
Chanting Group Practice (Part 10)

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在〈【熱門直播】金菩提宗師網路直播:祈福共修…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 师父早上好。愿弟子Meyumi胡娣婷在金钱方面和艺术家音乐创作的道路上得贵人相助扶持,所有坏的一切逢凶化吉,遇难成祥,脱离贫穷的痛苦和现状,事事顺利,功名利禄、在音乐界名利双收,功名成就,享有荣华富贵。非常感谢父母家人的养育之恩。通过音乐创作与表演去造福人群社会,带给所有众生希望・感动与温暖是弟子的使命。愿弟子的家人和一切众生身心健康快乐,吉祥如意。感恩师父佛菩萨的大慈大悲加持护佑?‍♀️

  2. God bless shifu we love you too we are from Singapore shifu.we are listening to your teachings. n talk now good morning shifu too

  3. Good morning Grandmaster JinBohdi , May you and Buddha bless Jovan Chow Gua Quan full and complete recovery from his leukaemia illness ???

  4. 祈請慈悲的觀音菩薩,慈悲的師父加持護佑我的爸爸,媽媽,弟弟一切平安吉祥如意,身心光明,業障斷除! 感恩!???

  5. 侄子今天高中畢業了。祈請佛師菩薩加持護佑侄子 順利進入大學,前程錦鏽!祝願我媽和弟弟阖家健康平安!長壽幸福!祝願 世界和平!眾生豐衣足食,安居樂業❣️???❤️

  6. Grandmaster Jinbodhi thank you for your teaching and blessings, May you and Buddha bless Cheah Khian Chew complete and full recovery from his colon cancer treatment. Gan ern grandmaster. ? ? ?

  7. 感恩師父。保佑大小出入平安大吉安康,兒子工作順利,貴人护持及所师父加持,阿隬陀佛。

  8. 祈请佛菩萨师父加持护佑,得佛光普照。家人身体健康,家庭和睦相处,孩子健康成长学业进步。一切顺顺利利,出入平安,感恩师父??????❤❤❤

  9. Good morning to Grandmaster Jinbodhi sir ji to share it with all of the videos is so good..!!NAMO BUDDHAY-JAI BHIM.

  10. Thank you shifu for for your prayers god bless you shifu I love you too today I am very happy to see shifu on line blessings from all of us in Singapore new Chang tang hope to see shifu in our home land Singapore too

  11. Thank you shifu for for your teaching today god bless you shifu thank you shifu for your prayers and blessings for all of us too,love from Singapore

  12. 感恩?师父。今天师父讲的2个故事真的对一切众生有很好的启发/警剔,不要为五毒(贪嗔痴慢疑)做了伤人害理的事物以达到利己的行为。这也让我想起小学时所学的孟子说的一句话,”爱人者,人恒爱之,敬人者,人恒敬之’,让我深深的感悟到师父教我们时时要怀有一颗善心、慈悲心的重要性,也只这样才能与世界合二为一。特别感恩?师父给于的慈悲大加持,我的手臂已痛了超过一年多,现在缓解了好多。??????

  13. Master help my Jamie Yong not to be so sturbon n do not wake up during the night let him be able to sleep through the night
    Kan en Sifu???

  14. Master please bless my grandson Jamie Yong not to keep crying n sturbon n listen to teaching thank you Sifu pray for him???
