【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_上集 . 經常…

其實,一個人的幸運並不是偶然! 為什麼呢?


【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 1

Often, we come across people who seem to be extremely lucky.
However, we fail to see the effort being put in to earn the good fortune. Since these people have accumulated and built positive karmic bonds with many people, they are surrounded by benefactors and a benefactor will appear in the nick of time to help them during times of distress. At times, their life destiny may even be transformed.

In reality, good luck does not come by chance! Why is this so?

Let us watch 「Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 1」…

There was a resort located at the mid of a mountain within a quiet forest. Many couples liked to bring their children to the resort during school holidays to relax. On a warm day, all vacationers woke up early in the morning as usual, took their breakfast and returned to their rooms to get ready for their day’s tour.

Suddenly, thunder-like roar resonated in the silence of the mountain, followed by violent shaking of the ground. An earthquake had hit the resort! Buildings collapsed and cries of help could be heard from people who were trapped in the fallen debris.

A three to four-month-old baby boy was fortunate to be rescued. Unfortunately, his parents had been killed in the disaster. Since the baby boy was feeling hungry, he cried incessantly. As everyone was feeling panicky, they ran for their lives and no one paid any attention to this baby boy. At this moment, a cleaner from the resort, Chun Lan, picked up the baby boy and began to attend to him.

Eight days later, when the road was deemed safe for travelling and hence unblocked, the baby boy’s anxious grandparents came to fetch him. With tears streaked faces, they thanked Chun Lan for her help. After Chun Lan had handed the baby boy to his grandparents, she whimpered with a sob: “I have to rush home now to look for my family members and children. I hope that they are safe and sound.”

When Chun Lan reached home, she discovered that her in-laws, husband, children and house were safe. Since she had been worrying over their safety, she hugged them with tears strolling down her face the moment she saw them…

Subsequently, what happened to this baby boy? Did he grow up well?
Under the natural law of cause and effect, how was Chun Lan rewarded for her kind heart and gesture?

Let us all anticipate 「Good luck does not come by chance – Part 2」…

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart1, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancernrn【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_上集
其實,一個人的幸運並不是偶然! 為什麼呢?


【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 1

Often, we come across people who seem to be extremely lucky.
However, we fail to see the effort being put in to earn the good fortune. Since these people have accumulated and built positive karmic bonds with many people, they are surrounded by benefactors and a benefactor will appear in the nick of time to help them during times of distress. At times, their life destiny may even be transformed.

In reality, good luck does not come by chance! Why is this so?

Let us watch 「Good fortune does not come by chance – Part 1」…

There was a resort located at the mid of a mountain within a quiet forest. Many couples liked to bring their children to the resort during school holidays to relax. On a warm day, all vacationers woke up early in the morning as usual, took their breakfast and returned to their rooms to get ready for their day’s tour.

Suddenly, thunder-like roar resonated in the silence of the mountain, followed by violent shaking of the ground. An earthquake had hit the resort! Buildings collapsed and cries of help could be heard from people who were trapped in the fallen debris.

A three to four-month-old baby boy was fortunate to be rescued. Unfortunately, his parents had been killed in the disaster. Since the baby boy was feeling hungry, he cried incessantly. As everyone was feeling panicky, they ran for their lives and no one paid any attention to this baby boy. At this moment, a cleaner from the resort, Chun Lan, picked up the baby boy and began to attend to him.

Eight days later, when the road was deemed safe for travelling and hence unblocked, the baby boy’s anxious grandparents came to fetch him. With tears streaked faces, they thanked Chun Lan for her help. After Chun Lan had handed the baby boy to his grandparents, she whimpered with a sob: “I have to rush home now to look for my family members and children. I hope that they are safe and sound.”

When Chun Lan reached home, she discovered that her in-laws, husband, children and house were safe. Since she had been worrying over their safety, she hugged them with tears strolling down her face the moment she saw them…

Subsequently, what happened to this baby boy? Did he grow up well?
Under the natural law of cause and effect, how was Chun Lan rewarded for her kind heart and gesture?

