【故事收集】 · 觀世音菩薩成道日即將到來,非常歡迎 有自己

【故事收集】 · 觀世音菩薩成道日即將到來,非常歡迎 有自己(金菩提宗師 Facebook)

觀世音菩薩成道日即將到來,非常歡迎 有自己和家人遇到觀音菩薩保佑護佑的精彩故事的,盡快投稿。
故事的細節和真實性是最重要的,如果有提供照片, 那就更好。
凡是被直播錄取的故事,都會有大獎品,獎勵八寶靈珠3顆; 沒有被直播錄用的故事, 但是內容真實,也會獎勵八寶靈珠1顆。
投稿邮箱:[email protected]
【Write to Us!】
The anniversary of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day is approaching. If you have wonderful stories about you or your family receiving blessings and protection from Guanyin Bodhisattva, write and share with us as soon as possible.
The details and authenticity of the story are very important. If you can provide photos, that would be even better.
Stories that are selected and shared during the livestream will be awarded 3 “Eight Auspicious Treasure Beads.” Stories that are not selected for the livestream but are genuine, will still be awarded 1 “Eight Auspicious Treasure Beads.”
Submit your stories today!
Submission link: www.bit.ly/bodhi123
Submission email: [email protected]


為什麼憂傷感那麼難脫離出來呢?看看科學怎麼說⋯ · 🧑‍🔬

為什麼憂傷感那麼難脫離出來呢?看看科學怎麼說⋯ · 🧑‍🔬 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

🧑‍🔬 大腦可以分為三個部分:理智腦、情緒腦和本能腦,每個部分負責不同的功能。科學家觀察到,當我們感到悲傷時,我們的情緒腦會變得過度活躍,這意味著我們更加情緒化,更容易反思自己的內心世界,而且荷爾蒙失調。
🎭 與此同時,我們的理智腦的活動減少,理智腦和情緒腦之間的交流也停止。這意味著我們的情緒管理能力減弱,理性思考的能力下降,處理外部信息的能力也較差(例如,他人勸導聽不進去)。
☁️ 這種現象也有在憂鬱症患者和剛剛失去親人的大腦中觀察到,而且理智腦活動和交流的減少是悲傷情緒所特有的,在其他主要情緒中沒有觀察到。
🔑 想要了解悲傷的神經科學,並獲得幸福的秘密嗎?請收看直播《你快樂嗎》https://www.youtube.com/live/ieep0DD-yOE?feature=share
Why is it so hard to stop feeling sad sometimes? Let’s see what science has to say!
🧠 The brain can be divided into three parts, our thinking brain, emotional brain, and survival brain. Each part is responsible for different functions.
🧑‍🔬 Scientists have observed that when we feel sad, our emotional brain becomes hyperactive, which means we are more emotional, more prone to reflect on our inner world, and that our hormones may be disrupted.
🎭 At the same time, activity decreases in our thinking brain, and communication between the thinking and emotional brains also ceases. This means that we are less able to regulate our emotions, less able to think rationally, and less able to process external information (like others trying to cheer us up).
☁️ The same pattern has been observed in people with depression and in people grieving the loss of loved ones. The decreased activity and communication of the thinking brain is unique to sadness, not observed in other major emotions.
🔑 Want to understand more about the neuroscience of sadness, and unlock the secret to happiness? Tune in to our livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/ieep0DD-yOE?feature=share


【重要声明】 延华、延汉、继达和度报在韩国工作期间,出现严重

【重要声明】 延华、延汉、继达和度报在韩国工作期间,出现严重(金菩提宗師 Facebook)









投稿郵箱:[email protected]
[Livestream Announcement] How can we be truly happy?
In life, we are all experiencing different kinds of stress, hardship and troubles.
Often, our good mood only lasts a couple of days and then trouble arrives just like a shadow. What should we do?
Write to us:
Website: www.bit.ly/bodhi123
email: [email protected]
中文 YouTube 連結:

English YouTube link:


Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :


You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only



投稿郵箱:[email protected]
[Livestream Announcement] How can we be truly happy?
In life, we are all experiencing different kinds of stress, hardship and troubles.
Often, our good mood only lasts a couple of days and then trouble arrives just like a shadow. What should we do?
Write to us:
Website: www.bit.ly/bodhi123
email: [email protected]
中文 YouTube 連結:

English YouTube link:

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年07月16日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年07月16日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年07月16日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年07月16日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年07月16日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年07月16日 14:00開始
7. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年07月16日 18:00開始
8. 韓國首爾時間:2023年07月16日 20:00開始
9. 澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年07月16日 21:00開始
10.泰國曼谷時間:2023年07月16日 18:00開始
Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-07-16 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-07-16 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-07-16 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-07-16 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-07-16 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-07-16 14:00
7. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-07-16 18:00
8. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-07-16 20:00
9. Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-07-16 21:00
10.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-07-16 18:00
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


“你快樂嗎?” 這是本周日直播的議題。 請網友們好好思考,回

“你快樂嗎?” 這是本周日直播的議題。 請網友們好好思考,回(金菩提宗師 Facebook)

“你快樂嗎?” 這是本周日直播的議題。



發郵件到 [email protected] , 或者提交到表格上:www.bit.ly/bodhi123

The topic for this Sunday’s livestream is, ‘Are you happy?’

