「知道,做到,才能得到!」 . 執行力很…


Knowledge and action is essential to success!

Is execution ability important?

There are many convenience stores in the world, why are some brands or chain of stores more successful than others? In a street filled with cafes, why is only a specific cafe packed with customers? Though the concept of these convenience shops and cafes are largely similar, why is the end result so different?

The key lies in execution ability!

Hence, if we want to succeed in our career or in our cultivation path, bear in mind— knowledge and action is essential to success!


Knowledge and action is essential to success!

Is execution ability important?

There are many convenience stores in the world, why are some brands or chain of stores more successful than others? In a street filled with cafes, why is only a specific cafe packed with customers? Though the concept of these convenience shops and cafes are largely similar, why is the end result so different?

The key lies in execution ability!

Hence, if we want to succeed in our career or in our cultivation path, bear in mind— knowledge and action is essential to success!


Knowledge and action is essential to success!
Is execution ability important?
There are many convenience stores in the world, why are some brands or chain of stores more successful than others? In a street filled with cafes, why is only a specific cafe packed with customers? Though the concept of these convenience shops and cafes are largely similar, why is the end result so different?
The key lies in execution ability!
Hence, if we want to succeed in our career or in our cultivation path, bear in mind— knowledge and action is essential to success!
Knowledge and action is essential to success!
Is execution ability important?
There are many convenience stores in the world, why are some brands or chain of stores more successful than others? In a street filled with cafes, why is only a specific cafe packed with customers? Though the concept of these convenience shops and cafes are largely similar, why is the end result so different?
The key lies in execution ability!
Hence, if we want to succeed in our career or in our cultivation path, bear in mind— knowledge and action is essential to success!


在〈「知道,做到,才能得到!」 . 執行力很…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 師父下午好,金修闊感恩收到師父今午的開示”知道,做到,才能得到”, 想在事業或工作,修行上能做到突破和躍進,主要是我們的執行力是否做到較其他人做得更好,既然知道,就要做到,才能得到更好的成果,市面上的名牌連鎖便利店,咖啡店每個區都有它們的分店,越開越多,生意都很暢旺 !

  2. 感恩師父 慈悲 一在耳提面命 確實 凡事 執行力 是非常重要的 在自己具備條件 還可以的狀況下 拼啦 我從今天開始在家裡窗台 也有很多植栽 打赤腳 走八卦內功因為地磚是天然大理石的不知道是不是可以 接受一點 天然的的氣 雖然不能盡善盡美 我很用心 因為我處女座 任何事 在範圍許可之下 我比較要求 美好 感恩師父 帶領我們走入八卦內功 期待108天 之後再到禪堂精進

  3. 师父好?知道!做到!才能得到!记住师父的法语!坚持走好八卦!让更多的有缘人加入八卦点。感恩师父!

  4. 想要在事业或修行上得到突破!知道,做到,才能得到!弟子谨记!感恩师父教化?????

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教化!知道,做到,才能得到!坚持去做才能有效果.感恩师父叩拜恩师感恩!!!

  6. 师父师母好!感恩师父慈悲开示!知道了师父所传的功法,必须身体力行勤学苦练,才能得到,才能向前向深向高发展,才能完成师父和我们的共同理想!感恩师父顶礼叩拜!

  7. 师父,我这几天很低迷,发现自己好像一直在错:我看不惯世俗,看不惯世人的处世方法。结果是搞得自己四处碰壁,头破血流。。。看来我错了,世俗也是自然的一部分,要学会与世俗和谐相处,不排斥,不鄙夷,不清高。用世俗人通常的方法与世俗相处。那种虚伪不叫虚伪,叫尊重。那种推拖不叫推拖,叫自保。那种虚与委蛇不叫虚与委蛇,叫善用潜规则。我不知道我是不是要投降,还是这根本就不是投降,而是遵从世道。

  8. 感恩师父教诲!师父,这两天有点忙,咱要先做好咱的工作,只能先下啦!感恩师父!??????

  9. 师父晚上好!感恩师父的慈悲开示!弟子最近惰性比较强,看到师父的开示,弟子又会振作起来了,感恩师父有您,每当弟子遇到烦恼,困惑,或者懒惰的时候都能看到师父的慈悲开示!感恩有您,有师父在就不会迷失方向。有师父在太幸福了。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲的分享!知道合道而行!才能得到我们想要的结果!感恩师父!祝福师父!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!知道做到才能得到!知道不去做永远得不到。知道师父的妙法好就是不精尽修行的话永远也是水中花镜中月永远也得不到其中的宝藏。只有修还不行,还得去行,从行中体悟才是你得到的。我是这样理解不知道对不对?顶礼师父!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享”知道,做到,才能得到!”不论做任何事情,天桥的把式,光说不练,一事无成!

  13. 实在难受的不能做功课了师父,浑身没劲,我就打开大光明躺下能做就做,能听就听,到第二个我坐起来开始做了!做完脚有一点热了!手也热了!但是肚子咕咕叫,两条腿冰冷冰冷的!我受风受寒了师父!一点都吃不进去饭,吃着就想吐!坐着突然想到婆婆好像我怎么那么觉着她不容易,我还要怪她,我就抽自己的嘴巴觉着对不起师父!因为我真是不慈悲,明明知道是这样的!可那颗心自己就难受控制不住!我真是恨死自己了师父!

  14. 师父您说我明知道在老公那是错的,就是怎么了呢就像别人说的着魔了一样控制不住心里难受!就是不行了好像!我就得那么去做,要不我就得死了〒_〒师父我真是恨我自己啊!到底怎么了!道理明白了!到底怎么了,慈悲心也有!就想我老公不容易,我不能那么想小心眼,可想着想就不行了!给我魔的不行了就!比死都难受!师父其实我真的不愿意这样!〒_〒