Let us all anticipate 「Good luck does not come by chance – Part 2」…

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart1, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance

其實,一個人的幸運並不是偶然! 為什麼呢?

【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 1
Often, we come across people who seem to be extremely lucky.
However, we fail to see the effort being put in to earn the good fortune. Since these people have accumulated and built positive karmic bonds with many people, they are surrounded by benefactors and a benefactor will appear in the nick of time to help them during times of distress. At times, their life destiny may even be transformed. 
In reality, good luck does not come by chance! Why is this so?
Let us watch 「Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 1」…
There was a resort located at the mid of a mountain within a quiet forest. Many couples liked to bring their children to the resort during school holidays to relax. On a warm day, all vacationers woke up early in the morning as usual, took their breakfast and returned to their rooms to get ready for their day’s tour.
Suddenly, thunder-like roar resonated in the silence of the mountain, followed by violent shaking of the ground. An earthquake had hit the resort! Buildings collapsed and cries of help could be heard from people who were trapped in the fallen debris.
A three to four-month-old baby boy was fortunate to be rescued. Unfortunately, his parents had been killed in the disaster. Since the baby boy was feeling hungry, he cried incessantly. As everyone was feeling panicky, they ran for their lives and no one paid any attention to this baby boy. At this moment, a cleaner from the resort, Chun Lan, picked up the baby boy and began to attend to him. 
Eight days later, when the road was deemed safe for travelling and hence unblocked, the baby boy’s anxious grandparents came to fetch him. With tears streaked faces, they thanked Chun Lan for her help. After Chun Lan had handed the baby boy to his grandparents, she whimpered with a sob: “I have to rush home now to look for my family members and children. I hope that they are safe and sound.”
When Chun Lan reached home, she discovered that her in-laws, husband, children and house were safe. Since she had been worrying over their safety, she hugged them with tears strolling down her face the moment she saw them…
Subsequently, what happened to this baby boy? Did he grow up well?
Under the natural law of cause and effect, how was Chun Lan rewarded for her kind heart and gesture?
Let us all anticipate 「Good luck does not come by chance - Part 2」…
#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart1, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancernrn【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_上集
其實,一個人的幸運並不是偶然! 為什麼呢?

【Meditation story series】 Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 1
Often, we come across people who seem to be extremely lucky.
However, we fail to see the effort being put in to earn the good fortune. Since these people have accumulated and built positive karmic bonds with many people, they are surrounded by benefactors and a benefactor will appear in the nick of time to help them during times of distress. At times, their life destiny may even be transformed. 
In reality, good luck does not come by chance! Why is this so?
Let us watch 「Good fortune does not come by chance - Part 1」…
There was a resort located at the mid of a mountain within a quiet forest. Many couples liked to bring their children to the resort during school holidays to relax. On a warm day, all vacationers woke up early in the morning as usual, took their breakfast and returned to their rooms to get ready for their day’s tour.
Suddenly, thunder-like roar resonated in the silence of the mountain, followed by violent shaking of the ground. An earthquake had hit the resort! Buildings collapsed and cries of help could be heard from people who were trapped in the fallen debris.
A three to four-month-old baby boy was fortunate to be rescued. Unfortunately, his parents had been killed in the disaster. Since the baby boy was feeling hungry, he cried incessantly. As everyone was feeling panicky, they ran for their lives and no one paid any attention to this baby boy. At this moment, a cleaner from the resort, Chun Lan, picked up the baby boy and began to attend to him. 
Eight days later, when the road was deemed safe for travelling and hence unblocked, the baby boy’s anxious grandparents came to fetch him. With tears streaked faces, they thanked Chun Lan for her help. After Chun Lan had handed the baby boy to his grandparents, she whimpered with a sob: “I have to rush home now to look for my family members and children. I hope that they are safe and sound.”
When Chun Lan reached home, she discovered that her in-laws, husband, children and house were safe. Since she had been worrying over their safety, she hugged them with tears strolling down her face the moment she saw them…
Subsequently, what happened to this baby boy? Did he grow up well?
Under the natural law of cause and effect, how was Chun Lan rewarded for her kind heart and gesture?
Let us all anticipate 「Good luck does not come by chance - Part 2」…
#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChancePart1, #GoodFortuneDoesNotComeByChance


