【歡迎下載】2024龍年 十二生肖運程 2024年十二屬相的運程,包括健康、事業、愛情、人緣,還有一些重要提示,歡迎下載列印,時常提醒自己! 流年運程中,每年都會有幾個犯太歲的屬相,可能會遇到一些不順或麻煩。建議要時刻心懷善念,勤做功德,祈請佛菩薩護佑,平安度過難關。運程較好的屬相,也要多做功德,感恩佛菩薩的眷顧,來年更加吉祥順利! 🪔 安太歲燈:https://www

【歡迎下載】2024龍年 十二生肖運程



🪔 安太歲燈:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0

🙏🏻 塑千手觀音菩薩金身:https://www.puticollege.com/gildingexpress/0/69

📹 收看《2024龍年運程問答》,有對各屬相的運程做更詳細的解釋,也介紹了化解犯太歲的方法。歡迎分享給身邊的親人朋友!

[Download Now] 2024 Year of the Dragon: 12 Zodiac Horoscope

Here are the fortunes for the twelve zodiac signs in 2024, including health, career, love, and social relations, along with some important tips. Feel free to download and print them out as regular reminders!

Every year, there will be a few zodiac signs that clash with the Tai Sui God, which may lead to some adversities or troubles.

It’s advised to always maintain kind thoughts, actively accumulate good merits, and pray for the protection of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to safely overcome difficulties. Zodiac signs with better fortunes should also accumulate more good karma as gratitude for the blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, granting you an even more auspicious and smooth year ahead!

🪔 Light Offering: Pacify the Tai Sui God https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0

🙏🏻 Gilding & Blessing: Thousand-Armed-and-Eyed Guanyin Bodhisattva

📹 Watch ‘2024 Year of the Dragon: 12 Zodiac Horoscope Q&A’ for more detailed explanations about the fortunes of each zodiac sign, and what you should do to eliminate disasters and gain peace if your zodiac sign clashes with the Tai Sui God. Feel free to share with your family and friends! (CC English subtitles are available on Youtube)



在〈【歡迎下載】2024龍年 十二生肖運程 2024年十二屬相的運程,包括健康、事業、愛情、人緣,還有一些重要提示,歡迎下載列印,時常提醒自己! 流年運程中,每年都會有幾個犯太歲的屬相,可能會遇到一些不順或麻煩。建議要時刻心懷善念,勤做功德,祈請佛菩薩護佑,平安度過難關。運程較好的屬相,也要多做功德,感恩佛菩薩的眷顧,來年更加吉祥順利! 🪔 安太歲燈:https://www〉中有 7 則留言

  1. 🥰🥰🥰👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏非常感恩師父一片真誠的心,也為了讓大衆能更清楚知道自己的運勢,而詳細解說,師父這種無私奉獻的精神,讓人更加敬佩,感恩師父👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. 收到!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父加持护佑我们度过犯太岁的难关!祈愿大慈大悲师父!佛光普照!天下一切众生!平安顺利!幸福安康!吉祥如意!感恩叩拜慈悲师父!🙏🙏🙏♥️

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父帮有缘人化太岁!谢谢师父!恭祝大家在龙年里都能获得佛菩萨和师父加持护佑!吉祥如意一整年,走向幸福美满人生!