I encourage everyone to deeply reflect on your lives. Have there been times when you’ve felt inexplicably sad or happy? Please write down your experiences and insights in detail.

If your sharing is selected, my guidance could provide you some relief, and you’ll also receive a nice gift! Please send me your stories latest by Friday

Submit your story:
Email [email protected], or fill in the online form www.bit.ly/bodhi123

“你快樂嗎?” 這是本周日直播的議題。



發郵件到 buxiangxudu@gmail.com , 或者提交到表格上:www.bit.ly/bodhi123

The topic for this Sunday's livestream is, 'Are you happy?'

I encourage everyone to deeply reflect on your lives. Have there been times when you've felt inexplicably sad or happy? Please write down your experiences and insights in detail.

If your sharing is selected, my guidance could provide you some relief, and you'll also receive a nice gift! Please send me your stories latest by Friday

Submit your story:
Email buxiangxudu@gmail.com, or fill in the online form www.bit.ly/bodhi123


【招聘】韩国菩提禅堂主管 & 副主管 月薪:700万韩币(相

【招聘】韩国菩提禅堂主管 & 副主管 月薪:700万韩币(相(金菩提宗師 Facebook)

【招聘】韩国菩提禅堂主管 & 副主管

月薪:700万韩币(相当于 USD$5,500)

欢迎韩国菩提学员和弟子应聘,请把你的简历发到 [email protected]
【채용공고】 한국 보리선수 원장 & 부원장

월급: 700만원(USD$5,500)
근무지: 한국 서울지역
요구: 보리선수의 혜택을 입은 분, 중생을 이롭게 하려는 소원과 열정이 있는 분!

한국 보리선수 회원과 제자들이 채용에 응해주시길 바랍니다.
이력서를 [email protected]으로 보내주십시오.

【招聘】韩国菩提禅堂主管 & 副主管

月薪:700万韩币(相当于 USD$5,500)

欢迎韩国菩提学员和弟子应聘,请把你的简历发到 koreaputi0802@gmail.com
【채용공고】 한국 보리선수 원장 & 부원장

월급: 700만원(USD$5,500)
근무지: 한국 서울지역
요구: 보리선수의 혜택을 입은 분, 중생을 이롭게 하려는 소원과 열정이 있는 분!

한국 보리선수 회원과 제자들이 채용에 응해주시길 바랍니다. 
이력서를 koreaputi0802@gmail.com으로 보내주십시오.


只要擁有正確的方法,我們都有力量打敗憂鬱症。 從網友真實的故





Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

菩提禪修學院 Bodhi Meditation College:

You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【直播預告】戰勝憂鬱! · 只要擁有正確的方法,我們都有力量

【直播預告】戰勝憂鬱! · 只要擁有正確的方法,我們都有力量(金菩提宗師 Facebook)


[Livestream Announcement] Overcome Depression
With the right methods, we all have the power to overcome depression.
These are true stories from our online viewers. Learn about remedies to overcome depression, dispel gloom, and regain a positive outlook on life!

English Link: https://youtube.com/live/PnZVjwLZz-4?feature=share

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年07月09日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年07月09日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年07月09日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年07月09日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年07月09日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年07月09日 14:00開始
7. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年07月09日 18:00開始
8. 韓國首爾時間:2023年07月09日 20:00開始
9. 澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年07月09日 21:00開始
10.泰國曼谷時間:2023年07月09日 18:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-07-09 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-07-09 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-07-09 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-07-09 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-07-09 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-07-09 14:00
7. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-07-09 18:00
8. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-07-09 20:00
9. Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-07-09 21:00
10.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-07-09 18:00


[Livestream Announcement] Overcome Depression
With the right methods, we all have the power to overcome depression.
These are true stories from our online viewers. Learn about remedies to overcome depression, dispel gloom, and regain a positive outlook on life!

English Link: https://youtube.com/live/PnZVjwLZz-4?feature=share

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年07月09日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年07月09日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年07月09日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年07月09日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年07月09日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年07月09日 14:00開始
7. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年07月09日 18:00開始
8. 韓國首爾時間:2023年07月09日 20:00開始
9. 澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年07月09日 21:00開始
10.泰國曼谷時間:2023年07月09日 18:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-07-09 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-07-09 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-07-09 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-07-09 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-07-09 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-07-09 14:00
7. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-07-09 18:00
8. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-07-09 20:00
9. Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-07-09 21:00
10.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-07-09 18:00
