【最新直播】金菩提宗師親授 與佛同行念佛班 第六天 【UPC

【最新直播】金菩提宗師親授 與佛同行念佛班 第六天
【UPCOMING】Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Along with Buddha Chanting Class (Day 6)
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在〈【最新直播】金菩提宗師親授 與佛同行念佛班 第六天 【UPC〉中有 38 則留言

  1. 师父好.祈请师父,祈请药师佛菩萨加持保佑我黄月莲,黄玉成,黄健源,黄健辉合家身体健康,有贵人相助智慧大开,一生平平安安。感恩师父,感恩药师佛菩萨加持保佑???祝福师父吉祥如意,法体安康!???

  2. Happy morning Sifu & all dharma brothers sisters. May all stay blessed and illuminated with light of medicine buddha ???????

  3. 师父早上好!祈 请佛菩萨,师父加持赵彩怡身心健康,智慧吉祥,佛光普照,业障消除,少睡懒觉,受伤的胸椎疼痛消失,回复健康,明年高考顺利考取理想大学。感恩师父!感恩佛菩萨!???❤️❤️❤️???

  4. 祈请师父慈悲加持能量护佑,家人老公林治延和女儿林俐君,健康身体快乐平安,有缘有贵人扶助,工做順心如意,佛光照亮吉祥安康,感恩师父,感恩菩萨保佑,頂礼叩拜???

  5. 念佛迴向林家和方家历代祖先,离苦得乐,极乐净土世界,佛光照亮光明吉祥,感恩南无阿弥陀佛???

  6. Good morning grandmaster.
    Please bless md Yeo Gek Eng and all, last nite fire in dustbin on blok 54 telok blangah drive. Thanks sifu??

  7. May Grandmaster and Buddhas bless and guide the ancestors and karmic creditors of the following persons to pureland and eliminate their bad karmas : 成盼,達霈,文彩,Mr & Mrs Rod Parkes, Matthew Christopher Chong

  8. 祈请佛师诸佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑弟子金莹开右眼皮别跳了???远离恶人狠毒小人???感恩小人恶人狠毒的人度化???

  9. 祈请师父加持护佑弟子付浜荻全家平安健康喜乐。祈请大慈大悲药师佛和师父加持护佑弟子的姥姥任廷松血压正常长命百岁,妈妈孙丽莉肾上腺瘤消失,爱人郝瑞朝正式进入公安部成为公务员得贵人相助,郝心一宝宝健康成长美丽聪慧性格开朗,吃什么都消化,皮肤健康不过敏,不再咳嗽鼻塞,弟子付浜荻工作顺利不被抽查,瘦到100斤,妹妹孙嘉婕在北京找到称心的工作,公婆身体健康笑口常开,舅舅手臂痊愈,感恩师父,弟子浜荻顶礼叩拜!

  10. Good Morning Master, Please Medicine Buddha and Grandmaster give blessing for my sister get well soon…Thank You…???

  11. Master help vure my granfson Yong Jie Mi jamie his enzyme n his night mares let him sleep peacefully at night thank you Master

  12. Good Morning Sifu Pls bless yourself & Family Good Health & Happiness. Pls also bless HeJian Mum & Family Good Health & Happiness Gan Ern

  13. Good morning master thank for your teaching and blessings ???❤️ with us wishing you all the best ❤️ healthy life

  14. 祈请师父加持护佑冯推涛勤快运动,减轻体重,哮喘消失,背部疼痛麻痹消失,创伤后忧郁症消失,业障消除,性格开朗,有朋友,健康成长,人生路上得贵人相助,智慧大开。感恩叩拜师父???

  15. May Buddha and Master bless the lawsuit can be settled successfully as the way I want. Thank you Master.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️???

  16. 祈願师父加持护佑東容及珉阪的家人,親朋好友身體健康、業障消除、工作順利、智慧通達、吉祥如意。感恩师父???❤️❤️❤️

  17. ?Gan Eng Sifu for sharing the blessings..I believe I am fine, happy and healthy..Gan Eng Medicine Buddha and Sifu… thank you. ?

  18. Dear Shi Fu and Medicine Buddha in showing your compassion. Hope all sentient beings are uplifted and my left eye will heal properly soon. 感恩师父和药师佛

  19. 祈请师父加持我的两个女儿不好的habit, late sleep and wake up late, lazy all gone. Pls shi fu also 加持护佑 my elder daughter stop pulling her hair, let her hair glow back like last time when she is small girl. 感恩师父, 吉祥如意????????????????

  20. Thankful with Gratitude & Gratefulness to my most honourable Grand Master…Day 6…so fortunate to follow online live…the past 5 sessions watch after live feed…

  21. 感恩師父慈悲大愛與佛同行❤感恩師父慈悲護佑帶領著我們用感恩歡喜?真誠心一起來誦念藥師佛心咒!❤感恩師父慈悲心❤我歡喜心收到口中甘露甘甜受益良多!能量滿滿!
