對於屬相之間相生相剋這件事我一直有個疑問,就是相同的屬相但出生年份不同所對應的相生相剋的屬相是否會有差別。60年一個甲子,比如,同樣是屬兔的幾個人,但年齡相差12歲、24歲、36歲、48歲,他們出生年份的天干地支並不相同,這會不會影響到與他們對應的相生相剋的屬相呢?
