【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第12天 ‧ 歡迎參加「與佛同行念佛班」課程並到「菩提禪修學院」https://www

【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第12天


【 第12天 課程簡介 】




[Livestream Announcement] Along with Buddha Chanting Class (Day 12)

Chanting, donating to the monks, and worshiping the buddhas and bodhisattvas are sacred activities known to bring lots of blessings. Making light-offerings to the buddhas works the same, too. In fact, at Bodhi Meditation, many light-offerors have claimed that they and their loved ones have been blessed in various ways.

The birthday of the Medicine Buddha is approaching; it is time to make a light-offering to grace the Buddha and gain auspicious blessings.

This course is designed for:
☛ People who hope to receive Medicine Buddha’s antidote to eliminate calamities, prolong their lives, and attain health and happiness
☛ People who feel lost and are wishing to have their lives transformed by achieving a new spiritual height and a path of freedom.
☛ People who are interested in understanding the root causes of human diseases and those seeking methods of liberation.
☛ People who wish to experience the state of mind purity achievable through chanting
☛ Beginners who wish to learn how to chant.

You will learn:
☛ Learn how to chant to receive Medicine Buddha’s compassionate guidance and blessings.
☛ Learn to chant The Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra and communicate with Medicine Buddha to avoid disasters, fulfill your wishes and achieve spiritual elevation.
☛ Receive auspicious energy blessings from Grandmaster JinBodhi to experience healing energy for a pure body and mind and the swift alleviation of ailments.
☛ Learn how to break free from the fast pace of contemporary life, completely relax, reduce stress, and regain restful sleep.
☛ Learn the secrets of achieving success according to physiognomy and improve your facial features through practice.




Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


在〈【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第12天 ‧ 歡迎參加「與佛同行念佛班」課程並到「菩提禪修學院」https://www〉中有 14 則留言

  1. 南無地藏王菩薩🙏🙏🙏南無阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏南無释迦摩尼佛🙏🙏🙏南無觀世音菩萨🙏🙏🙏南無大慈大悲消灾延寿药师佛🙏🙏🙏保佑大家 佛光普照 平安健康 一切順利 吉祥如意 合十感恩 🙏🙏🙏

  2. 师父晚上好呀~㊗️愿您~身~心~灵~轻悠~自在~悠然~愉悦~健康~平安~幸福~吉祥哦~感恩师父~感恩一切~敬畏一切🙏😃

  3. 顶礼南无药师琉璃光如来🙏🙏🙏喋雅他 嗡 贝堪则 贝堪则 玛哈 贝堪则 喇札 萨摩 嘎喋 梭哈🙏🙏🙏

  4. 师父,吉祥如意🙏🙏🙏

  5. 恭賀[与佛同行念佛斑]功德圓滿!功德無量!🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹南无消災延壽药师佛!南无金菩提宗師!🙏🙏🙏

  6. 感恩師父慈悲開示教導面相學小知識我們歡喜大家一起來聆聽!感恩師父慈悲的大愛有您真好喔!😊❤️❤️❤️