在〈【連載漫畫】幸運不是偶然_上集 . 經常…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示!种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。所以不去羡慕别人的顺丰顺水,也不沮丧自己的命运悲催。用一颗平常感恩的心,去对待周围的人事物。将来一定会得善果。切莫怨恨嫉妒诽谤别人,一念天堂一念地狱!要得善果从现在做起!顶礼师父!

  2. 回應 師父前兩天的貼文一句佛號 一句問候一句佛號 一句溫柔 一句佛號一句美好 說好話做好事存好心 一切都會那麼的美好幸福吉祥 感恩師父

  3. 南無大慈大悲金菩提上師!您肯定是一切吉祥、萬事如意、法體安康!祈禱師父加持~早日見到師父,早日再有機會到禪堂修行,早日請到法寶,早日穿上墨寶衫!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!种善因得善果!期待「幸運不是偶然_下集」顶礼感恩恩师!

  5. 感恩师父!多帮帮助别人,就是帮助自己!救度别人,自己家才能平安顺利团团圆圆!弟子明白了!叩拜恩师!

  6. 亲爱的师父早上好: 非常感恩师父 非常期待打开Facebook的:可以第一时间能看到:师父的慈悲开示分享 ?幸福开心??????

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示!这个故事讲的真好,我现在已经跟师父学习佛法了,因修的不好,我都做不到像春兰这样。人家是天生的人品好。我得好好补补品德这课,做一个品德高尚的人,舍己忘我的人。弟子真诚顶礼叩谢恩师!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享”幸运不是偶然_上集“邦人善行就是邦己得到好的结果。符合因果关系的道理,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。圣经上说:

  9. 唉,我会救那个小男婴的。因为如果没有人救他,他不就死定了吗?我曾经帮助过一个坐轮椅的人坐火车,我们过通道的时候,人们都主动让出来一条通道让我们畅通无阻地过去,在遇到障碍时,好几个陌生人过来帮忙抬轮椅。很多人都是很善良的。好像师父说过,你做慈悲善良的事情的时候,就会感召到慈悲善良的人来帮助你。有些善事看起来困难重重,但如果真的不求回报地去做善事,帮助你的不仅有人,神也会来帮助吧?期待下集。

  10. 感恩师父分享!命自我立,种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果,老天从没偏向谁和饶过谁;因果规律是自然规律,幸运不是偶然的,是善心善念善行的结果。感恩师父慈悲教育我们懂得了因果规律,知道了正心正念正行正果,我们的未来会一天比一天更加的美好!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!♥️??

  11. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!幸运不是偶然的,一念善心,种善因得善果,感恩师父?

  12. 师父早安吉祥???感恩师父慈悲开示!种善因得善果!期待“幸运不是偶然”下集!

  13. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!这个故事告诉我们:帮助别人就是帮助我们自己,种善因,得善果,在我们日常生活中时时善心对人,善行帮助别人,我们自己和家人都平安吉祥!期待师父继续分享!顶礼师父!

  14. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!用一颗平常感恩的心,去帮助一切需要帮助的众生,帮人就是帮自己,种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果。感恩师父慈悲的教导与时时的提醒,让我们懂得因果规律,善心善念善行,将来一定会得到好果报!期待「幸運不是偶然_下集」顶礼感恩恩师慈悲的加持与护佑!!!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!一念慈悲!救人一命胜造七级浮屠!因果循环!弟子心中肯定是个好结果!期待看下文!感恩师父大慈大悲!?叩拜

  16. 感恩師父分享慈悲的故事,春蘭的—念善心,得到了家中老少都平安無事,种善因得善果,(幸運不是遇然)???
