在〈保力龍還是要少用!〉中有 17 則留言

  1. 感恩感谢师父的分享和指点,学員师姐收到了这一目,哇!可怕我要讓更多人知道。

  2. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩科研人员的辛苦付出从而找到分解保丽龙的方法!

  3. You are right!! People have polluted this earth, and it is groaning for its creator!Jesus the Son of God is coming back to destroy the bad people so give your heart to the Lord and you will be saved!!! He is coming to cleanse the earth!!

  4. 我小时候,买菜都用菜篮子,买酱油都自己带瓶子,食品都不是独立包装的也不用担心拉肚子。现在全都变卫生了,但真的健康吗?
