「浴佛節」能做什麼? . 明天就是台灣《…

一、 浴佛
1. 現受富樂,無病延年。
2. 於所願求,無不遂意。
3. 親友眷屬,悉皆安穩。
4. 長辭八難,永出苦緣。
5. 不受女身,速成證覺。
「一心真誠念佛,付出一分恭敬,獲得無量幸福!」在「浴佛節」這個特別的日子裡念佛、回向,有特別殊勝的加持力! 歡迎大家和我一起真誠念佛、感念佛恩。

What activities to do on Bathing Buddha Day?

Tomorrow is Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Taiwan. Are you ready for it? Are you planning to join us at our site or through our live broadcast on Facebook?

Let’s see what we can do on Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony.

I. Bathing the Buddha

Per the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha, bathing the Buddha has 15 merits that includes washing our physical and mental filth, eliminating disasters and bringing us purity, ease, auspiciousness, perfection and supreme merits. At the same time, it also blesses our family and friends. Wishing everyone purity of mind, freedom from obstacles and troubles, ease, and auspiciousness.

In addition, there is also a special meaning to bath the Buddha: liberate the souls of our parents for the past seven lives and to liberate all sentient beings in the six realms.

The benefits of bathing the Buddha were recorded in the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha:
1. Enjoy immediate wealth and happiness; gain longevity and be free from sickness.
2. All wishes come true.
3. Family and friends are safe and peaceful.
4. Free from obstacles and sufferings.
5. Avoid being born as a woman and attain enlightenment.

II. Chanting
Chanting sincerely and paying respect brings you immeasurable happiness! Chanting and dedicating on Buddha’s birthday works wonder on the empowerment! Welcome all of you to chant sincerely and remember Buddha’s kindness.

III. Offering light before Buddha
On this auspicious day, offer light before Buddha for your loved ones and friends, wishing them auspiciousness and illumination. May they be protected and blessed with happiness.

IV. Praise the Buddha
Let’s remember Buddha’s eternal kindness by prostrating and singing praises of the Buddha. May he be touched by our sincerity and our descendants continue to receive his blessings and protection.

The yearly “Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony” is taking place in the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide. Whether you are a new friend or our fellow practitioner, we welcome you to join us in this joyous birthday celebration.

Let’s bathe the Buddha, chant, offer light before Buddha and praise him!

May everyone receive Buddha’s blessings –eradication of disasters, auspiciousness and illumination!

#BathingBuddhaDay, #WhatActivitiesToDoOnBathingBuddhaDay, #AuspiciousEmpowerment, #Illumination, #Chant, #MakeLightOffering, #PraiseTheBuddha, #EradicateDisasterrnrn「浴佛節」能做什麼?
一、 浴佛
1. 現受富樂,無病延年。
2. 於所願求,無不遂意。
3. 親友眷屬,悉皆安穩。
4. 長辭八難,永出苦緣。
5. 不受女身,速成證覺。
「一心真誠念佛,付出一分恭敬,獲得無量幸福!」在「浴佛節」這個特別的日子裡念佛、回向,有特別殊勝的加持力! 歡迎大家和我一起真誠念佛、感念佛恩。

What activities to do on Bathing Buddha Day?

Tomorrow is Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Taiwan. Are you ready for it? Are you planning to join us at our site or through our live broadcast on Facebook?

Let’s see what we can do on Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony.

I. Bathing the Buddha

Per the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha, bathing the Buddha has 15 merits that includes washing our physical and mental filth, eliminating disasters and bringing us purity, ease, auspiciousness, perfection and supreme merits. At the same time, it also blesses our family and friends. Wishing everyone purity of mind, freedom from obstacles and troubles, ease, and auspiciousness.

In addition, there is also a special meaning to bath the Buddha: liberate the souls of our parents for the past seven lives and to liberate all sentient beings in the six realms.

The benefits of bathing the Buddha were recorded in the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha:
1. Enjoy immediate wealth and happiness; gain longevity and be free from sickness.
2. All wishes come true.
3. Family and friends are safe and peaceful.
4. Free from obstacles and sufferings.
5. Avoid being born as a woman and attain enlightenment.

II. Chanting
Chanting sincerely and paying respect brings you immeasurable happiness! Chanting and dedicating on Buddha’s birthday works wonder on the empowerment! Welcome all of you to chant sincerely and remember Buddha’s kindness.

III. Offering light before Buddha
On this auspicious day, offer light before Buddha for your loved ones and friends, wishing them auspiciousness and illumination. May they be protected and blessed with happiness.

IV. Praise the Buddha
Let’s remember Buddha’s eternal kindness by prostrating and singing praises of the Buddha. May he be touched by our sincerity and our descendants continue to receive his blessings and protection.

The yearly “Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony” is taking place in the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide. Whether you are a new friend or our fellow practitioner, we welcome you to join us in this joyous birthday celebration.

