【最新直播】六字真言菩薩班 (第六天) 【UPCOMING】

【最新直播】六字真言菩薩班 (第六天)
【UPCOMING】Six-Syllable Mantra bodhisattva class (Day 6)

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在〈【最新直播】六字真言菩薩班 (第六天) 【UPCOMING】〉中有 52 則留言

  1. 佛光普照!祈願天下太平!无灾无难!风调雨顺!人人吉祥安康!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!!!

  2. Grandmaster Jinbodhi pls blessed my family and siblings all in good health, happiness and auspicious blessings

  3. Shifu, please give blessing to my brother in law for good health and happiness always. My nephew getting back to NUS and smooth journey in life.

  4. May 观音菩萨bless the covid-19 be over, everyone has a job, has food, has house, economy prosper ???????

  5. Good morning Master please bless each of my family members be healthy ,happy, good in their job n meet benevolent people thank you Master ???????

  6. 祈请师父加持和护佑家人平安健康,加持杨晓波事业有成,得贵人相助,家庭和睦幸福,平安健康!感恩师父!

  7. Semoga dihari yang penuh berkat ini semua mahkluk mendapat perlindungan dan blessing agar selalu sehat, bahagia dan lancar dalam segala hal ???

  8. 师父好!Dear Grandmaster JinBodhi, i hope that more people can follow Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings so that they would become healthier and happier ??? 感恩金菩提宗师 ???

  9. Master please protect the 3 gorge dam in the yangtze river let it be able to stand firm whaterver the condition thank you master ???

  10. 感恩師父,??祈請加持我和二哥能夠早日康復,脫離惡病!感恩師父慈悲?????????????????????

  11. blessed my family be safe n healthy. Pray for world peace. Blessed my son to be a more refined man n controlled temper. Gan En

  12. 感恩師父慈悲吉祥如意?法體安康?弘法順心?平安喜樂!?感恩師父慈悲的大愛護佑加持者鄭心語我歡喜收到感恩師父慈悲吉祥如意能量滿滿!

  13. Last year I got lung operation also pusa bright lights shine upon me so now one year already I am healthy ???

  14. 感恩师父慈悲加持护佑我们能顺利将恩师的墨宝少年菩提迎请到家!感恩师父!!!

  15. Thank you very much Master ❤️? for your Blessings and Wisdom with Loving Kindness and Compassion. And your Guidance for Better Living and Better Life!

  16. Thank you Sifu with gratefulness and gratitude for these 6 days of blessful chanting, precious teachings and blessed giveaways. Wish Sifu a happy, healthy and long life. Take care and stay safe Sifu.?????????

  17. Received with heartfelt thanks Sifu’s blessings and wishes and the sames wishes are wished upon Sifu. See Sifu tomorrow. Have a good rest. Take care and stay safe Sifu.
