【最新直播】金菩提宗師網路直播:金菩提家訓(之二十一) 【U

【UPCOMING】Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Family Precepts (Part 21)



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在〈【最新直播】金菩提宗師網路直播:金菩提家訓(之二十一) 【U〉中有 49 則留言

  1. 恭敬感恩顶礼尊贵伟大佛陀金菩提宗师,期盼您慈悲光芒照亮天地人间,一片光明吉祥!

  2. 恭敬祈请尊贵佛师慈悲护佑加持,弟子孙女郑雨晴在日本平安,9月2o日研究生毕业考试顺利成功,次子郑为民早日转运,弟子恭敬顶礼感恩!

  3. 感恩师父!感恩帮办的师姐!桔梦和我的網路赞助吉祥圆满了!真是法喜充满!感恩师父慈悲护佑!!!

  4. Shifu bless my grand son Winston to get good course this friends too to get gd course this sec 2 examination n pray to Buddha to bless them too thank you shifu god bless you I love you too

  5. Shifu we are bless to get the best guiding from you shifu hope you will do more on line sharing with all is us we waiting from your next family precept in soon time thank you so much shifu we are from Singapore Chang tang .god bless you I love you too ❤️ shifu

  6. It s not easy to talk to people …they have to listen with a open mind n want to listen . Some people jus shut off. Need God’s power to do the job. ??

  7. 感恩师父慈悲大爱教化引领!我太爱听师父每每的教诲!让我们少走弯路!期待聆听师父更多的开示!感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  8. 在菩提禪修實證實修,對命運可以有巨大的改變;福慧增長,聽上師開示,得到很多啟發與行動。為全世界祈禱祝福、做筆記寫心得、更多省察再進修。複習菩提家訓、袈裟、覺悟菩提、六十四卦…也再溫習孔、孟、老、莊; 諸子百家經典格言;了凡四訓、弟子規、傳習錄、心經、金剛經、圓覺經、藥師經 、佛經、三字經、四書五經… 希望溫故知新,觸類旁通、融會貫通;道法自然,上天好生之德,佛法即生活應用,是生存之道,得圓覺、大安心、大圓滿。大慈大悲無量光明,禪悅法喜,清淨自在。


  9. 师父墨宝无价,太珍贵了,不只是我们,后人看到也一定会受益,得到这幅画的大加持。???

  10. 感恩師父?師父的隨心而作带來少年菩提,熱情之後的冷静,思考,療愈的能量和作用?

  11. Yes sifu I have the same thinking… life is good after some suffering but dun think it s suffering. It s a process to train to be more understanding..

  12. Thank you so much shifu for the 21 days of teachings n sharing too hope more to come shifu god bless you I live you too

  13. 感恩师父。words can’t express my thoughts about the painting. There is peace and brightness ahead full of energy, happiness and warmth.

  14. Received with heartfelt thanks dear Sifu thy blessings and wishes. May Sifu be richly blessed for thy loving kindness and compassion. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

  15. So fascinated with Sifu’s magnificent and beautiful painting with love and passion. Love it very much. Feel the energy, happiness and auspiciousness just looking at it. Thank you Sifu.

  16. Looking forward to chant with Sifu on Saturday. Thank you Sifu for lightening up our lives. All good wishes to Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.
