金菩提宗師網絡直播:祈福共修之五 (第二…

金菩提宗師網絡直播:祈福共修之五 (第二天)
Chanting Group Practice (Part 5) – Day 2

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在〈金菩提宗師網絡直播:祈福共修之五 (第二…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 荃苑! Thanks Grandmaster..May Buddha & Shifu blessed” Singapore foreigners workers healthy, safety & speedy recovery from this virus’s ???

  2. Gan En and thks vm to Grandmaster JinBodhi sharing Live Facebook for personal engary and health. Thks again and blessed always !! ?????????

  3. any way that i don’t have that much money to devote to the light/lamp or tong card. does it means that we may never getting those forturn?

  4. 祈请师父慈悲加持张焕芳、周榕华消灾除业、身体健康、财运亨通、早日还清巨债,给孩子们一个温暖健康的成长环境!顶礼感恩大慈大悲的师父???

  5. Grandmaster JinBodhi please bless the foreign workers safe at work. Those in isolation bless them speedy recovery n still got a job. Buddha please bless them good health n safe at work.

  6. Good morning Grandmaster, I wish to pray to 日十如来 for blessing all my family members with bright Light and Wisdom n great compassion towards each other. 感恩师父 ,感恩佛陀???

  7. Yes. Both hands are more red. The three little mountain under the fingers are red and up. Near the thumb is also red and thicker. Thanks Seefu

  8. Thank you Sifu for the heavenly drum beat accompaniment. Feeling the energy and power of the chanting.