Let’s bathe the Buddha, chant, offer light before Buddha and praise him!

May everyone receive Buddha’s blessings –eradication of disasters, auspiciousness and illumination!

#BathingBuddhaDay, #WhatActivitiesToDoOnBathingBuddhaDay, #AuspiciousEmpowerment, #Illumination, #Chant, #MakeLightOffering, #PraiseTheBuddha, #EradicateDisaster

一、 浴佛
1. 現受富樂,無病延年。
2. 於所願求,無不遂意。
3. 親友眷屬,悉皆安穩。
4. 長辭八難,永出苦緣。
5. 不受女身,速成證覺。
「一心真誠念佛,付出一分恭敬,獲得無量幸福!」在「浴佛節」這個特別的日子裡念佛、回向,有特別殊勝的加持力! 歡迎大家和我一起真誠念佛、感念佛恩。
What activities to do on Bathing Buddha Day? 
Tomorrow is Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Taiwan. Are you ready for it? Are you planning to join us at our site or through our live broadcast on Facebook?
Let’s see what we can do on Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony.
I. Bathing the Buddha 

Per the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha, bathing the Buddha has 15 merits that includes washing our physical and mental filth, eliminating disasters and bringing us purity, ease, auspiciousness, perfection and supreme merits. At the same time, it also blesses our family and friends. Wishing everyone purity of mind, freedom from obstacles and troubles, ease, and auspiciousness.
In addition, there is also a special meaning to bath the Buddha: liberate the souls of our parents for the past seven lives and to liberate all sentient beings in the six realms. 
The benefits of bathing the Buddha were recorded in the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha: 
1. Enjoy immediate wealth and happiness; gain longevity and be free from sickness.
2. All wishes come true. 
3. Family and friends are safe and peaceful. 
4. Free from obstacles and sufferings. 
5. Avoid being born as a woman and attain enlightenment. 
II. Chanting 
Chanting sincerely and paying respect brings you immeasurable happiness! Chanting and dedicating on Buddha’s birthday works wonder on the empowerment! Welcome all of you to chant sincerely and remember Buddha’s kindness. 
III. Offering light before Buddha 
On this auspicious day, offer light before Buddha for your loved ones and friends, wishing them auspiciousness and illumination. May they be protected and blessed with happiness. 
IV. Praise the Buddha 
Let’s remember Buddha’s eternal kindness by prostrating and singing praises of the Buddha. May he be touched by our sincerity and our descendants continue to receive his blessings and protection. 
The yearly “Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony” is taking place in the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide. Whether you are a new friend or our fellow practitioner, we welcome you to join us in this joyous birthday celebration. 
Let’s bathe the Buddha, chant, offer light before Buddha and praise him! 
May everyone receive Buddha’s blessings –eradication of disasters, auspiciousness and illumination!
#BathingBuddhaDay, #WhatActivitiesToDoOnBathingBuddhaDay, #AuspiciousEmpowerment, #Illumination, #Chant, #MakeLightOffering, #PraiseTheBuddha, #EradicateDisasterrnrn「浴佛節」能做什麼?
一、 浴佛
1. 現受富樂,無病延年。
2. 於所願求,無不遂意。
3. 親友眷屬,悉皆安穩。
4. 長辭八難,永出苦緣。
5. 不受女身,速成證覺。
「一心真誠念佛,付出一分恭敬,獲得無量幸福!」在「浴佛節」這個特別的日子裡念佛、回向,有特別殊勝的加持力! 歡迎大家和我一起真誠念佛、感念佛恩。
What activities to do on Bathing Buddha Day? 
Tomorrow is Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Taiwan. Are you ready for it? Are you planning to join us at our site or through our live broadcast on Facebook?
Let’s see what we can do on Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony.
I. Bathing the Buddha 

Per the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha, bathing the Buddha has 15 merits that includes washing our physical and mental filth, eliminating disasters and bringing us purity, ease, auspiciousness, perfection and supreme merits. At the same time, it also blesses our family and friends. Wishing everyone purity of mind, freedom from obstacles and troubles, ease, and auspiciousness.
In addition, there is also a special meaning to bath the Buddha: liberate the souls of our parents for the past seven lives and to liberate all sentient beings in the six realms. 
The benefits of bathing the Buddha were recorded in the Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha: 
1. Enjoy immediate wealth and happiness; gain longevity and be free from sickness.
2. All wishes come true. 
3. Family and friends are safe and peaceful. 
4. Free from obstacles and sufferings. 
5. Avoid being born as a woman and attain enlightenment. 
II. Chanting 
Chanting sincerely and paying respect brings you immeasurable happiness! Chanting and dedicating on Buddha’s birthday works wonder on the empowerment! Welcome all of you to chant sincerely and remember Buddha’s kindness. 
III. Offering light before Buddha 
On this auspicious day, offer light before Buddha for your loved ones and friends, wishing them auspiciousness and illumination. May they be protected and blessed with happiness. 
IV. Praise the Buddha 
Let’s remember Buddha’s eternal kindness by prostrating and singing praises of the Buddha. May he be touched by our sincerity and our descendants continue to receive his blessings and protection. 
The yearly “Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony” is taking place in the Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide. Whether you are a new friend or our fellow practitioner, we welcome you to join us in this joyous birthday celebration. 
Let’s bathe the Buddha, chant, offer light before Buddha and praise him! 
May everyone receive Buddha’s blessings –eradication of disasters, auspiciousness and illumination!
#BathingBuddhaDay, #WhatActivitiesToDoOnBathingBuddhaDay, #AuspiciousEmpowerment, #Illumination, #Chant, #MakeLightOffering, #PraiseTheBuddha, #EradicateDisaster


