【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_下集 . 這天…


【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 2

One day, when Chun Lan was feeding her child, an elderly couple suddenly appeared at the front of her house and said to her: “Our grandson would not have survived if you had not taken him under your care and fed him!” Apparently, the grandparents of the baby boy, whom she had rescued a few days ago, had come for a visit.

They continued:” To repay your kindness, we will like to sponsor the educational fees of your child. We hope you will accept our suggestion.” Chun Lan tried to decline politely but as the elderly couple was insistent, she finally relented and accepted the big gift.

Under the sponsor of the elderly couple, Chun Lan’s daughter successfully graduated from a nursing school and started work in a hospital. As for the baby boy, he grew up healthily to become a young man.

One day, when the elderly couple’s grandson was driving to work, a truck that was driving at full speed knocked onto the back of his car, causing him to lose consciousness. He was in a critical condition. Passersby could only watch helplessly as everyone waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive. At this moment, a nurse emerged from the crowd, examined the young man’s injuries and performed CPR on him.

Subsequently the young man was sent to the hospital and successfully rescued.

According to the doctor, the CPR measures undertaken by the nurse at the moment of the accident was very important and had saved his life. Two days later, when Chun Lan went to look for her daughter at the hospital, she crossed paths with the elderly lady who was there to visit her grandson. Both of them were delighted to see each other. After a quick chat, it dawned on both of them that the young man was the elderly lady’s grandson and the nurse who had saved him was in fact, Chun Lan’s daughter.

Spiritual realization:
Good fortune and luck does not come by chance. It stems from a kind heart and selfless giving.

May all accumulate an abundance of karmic merits to attract good luck and fortune to you and your descendants. May you and your family lead a prosperous life and be successful in all your endeavours!!

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart2, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance, #EndlessGoodLuck, #ProsperousFamily, #SuccessInAllEndeavoursrnrn【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_下集

【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 2

One day, when Chun Lan was feeding her child, an elderly couple suddenly appeared at the front of her house and said to her: “Our grandson would not have survived if you had not taken him under your care and fed him!” Apparently, the grandparents of the baby boy, whom she had rescued a few days ago, had come for a visit.

They continued:” To repay your kindness, we will like to sponsor the educational fees of your child. We hope you will accept our suggestion.” Chun Lan tried to decline politely but as the elderly couple was insistent, she finally relented and accepted the big gift.

Under the sponsor of the elderly couple, Chun Lan’s daughter successfully graduated from a nursing school and started work in a hospital. As for the baby boy, he grew up healthily to become a young man.

One day, when the elderly couple’s grandson was driving to work, a truck that was driving at full speed knocked onto the back of his car, causing him to lose consciousness. He was in a critical condition. Passersby could only watch helplessly as everyone waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive. At this moment, a nurse emerged from the crowd, examined the young man’s injuries and performed CPR on him.

Subsequently the young man was sent to the hospital and successfully rescued.

According to the doctor, the CPR measures undertaken by the nurse at the moment of the accident was very important and had saved his life. Two days later, when Chun Lan went to look for her daughter at the hospital, she crossed paths with the elderly lady who was there to visit her grandson. Both of them were delighted to see each other. After a quick chat, it dawned on both of them that the young man was the elderly lady’s grandson and the nurse who had saved him was in fact, Chun Lan’s daughter.

Spiritual realization:
Good fortune and luck does not come by chance. It stems from a kind heart and selfless giving.

May all accumulate an abundance of karmic merits to attract good luck and fortune to you and your descendants. May you and your family lead a prosperous life and be successful in all your endeavours!!

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart2, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance, #EndlessGoodLuck, #ProsperousFamily, #SuccessInAllEndeavours

