在〈太美啦! Awesome!〉中有 16 則留言

  1. Shifu, thank you for sharing. I love sunsets. I remembered many years ago, I always walked during sunset time everyday. It gave me a certain calmness that I can’t describe and I felt Mother Earth’s energy pulsating within me.

  2. 刚跟着师父祈福修行完,现在又能看到师父的直播,我们真是太幸福了!感恩师父!?????????????❤️❤️❤️???

  3. Thank you Sifu for sharing the beautiful scenic sunset with all its glorious vibrant colours.

  4. Thank you Sifu for sharing with us this exceptional dawning scenery during the breaking of the day filling us with hope and warmth. It’s another beautiful day!!!!!
