
20200220 – Share a touching story from your family

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在〈金菩提宗師網路直播:分享一個家人讓你感動…〉中有 47 則留言

  1. Gan een Master Jinbodhi From Darren Lim I am a Uni overseas student whenever I am free I practice n watch Master JinBodhi live video and gain knowledge

  2. 師父的題目,讓我們每個人回憶親人對我們的好,從心中念想感恩,報恩,生起幸福感

  3. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示!带着父母一起看师父慈悲带领我们网络直播真幸福健康快乐!弟子恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲的教化!是您激起我的感恩心,让我知道要感恩一切!扣拜恩师!

  5. 师父好!感恩师父的教化!使我们真正懂得了感恩!感恩一切!感恩大慈大悲的师父!弟子合十叩拜师父!

  6. I miss my mother?I love all her food she cooked?. She was my excellent mother, best listener when I’m down ?

  7. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,要以爱心看世界,爱大自然,爱万物,爱一切苍生。感恩师父的教诲与慈悲呵护。顶礼叩拜师父。❤️?

  8. 学会感恩学会理解亲人家人带回来的爱!去做去传达爱,去付出!施比受更有福!顶礼师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示加持护佑!感恩师父慈悲赐殊胜妙法!!!收到!感恩师父!!!

  10. 感恩師父無私慈悲愛的教化!悟理老師的公婆真有智慧!皆大歡喜!幸福滿滿!

  11. 感恩師父大慈大悲,弟子們時時刻刻感受到師父給我們滿滿的愛~慈悲溫暖。感恩???

  12. G.Master u have flu. Please take good care. Very good fb live sharing. Love is a powerful tool. It’s fundamental to everything.

  13. Gautam Budha please Bless our Master for health and long life ????? Master is my Budha in this world, on earth ? ????? Master always saved me in my critical sickness and gives me new life ?????

  14. I sincerely seek Medicine buddhas and Master to heal and bless my mother Ang Hua Kee to avert all calamities and female