【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 2
One day, when Chun Lan was feeding her child, an elderly couple suddenly appeared at the front of her house and said to her: “Our grandson would not have survived if you had not taken him under your care and fed him!” Apparently, the grandparents of the baby boy, whom she had rescued a few days ago, had come for a visit.
They continued:” To repay your kindness, we will like to sponsor the educational fees of your child. We hope you will accept our suggestion.” Chun Lan tried to decline politely but as the elderly couple was insistent, she finally relented and accepted the big gift.
Under the sponsor of the elderly couple, Chun Lan’s daughter successfully graduated from a nursing school and started work in a hospital.  As for the baby boy, he grew up healthily to become a young man.
One day, when the elderly couple’s grandson was driving to work, a truck that was driving at full speed knocked onto the back of his car, causing him to lose consciousness. He was in a critical condition. Passersby could only watch helplessly as everyone waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive. At this moment, a nurse emerged from the crowd, examined the young man’s injuries and performed CPR on him.
Subsequently the young man was sent to the hospital and successfully rescued.
According to the doctor, the CPR measures undertaken by the nurse at the moment of the accident was very important and had saved his life. Two days later, when Chun Lan went to look for her daughter at the hospital, she crossed paths with the elderly lady who was there to visit her grandson. Both of them were delighted to see each other. After a quick chat, it dawned on both of them that the young man was the elderly lady’s grandson and the nurse who had saved him was in fact, Chun Lan's daughter.
Spiritual realization:
Good fortune and luck does not come by chance. It stems from a kind heart and selfless giving.
May all accumulate an abundance of karmic merits to attract good luck and fortune to you and your descendants. May you and your family lead a prosperous life and be successful in all your endeavours!!
#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart2, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance, #EndlessGoodLuck, #ProsperousFamily, #SuccessInAllEndeavoursrnrn【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_下集
【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 2
One day, when Chun Lan was feeding her child, an elderly couple suddenly appeared at the front of her house and said to her: “Our grandson would not have survived if you had not taken him under your care and fed him!” Apparently, the grandparents of the baby boy, whom she had rescued a few days ago, had come for a visit.
They continued:” To repay your kindness, we will like to sponsor the educational fees of your child. We hope you will accept our suggestion.” Chun Lan tried to decline politely but as the elderly couple was insistent, she finally relented and accepted the big gift.
Under the sponsor of the elderly couple, Chun Lan’s daughter successfully graduated from a nursing school and started work in a hospital.  As for the baby boy, he grew up healthily to become a young man.
One day, when the elderly couple’s grandson was driving to work, a truck that was driving at full speed knocked onto the back of his car, causing him to lose consciousness. He was in a critical condition. Passersby could only watch helplessly as everyone waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive. At this moment, a nurse emerged from the crowd, examined the young man’s injuries and performed CPR on him.
Subsequently the young man was sent to the hospital and successfully rescued.
According to the doctor, the CPR measures undertaken by the nurse at the moment of the accident was very important and had saved his life. Two days later, when Chun Lan went to look for her daughter at the hospital, she crossed paths with the elderly lady who was there to visit her grandson. Both of them were delighted to see each other. After a quick chat, it dawned on both of them that the young man was the elderly lady’s grandson and the nurse who had saved him was in fact, Chun Lan's daughter.
Spiritual realization:
Good fortune and luck does not come by chance. It stems from a kind heart and selfless giving.
May all accumulate an abundance of karmic merits to attract good luck and fortune to you and your descendants. May you and your family lead a prosperous life and be successful in all your endeavours!!
#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart2, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance, #EndlessGoodLuck, #ProsperousFamily, #SuccessInAllEndeavours


在〈【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_下集 . 這天…〉中有 32 則留言

  1. 师父早晨好?感恩师父慈悲开示,我们大家收到了师父的爱待,谢谢师父,顶礼叩拜恩师,???

  2. 每个人在人生的旅途中都不断在为自己的将来铺路,心存善念,常行好事,便是给自己铺了一条顺畅的路,一定会好运相伴!感恩师父分享好故事!

  3. 師父早安100%認同 貼文 福報 幸運的到來其中的艱辛其中的掙扎 其中的苦其中的痛只有承受著走過經過路過

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!故事情节真好!相护帮助!前人帮助!后代得救!我明白了道理!好人一生平安!感恩师父提醒我!弟子叩拜恩师!

  5. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示3!幸运不是偶然的,多行善事才会更加幸运哦!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示!为子孙后代积累钱财不如积累功德。赠人玫瑰收留余香!为别人付出美好的同时,其实收获更多的是自己!顶礼师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享开示,愿天下所有上师的弟子,都做一个善心善行之人,感恩顶礼叩拜?我最尊贵的上师。

  8. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!收到了师父的祝福,帮人即帮己,心存善念 常怀感恩,就像在心里种下的一粒菩提种子 会慢慢的生根.开花?结果。顶礼师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享小故事!感恩师父慈悲教化!福报不是偶然,幸运绝非天降,都是有原因的,付出什么得到什么。感恩师父!☕??????????

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲教化分享!谨记师父教诲!帮人就是帮自己!子孙后代都有福!做好人做善事一生平安!爱易匪浅!感师父谆谆教诲!收到师父满滿祝福!感恩师父恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!

  11. 工作闲暇读完了师父的连载故事,使我泪满双眼?心心念念为他人!谨遵师父的教诲!顶礼叩拜慈母恩师的慈悲大爱?♥?♥?♥?♥?♥?

  12. 救人如救己,好人有好报。付出什么,得到什么、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。这就是因果关系!

  13. 感恩师父分享!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享!福報不是偶然,幸運絕非天降,而是源於曾經的一念善心和無私的付出

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示与祝福!收到;累積下豐富的福氣,不但自己能好運連連、福氣和善的果報也能德蔭子孫,家族興旺、萬事如意!!

  16. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!我们每个人,当遇到难处时,都希望得到别人的帮助,哪怕是一句温暖的语言,都能使对方绝处逢生,一定牢记师父的教诲,用一颗慈悲柔 软的心,去做人做事,用感恩的心去对待曾经伤害过你的人,只有这样做,我们的命运才能得到真正的改变,感恩大慈大悲的金菩提上师!??????

  17. ?感恩师父慈悲分享?

  18. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父祝福和教诲!弟子收到!尽力多做善事,帮助别人,就是帮助自己,也为后代子孙积累功德!祝福世界充满爱的阳光!顶礼师父!

  19. 感恩师父的慈悲开示,弟子看住自己的心,心存善念,慈悲感恩,做师父的好弟子。

  20. 感恩師父開示!這麼好的故事、啟發人們的善心、積功累德、為自己種下美好的種子。

  21. 感恩師父慈悲分享,幸运不是偶然,用感恩的心来做人做事,帮人如帮已,为子孙后代积累福德,让他们都得到平安吉祥,弟子感恩師父的教導???
