【穀雨】花仙子傳奇 . 4月20日是春天…


【Guyu, the 6th solar term】The Legend of Floral Fairy

Guyu, the last solar term in spring falls on April 20th this year. It represents the end of cold weather and the coming of summer. At this time, the rain gradually increases and this abundant rainfall is conducive to the growth of various crops. Hence, Guyu is also the most important time of the year for farming.

There is a touching legend to this solar term!

The saying has it “You can see the peony flowers after three days of Guyu.”

The legend is about a young man named Guyu in the Tang Dynasty. Guyu was a good swimmer. Once, when his hometown was flooded, he saved all the villagers with his talent in swimming. Besides the villagers, Guyu risked his life and saved a pretty peony flower. He asked a floriculturist to take good care of the flower.

Years later, Guyu’s mother had a serious illness. The busy son had to take care of his mother and worked hard to pay for the medical expenses. One day, a pretty maiden suddenly appeared in Guyu’s house. She helped take care of his mother every day. As time passes, the relationship between Guyu and this maiden grew. Just when Guyu wanted to propose to her, he found that she was the fairy of the peony flower which he saved years ago in the flood.

The fairy promised Guyu, “I’ll settle down with the Gu’s family on April 8th next year.”

However, when that time arrives, the fairy did not show up. Guyu searched for her everywhere. He realised that the vulture–the natural enemy of the fairies of peony flowers, was forcing the fairies to brew medicine wine for him. The fairies didn’t want to use their own blood to brew wine for the villain, so the vulture took them away. To save his beloved and other fairies, Guyu broke into the cave and fought with the vulture. He successfully saved the fairies but lost his life in this fight.

Since then, on the day of Guyu’s death every year, it rains and all the peonies along with many kinds of flowers bloom in memory of Guyu and his brave story.

#Guyu, #BeautifulLegend, #Peony, #TheLegendOfFloralFairyrnrn【穀雨】花仙子傳奇

【Guyu, the 6th solar term】The Legend of Floral Fairy

Guyu, the last solar term in spring falls on April 20th this year. It represents the end of cold weather and the coming of summer. At this time, the rain gradually increases and this abundant rainfall is conducive to the growth of various crops. Hence, Guyu is also the most important time of the year for farming.

There is a touching legend to this solar term!

The saying has it “You can see the peony flowers after three days of Guyu.”

The legend is about a young man named Guyu in the Tang Dynasty. Guyu was a good swimmer. Once, when his hometown was flooded, he saved all the villagers with his talent in swimming. Besides the villagers, Guyu risked his life and saved a pretty peony flower. He asked a floriculturist to take good care of the flower.

Years later, Guyu’s mother had a serious illness. The busy son had to take care of his mother and worked hard to pay for the medical expenses. One day, a pretty maiden suddenly appeared in Guyu’s house. She helped take care of his mother every day. As time passes, the relationship between Guyu and this maiden grew. Just when Guyu wanted to propose to her, he found that she was the fairy of the peony flower which he saved years ago in the flood.

The fairy promised Guyu, “I’ll settle down with the Gu’s family on April 8th next year.”

However, when that time arrives, the fairy did not show up. Guyu searched for her everywhere. He realised that the vulture–the natural enemy of the fairies of peony flowers, was forcing the fairies to brew medicine wine for him. The fairies didn’t want to use their own blood to brew wine for the villain, so the vulture took them away. To save his beloved and other fairies, Guyu broke into the cave and fought with the vulture. He successfully saved the fairies but lost his life in this fight.

Since then, on the day of Guyu’s death every year, it rains and all the peonies along with many kinds of flowers bloom in memory of Guyu and his brave story.

#Guyu, #BeautifulLegend, #Peony, #TheLegendOfFloralFairy


在〈【穀雨】花仙子傳奇 . 4月20日是春天…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 感恩师父分享【穀雨】花仙子傳奇!「穀雨」還有個非常感人的傳說!共同歌頌穀雨這個感人的故事。顶礼感恩师父慈悲的开示!

  2. 感恩师父的分享!今天刚好是弟子的生日,好开心能在这个平台与师父互动!感恩!???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享《谷雨与牡丹花仙子》的传奇故事!我说今天怎么无缘无故下起了下雨呢!顶礼师父!

  4. 师父好!好久没听民间传说了。

  5. 美丽的传说,感恩师父分享,今天去烫澡了,我们这的老人说今天洗澡去病消灾。

  6. 感恩师父的分享!美丽的传说太感人啦!谷雨能为心爱的人去搏斗,去牺牲是最幸福的事!感天动地的爱情传说都是为对方无所求又勇于牺牲自己一切的人!都会成为历史上歌功赞德的美丽神话传扬一代又一代的世人!让世人都懂得对待所爱的人要有忠贞不渝!死生相随!肝胆相照!心甘情愿为对方去付出,去奉献,去牺牲的大无畏的精神!感恩师父!祝福师父!

  7. 感恩师父分享谷雨神奇的故事!原来谷雨是人名字,他救了牡丹花仙子,花就来报恩他。在谷雨死的那一天,天空就会下起雨水,所有的牡丹花盛开绽放,以此来纪念谷雨。感恩师父分享的神奇故事。人要多做好事,千古留名!?????

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享谷雨赞美花仙子传奇!早上下雨走八卦真好!弟子感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持甘露雨让我们健康快乐!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!谷雨花仙子传奇故事!太感动了!昨天感晚上和今天早上我们这真的下雨了!真是神奇!感恩师父讲故事!让我懂得了民间还有这个故事!叩拜恩师!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!谷雨花子传奇故事!很感人!感恩师父慈悲开示!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲分享优美动人的花仙子傳奇故事!这两天的雨水好大啊!原来是以此來紀念慈悲伟大的穀雨!???

  12. 感恩師傅 醍醐灌頂的分享
    萬物有靈 我相信

    希望師傅加持 幫忙撥開雲霧和迷障




  13. 好动听的故事,谷雨与牡丹花,雨水与泪水,有点悲伤又很感人,感恩师父分享!

  14. 师父,您好!原来【穀雨】有这样的传奇,我很喜欢听师父讲故事啊!谢谢师父上传分享!感恩师父!
