【最新直播】金菩提宗師網路直播:祈福共修(之二十) 【UPC

【UPCOMING】Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Chanting Group Practice (Part 20)



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在〈【最新直播】金菩提宗師網路直播:祈福共修(之二十) 【UPC〉中有 50 則留言

  1. 祈请师父加持护佑父母亲平安吉祥!健康长寿!家庭和睦!侄儿、侄女乖巧懂事、健康成长!智慧快乐!学业进步!前途光明!感恩师父???

  2. 今天是我女兒荷然的生日?,感恩師父帶領大家念佛,祈願在佛師的加持護佑下:我的女兒荷然和全天下的孩子都心想事成,學業、事業有成,未來人生光明吉祥,正心正念正行!?‍♀️❤️?

  3. 師父早安!吉祥如意!好開心今天又可以和师父同步念佛祈福共修!祈願師父法體安康!弘法顺利!吉祥圆满!提豐合十感恩~頂禮叩拜大慈大悲的金菩提宗師!

  4. 恭祝祈请师父佛菩萨慈悲加持???
    乔雪果,咳嗦支气管炎 哮喘消失,恢复健康快乐,平安吉祥。感恩顶礼叩拜师父佛菩萨????????????????????????

  5. 師父早安,剛剛與八卦友練完大光明,雖然疫情反覆,但感恩師父教我們「大光明修持法」,讓我們身心光明,清淨自然,感恩師父,合十感恩??。

  6. 祈请佛菩萨金菩提护佑和加持,愿我父母亲,家人,親人,亲戚朋友,同修们,—切衆生吉祥安康,身心光明,佛光普照,事事顺心。弟子赫勘合十?顶礼叩拜佛菩萨师父???感恩佛菩萨,感恩师父???

  7. 祈请师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑
    我老父亲,高血压 腿疼 头晕消失愿他健康长寿,平安吉祥。感恩师父佛菩萨??????

  8. 师父早上好,吉祥如意。Please give blessing to my brother in law for good health and happiness. My nephew given a chance to continue his studies in NUS and complete his final 2 years course.

  9. 祈請諸佛菩薩,師父慈悲加持護佑弟子:身心光明,智慧通達,健康平安,順心如意!???

  10. 祈請佛師菩薩加持我舅舅 身体健康!吉祥平安!祝願我媽 長壽健康!吉祥順心!祝願我弟 阖家幸福圓滿!安居樂業❣️???

  11. 祈請大慈大悲觀世音菩薩,師父加持護佑弟子父母:身心光明,健康長壽,平安吉祥1???‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

  12. 师父,早上好。吉祥如意。 Wish peace and harmony around the world and all sentient beings are free from hardship.

  13. 祈請師父加持护佑,我小女因爲工作需要,在香港大澳住宿三個月,希望工作和住宿一切順利平安,有四方貴人相助!吉祥如意!弟子頂禮叩拜,感恩??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️???

  14. 祈请佛菩萨,师父护佑卓国治和关凤仪夫妻恩爱,白头到老,合家幸福,安康,出入平安,生意兴隆。 感恩佛菩萨,感恩师父???

  15. May buddhas lights shine on my mother, my father and all my siblings and family members. May all blessed with auspiciousness, good health and safe indoor and outdoor. Gratitude to Master and Guanyinpusa ???

  16. 师父,早上好,祈求佛菩萨师父加持我的家人身体健康,出入平安,吉祥如意,工作顺利,感恩师父?

  17. May my brother and sister who are bringing my mother to the doctor now are on safe and smooth journey at amk sata clinic. Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum

  18. 感恩觀世音菩萨,感恩師父,加持保佑我们阖家人,身体健康,出入平安,幸福快乐,諸事顺利,心想事成,有贵人,事業有成,前途一片光明,感恩??????

  19. 祈請上師與諸佛菩蕯加持護佑磬懺師姐!讓老人家身心光明、業障消除、解怨釋結、頭腦清明、思路清晰、消災滅難、健康長壽、快樂幸福、自在吉祥!??????

  20. 感恩師父慈悲吉祥順心如意安康平安喜樂!感恩師父慈悲親自帶領著我們一起來祈福念佛真心誦佛南無觀世音菩薩感恩師父慈悲護佑加持者我和媽媽身心光明愉悅健康長壽闔家平安喜樂吉祥如意圓滿!

  21. My husband on wheelchair since 2016 due to weakness leg. 师父請加持. Hope he can recover soon. 感恩师父

  22. pray for this pandemic to be over and world economy recovers. Pray for everyone to have a job, pray everyone to have their basic needs fulfilled. Pray for everyone worries to go away.

  23. 㤗敬至誠祈請感恩師父慈悲護佑加持者第子蔡李雪欗身心光明身心愉悅健康長壽闔家平安喜樂吉祥如意圓滿!

  24. I bless my Father in Law to feel better and go towards good health and not having stroke. I bless my family to be successful from within.

  25. 感恩大慈大悲观世音菩萨????‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️感恩师父????‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  26. Master, I hope that all bosses in the world care about their employee’s mental wellbeing rather than just profits and losses. Although it is a very difficult time.

  27. 祈愿佛菩萨加持保佑我黄月莲合家平安健康顺利!感恩佛菩萨加持保佑?感恩师父?

  28. good day Master. my apology to Master. The way Master hitting the nuts is just like when i am releasing my anger but I don’t hit any living things. Hopefully Master can forgive me. Lord Buddha bless Master and all living things. Om Mane PadMe Hum.

  29. Thank You Grandmaster JinBodhi. I am Mr. Yuen Tuck. Meng. My departed aunt name is Madam Cheng Ah Mui. Please kindly help and pray for me and my departed aunt more often.
