在〈好聽嗎?〉中有 54 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好纯真的童音!看到这个小孩照顾他弟弟,我也想起小时候照顾弟弟的情景。现在他也结婚了,各自忙各自的联系也少了。想想小时候也挺好的!顶礼师父!

  2. 好聽,小兄弟好可愛,在公園做完大禮拜後聽,除了身體輕鬆外,還像一陣清風吹過心房,感恩師父好分享??:
    “I love you more than I can say”.

  3. Little guy has such a sweet & pure voice. Love it. What if Shifu sings this song for us. It Would be wonderful!

  4. 感恩师父的分享!孩子的声音,是世界上最动听的声音,纯真,纯洁,充满了爱。感恩师父给我们带来了美的享受!??????

  5. He has such a lovely sweet & pure voice. He has the natural talent to sing for his age. Love it. God bless him and his brother that we can see he loves so much. Thank you Sifu for sharing this video. It is my favourite song too. Sifu, love you more than I can say.

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!清醇自然的声音,无拘无束,自由奔放,声韵魅力无穷,敬佩赞叹!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!从童音优美,自在的歌声中感受到了她心灵的那份纯真。???

  8. thanks masters sharing! the boys voice is so pure and sweet! when I listen to his song its like fresh air! Thanks master!

  9. This boy is talented singing sweet melodies.???He is cute and adorable with his brother. Thank you Grandmaster for sharing sentimental love song.Love to hear is my favourite song. Thank you for sharing. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
