金菩提宗師網絡直播: 2020浴佛節法會…

金菩提宗師網絡直播: 2020浴佛節法會
Bathing the Buddha Celebration 2020

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在〈金菩提宗師網絡直播: 2020浴佛節法會…〉中有 36 則留言

  1. 祝愿世界和平,天下太平。愿祖国明天更美好;愿中国人民更幸福;愿人类社会更和谐。

  2. Good morning Great master, thk u get much to blessing everyone good health ,fortune , happiness and having gratitude heart.. Thk u

  3. Good morning to Grandmaster Jinbodhi sir ji to share it with all of the videos is so good…!!NAMO BUDDHAY-JAI BHIM!!

  4. 师父早安吉祥,师父我们有和您见面了,辛苦师父为我们开示,感恩师父谢谢师父,???

  5. 感恩師父慈悲心加持大能量护佑。訨母親頭腦淸醒、腿有力,大姐身体健康,也訨家中親友大人小孩都有慈悲心、感恩心、心生智慧众生都身体健康,收到感恩

  6. 早安師父!吉祥如意!祈請佛菩薩,師父慈悲加持佛光普照各地大衆有緣人遠离病毒感染,离苦得樂。???

  7. Ganen Buddha’s & Grandmaster..This Auspicious day,May Buddha’s blessed world’s peace, safe,harmony & all with peace of mind & body???

  8. Gratitude to Buddha for his eminent teachings n compassionate love for mankind and all sentient beings ????

  9. 師父是弟子心中的佛陀,指引弟子不在黑暗中迷失,弟子心中萬分感激,感恩您的降臨,照亮了我們的路,感恩 師父???

  10. Namo Ben Shi Shi Jia Mou Ni Fo ???
    Grateful to Grandmaster for sharing the dharma ???
    Thank you Grandmaster ?

  11. 吉祥如意 心想事成 健康長壽 前途光明 美好未來
    壽比南山 吉祥富貴 消除疾病 遠離煩惱 青春美麗
    家庭幸福 遠離災難 遠離瘟疫 遠離煩惱 隨順心願
    成就需要 得佛護佑 有好工作 發揮特長和智慧
    得老板賞識 與人和睦相處 事業有成 子女健康智慧
    金榜題名 有大成就 有好人緣 大家愛 才貌雙全
    經營者 財源廣進 生活富裕 人生一切需求 都能得到
    健康智慧的頭腦 身體 漂亮的五官 智慧大腦 慈悲的心

  12. Dear Grandmaster JinBodhi, thank you for your great compassion, gratitude, and generosity. All your blessings are well received!!! Thank you ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

  13. Gratitude from our heart from Canada Grandmaster JinBodhi, Thanky for all the light blessing and support !

  14. ??????
    Thank you Sifu for your kindness and compassion.
    Gratitude to Lord Shayamuni Buddha for his greatness compassion and teachings for mankind.
    may my family be well and happy and healthy always.
    may all beings be well and happy always.
    sadhu sadhu sadhu

  15. Dear Grandmaster JinBodhi, Please kindly help and bless my departed aunt, Madam Cheng Ah Mui spiritual journey and soul journey. Thank You Very Very Very Much ❤️❤️❤️.