在〈「浴佛節」能做什麼? . 明天就是台灣《…〉中有 43 則留言

  1. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父!我期待明天的直播!和师父一起念佛!点灯!赞美歌颂佛的慈悲伟大!太幸福了!真诚叩拜慈悲尊贵的恩师!??????????

  2. 師父早上好,我們香港所有弟子及全球弟子都期待着明天師父在台湾親自主持的浴佛節吉祥大加持法會現場直播,齐齐和師父慶祝及感恩收到師父的大加持和祝福 !

  3. 感恩师父,我们一起念佛点灯赞美歌伟大慈悲的佛陀,我们幸运幸福,我从内心用一棵最真诚的心叩拜恩师顶礼恩师叩拜顶礼佛陀,?????????

  4. 感恩师父,明天我们一起迎接师父亲自主持的浴佛节吉祥大加持法会开示,叩拜感恩顶礼恩师。???好开心,好欢喜。

  5. 感恩师父带给我们祝福和吉祥。浴佛节祝福师父吉祥如意,身心安泰,祝福世界和平,人心向善。沐浴佛身,清静己意。感恩佛陀,欢喜赞叹!

  6. 師父好!弟子香來从印尼禅堂香向師父請安!真的很高興,希望五月四号快点到!很期待啊!雖然我现在不方便去禪堂,因为在出水豆/飛蛇豆疹,導致走路和動也不方便,很庝,但是我還可以在床上开手机上facebook看直播。感恩師父

  7. 感恩佛师!真想去现场也去不了!只能带一些人在网络上和佛师相见!感恩佛师慈悲加持!???

  8. 感恩師父慈悲的分享!

  9. 感恩佛师!真想去现场也去不了!只能在家看看直播了,感恩佛师慈悲加持!???

  10. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!明理浴佛节能做到的都应该做。共同庆伟大的佛圣诞日!顶礼感恩师父!师父爱您!

  11. 师父好,虽然不能现场参与,但好在师父做全球直播,弟子一定准时参加!浴佛节我们浴佛、点灯、欢喜赞美佛会得到佛陀加持的诸多吉祥,心里欢喜又感恩,突然想到目前正待做的事希望一切能顺顺利利,恰逢浴佛法会这难得的机会,应该赶紧点上七彩满愿灯,祈请佛陀的慈悲加持和护佑,愿一切都吉祥顺利!感恩师父,感恩伟大的佛陀!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导!弟子们和师父一起浴佛、念佛、点灯祈福、一起歌颂佛陀。感恩师父!叩拜师父!☕???????????

  13. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲???弟子明天12点下班,希望赶上明天的浴佛大加持末班车沾沾佛光???

  14. 慈悲的师父您好!每年的浴佛节诸佛欢喜,师父亲自主持弟子们满心欢喜感恩期待,祈请师父加持众弟子吉祥如意!富贵安康!虽然我们很多国内弟子不能参加,现在有了这个软件(非撕不可)就可以同步收看直播,俺们期待师父加持调理,和现场一样接到吉祥光明能量所愿皆得。

  15. 感恩师父,佛菩萨保佑,加持我们消除兄弟姐妹之间的隔阂,加持我老妈吉祥安康,愿我们兄弟姐妹之间找到一个对我老妈最有利的照顾我老妈的方法并顺利执行下去,感恩师父,感恩佛菩萨!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示”浴佛节”能做什么?

  17. 师父中午好?感恩师父,我们这个团队随时准备期待浴佛节的到来,弟子们满怀喜悦的心等待师父慈悲开示,我们大家谢谢师父,师父辛苦了,???

  18. 师父好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父祝福!收到!期待明天直播!感恩佛陀!顶礼师父!顶礼佛陀!

  19. ?感恩师父慈悲开示?浴佛有这么多殊胜功德,让我们用欢喜的心,赞叹的心顶礼佛,歌颂佛,感念佛恩,让大家都消灾灭难,吉祥光明!??????

