【網路課程】與佛同行念佛班 第10天

【網路課程】與佛同行念佛班 第10天
北美溫哥華 2021年10月31日~11月11日,晚上6:00
亞洲臺北 2021年11月01日~11月07日,上午9:00



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在〈【網路課程】與佛同行念佛班 第10天〉中有 23 則留言

  1. Pu sa and sifu pls bleesing wong saik siew night sleep well and peaceful don’t scream in the sleep and sleep well. Alway happy and healthy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. Pu sa and sifu pls bleesing my mother kam chan yoon finger, hand n leg pain get well. Sleep well. Alway happy and healthy. Put down all the pass hate and open heart to forgive all ppl she hate 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. 祈请师父加持护佑,合家出入平安又順利吉祥,有缘有貴人扶助多多,身体健康,消除业障冤親債主,造业因果恶业障消失掉,能量吉祥,感恩师父,感恩菩萨保佑,南無阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  4. 祈请师父慈悲能量加持护佑 刘阳 身心光明,业障消除,病业消失. 智慧增长,头脑灵活,思维敏捷清晰有条理,自信充满正能量,增强记忆力,理解力专注力,断除烦恼习气,解怨释结,遇难呈祥,慈悲仁爱,身体安康,福慧双修…诸事顺利圆满,广结善缘,贵人相助,大展鸿图,事业有成,生意兴隆財运旺、早日找到美满姻缘,心想事成,马到功成,财源广进,福星高照…感恩师父慈悲护佑…吉祥如意🙏🙏🙏

  5. Pu sa and sifu pls bleesing my daughter Evon Wg can speak and hear clearly. Hand and foot sweating and wet can get well soon. Can get increment soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞

  6. 祈请南無大慈大悲藥師佛,师父慈悲能量加持调理护佑許美珍身心识光明 ,业障减轻,病业消除,福慧增长,头脑灵活开窍、聪明有智慧、思维敏捷清晰有条理、理解力专注力、记忆力超强,口才伶俐、信心十足滿滿正能量、智慧通达,前途光明、事业顺利、工作顺利,所求满愿,心想事成、身体自在安康、诸事顺利圆满、吉祥如意。身体所有病痛及咳嗽消失消散早日康复。不受疫情感染,身体早日康复,平安吉祥,消灾免难,遇难呈祥。感恩师父慈悲能量加持护佑,吉祥如意🙏🙏🙏

  7. Shi fu : anak saya Chintya Claudia di bulan pertengahan November 2021 akan Ujian Skripsi semoga lulus dan lancar , sehat dan penuh berkat .
    Gan en Shi fu 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  8. May Buddha n Shi Fu Please bless my daughter all her dreams come true with running smoothly and everything all the best.
    Gan En Pu Sa 🙏🙏🙏
    Gan En Shi Fu🙏🙏🙏

  9. May Buddha n Shi Fu Please bless me n all my Siblings with good health, be safe, harmony life, happiness, longevity and strong as always.
    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu🙏🙏🙏

  10. May Buddha and shifu, please bless my friend, yeap kok yong, who is currently at ICU, speedy recovery. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  11. Shi fu : anak saya Kevin Sutanto sudah pulang ke Jambi semoga di Jambi dapat pekerjaan yang baik .
    Gan en Shi fu 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  12. 祈願蔣雪貞能得佛光普照,耳朵疾病消失,恢復正常聽覺,身心康泰,清安自在,吉祥如意!頂禮叩拜感恩師父和佛菩薩慈悲加持護佑!🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

  13. 感恩師父慈悲智慧精彩的開示和祝福!收到!頂禮叩拜感恩師父!🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🤗🤗🍎🍎🍎🌺🌺🌺🍁🍁🍁

  14. Gd afternoon Grandmaster, pls bless us all stay safe and healthy always, pls bless my chemotherapy treatment side effects to reduce soon, I have appetite to eat and able to sleep well, Gan Ern Grandmaster and Medicine Buddha’s blessings and teachings

  15. 祈求大慈大悲藥師佛,能量加持調理護佑全家身心健康,消除業障,工作順心,事業發發,家庭圓滿,身體所有疼痛消除,睡眠品質好,眼睛舌頭痛鼻子痛全消除,一切平安順利健康,能量加持,感恩師父🙏
