【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第5天 · 歡迎參加「與佛同行念佛班」課程並到「菩提禪修學院」https://www

【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第5天
【 第5天 課程簡介 】
[Livestream Announcement] Along with Buddha Chanting Class (Day 5)
The ultimate goal of Buddhist practice is to free ourselves from attachments and to achieve enlightenment. Apart from talking about this, Grandmaster JinBodhi also talks about the eyes from a physiognomy point of view. Are all eyes the same when it comes to attracting health, luck and wealth? Is there a certain eye type which is the most blessed? How do we obtain the “perfect eyes”? Find out in this lesson.
This course is designed for:
☛ People who hope to receive Medicine Buddha’s antidote to eliminate calamities, prolong their lives, and attain health and happiness
☛ People who feel lost and are wishing to have their lives transformed by achieving a new spiritual height and a path of freedom.
☛ People who are interested in understanding the root causes of human diseases and those seeking methods of liberation.
☛ People who wish to experience the state of mind purity achievable through chanting
☛ Beginners who wish to learn how to chant.
You will learn:
☛ Learn how to chant to receive Medicine Buddha’s compassionate guidance and blessings.
☛ Learn to chant The Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra and communicate with Medicine Buddha to avoid disasters, fulfill your wishes and achieve spiritual elevation.
☛ Receive auspicious energy blessings from Grandmaster JinBodhi to experience healing energy for a pure body and mind and the swift alleviation of ailments.
☛ Learn how to break free from the fast pace of contemporary life, completely relax, reduce stress, and regain restful sleep.
☛ Learn the secrets of achieving success according to physiognomy and improve your facial features through practice.



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


在〈【最新直播】與佛同行念佛班 第5天 · 歡迎參加「與佛同行念佛班」課程並到「菩提禪修學院」https://www〉中有 16 則留言

  1. 祈请大慈大悲师父药师佛加持护佑,我的外孙孙嘉森身心灵健康,树立学习心信,早日回心转意完成学业,吉祥如意,人生路上得贵人相助,开智慧,所愿皆得。顶礼感恩叩拜大慈大悲师父药师佛加持护佑!🙏🙏🙏

  2. 最敬愛的師父,師母好,老師好,大家晚上都平安健康吉祥如意🥰🥰😊😊💖💖🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. 對,心大就能自己解脫,很棒,就不會為了小事而生氣🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊👍👍👍

  4. 祈请师父和佛菩萨庇佑,何依玲和丁国升身体上的疼痛消除,胃病痊愈,身体恢复健康,事业顺利,出入平安,得贵人相助,身心光明,业障消除,家人父母都身心安康,无病无痛,无灾无难,吉祥自在,感恩佛菩萨和师父慈悲护持🙏🙏🙏