  20. 佛师您好;感恩佛师 浴佛节赐福众生。浴佛大加持。我只能在FB观看直播,希望网络通畅。一直期盼的时刻明天就到来了。欣喜激动的盼望吉时师父到来。我们沐浴佛光。身 心光明通透。17 18号佛师的加持我和师兄们都非常受益。这几天我有看了3遍。祈请佛师浴佛节 让我们再一次沐浴佛的加持。没有疾病烦恼,健康快乐 智慧无边 轻松自在 自觉觉他。感恩师父 感恩佛 菩萨 佛师大慈大悲的加持。感恩 感恩 感恩叩拜。马上分享给师兄们 感恩师父。爱您。

  21. 感恩師父慈悲开示???我们馬來西亜所有弟子和全球弟子准备着期待明天師父在台湾浴佛节吉祥大加持法會和現場直播,感恩佛陀???祝願世界和平!佛光普照!感恩!吉祥如意!

  22. 感恩师父!感恩师父慈悲加持和护佑!我们和师父一起浴佛、念佛、点灯祈福、一起歌颂佛陀!感恩师父!叩拜师父!

  23. 感恩师父大慈大悲!弟子收到!?恭敬真诚期待与师一起浴佛赞佛歌颂佛陀!与佛和师父相映!?️吉祥加持护佑!明天见!?感恩佛陀我大慈大悲的上师!❤️您!?叩拜

  24. 感恩师父,能有这么好的机缘和师父一起浴佛,虽然不能到现场相妮相信看直播会有同样的效果!祝福师父吉祥如意。感恩师父的祝福愿所有的菩提同修都能心想事成,今生今世觉悟圆满,自觉觉他!

  25. 浴佛节的那天只能观想浴佛。其实我好想能在现场亲自给佛陀浇上一瓢沐浴的净水。虽然说沐浴佛陀就是在洗净自己,可是我只想表达一下我对佛陀的恭敬和爱戴。也许,我的心意佛陀已经收到了吧?不然,我怎么会流泪呢?佛无处不在啊。祝愿慈悲的佛陀无忧无恼、吉祥如意!

  26. 感恩师父慈悲大爱!感恩师父慈悲教化提醒!明天期待浴佛节吉祥大加持!感恩佛恩师父的大慈大悲让全球有缘人获得佛师吉祥大加持能量满滿!身心健康快乐幸福吉祥如意!祝愿佛师加持护佑法会吉祥圆滿成功神奇!愿全世界有缘人都受益于菩提禅身心健康!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲大爱顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  27. 顶礼感恩最慈悲尊贵的师父!弟子要用无比恭敬真诚感恩的心,清净放松身心去聆听师父慈悲开示、沐浴佛光,让佛光灌溉身体的每个细胞,洗涤身心的污秽、消除修行中的障碍、烦恼,让每个细胞都充满慈悲和吉祥!为自己的七世父母、历代宗亲、冤亲债主、点然佛前光明灯,愿得诸佛菩萨慈悲摄受接引往生极乐,出离苦海!祝愿人人都能得佛光普照!身心健康快乐!富贵吉祥!智慧通达!欢喜自在!

  28. 感恩师父,等待明天看直播了,天天都想去见师父,师父隔这么近可自己不知二思的啥,错过了机会,只能看直播了。给母亲点了七彩灯希望她的心脏好起来,祝她健康快乐,感恩顶礼师父,

  29. 师父好!我们只能看直播啦!能看到直播就已经很满足了,我这里每天都有新学员进来学习八卦内功,明天我要从八卦点儿上早点儿回家看直播!囍沾佛光曾佛光!得到恩师的慈悲加持呵护!让我几年来发的帮人度人的大愿顺利实现!星星之火,可以燎原!

  30. 感恩师父!

  31. 师父,您好!收到师父美好的祝福!謝謝师父!我也准备申請假去禅堂參加《浴佛节吉祥大加持法会》了。感恩师父!

  32. 感恩师父教化!浴佛节,得到佛恩的加被,得到师父的加持,得到自己想得到的一切美好!感恩师父赐予弟子和众生的一切美好,,,,感恩今生遇到师父,得佛光照耀,在这时刻,无限感恩,伏地顶礼叩拜!????

  33. 昨天我吃了一片抑郁的药师父,就很疲劳!确实是很厉害的药,吃上要过差不多一天一宿过劲,因为总是睡不好觉,想一点事脑子一下就清醒不睡了!今天下雨没去走八卦,上午禅修两个小时大光明,下午准备念佛大礼拜,结果睡着了!醒了脑袋还是不清醒!早起来宝宝说妈妈我放学回来写作业然后做大礼拜,最后看电视!问我可以不!我说可以!其实她是想看电视是真的我觉着!感恩师父???
