「獅子王」製作花絮 . 「獅子王」這部電…

製作「獅子王」看起來肯定會失敗的。原導演非常討厭這些歌曲, 他退出了。兩個年輕的新手導演接手了工作。原員工們跳槽到下一個大熱門電影“波卡洪塔斯”工作,只留下一些新手動畫師。
雖然經驗不足, 但團隊保持了專注,他們一路前往東非。
在那裡他們學習了斯瓦希裡語術語 「Hakuna Matata」。團隊對許多不同的非洲文化有了新的尊重,帶著無數音樂離開了東非。
但就在電影開始成型的時候, 災難來襲了。一場地震摧毀了演播室周圍的地區, 人們無法去辦公室工作。團隊的成員們聯合起來, 在自己家中工作。
這是迪士尼的第一個原創故事, 他們要確保用配音把它講出來。他們從疤痕配音演員傑瑞米·伊龍那裡獲得了角色靈感,
還有喬納森·泰勒·湯瑪斯的聲音辛巴。南森·萊恩和厄尼·薩貝拉最初參加了土狼的配音海選, 但在看到他們特殊的化學作用後, 他們卻被塑造成了蒂蒙和龐巴。
團隊終於為這部電影準備了一部預告片。但在臨發佈前, 他們換了一首讓他們覺得好像能讓他們回到東非的歌曲 — “生命之圈”。而觀眾和團隊一樣喜歡它。
「獅子王」上映了, 獲得了影評家們的好評, 也成為1994年票房最高的電影。而且被改編為一場熱門的百老匯的音樂劇, 也激勵了2019年的重拍。
這部電影造成了如此大的影響, 以至於一個生物學家起訴迪士尼誹謗土狼!
「獅子王」將於 2019年7月19日, 也就是原片25周年之際上映。
Interesting news from the making of Lion King

The film Lion King went through many twists and turns before it became successful. All thanks to the persistence and dedication of those who loved it!

The video caption:
The Lion King was doomed to fail

The original director hated the songs so much, he refused to have anything to do with Lion King. Leaving it in the hands of two young, novice directors.

The Disney team found itself in hot water when employees started jumping ship to work on Pocahontas… Disney’s supposed next big hit. Leaving behind a handful of rookie animators to work on the Lion King.

But although they were inexperienced, they were dedicated to the project. They journeyed all the way to East Africa… Where they learned the Swahili term “Hakuna Matata.” Inspired, the team left with their heads full of song, and a newfound respect for many different African cultures.

But just as the movie was beginning to take shape, disaster struck… An earthquake devasted the area surrounding the studio, wiping out roads, and making it impossible to reach. But the crew banded together, meeting in their own homes to work on the project.

This was Disney’s first original story, and they were going to make sure it was told. They drew character inspiration from Scar voice actor, Jeremy Irons, and Jonathan Taylor Thomas who voice Simba. Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella initially auditioned for the hyenas, but after seeing their special chemistry, They were cast as Timon and Pumba instead. The team had finally put together a trailer for the film.

But moments before the release, they scrapped it, in favor of a song that made them feel as though they were back in East Africa, they released the scene featuring “Circle of Life” instead.
And audiences loved it as much as the team did.

The Lion King released to critical acclaim, becoming the highest grossing film of 1994.

And inspiring both a hit Broadway play, and a 2019 remake.
The movie caused such an impact, that one biologist sued Disney for defaming hyenas!

But overall, the message of conservation has been a powerful one, cultivating an interest in protecting creatures most of us have never seen.

For those of us who can’t get enough of the story, music, and characters, The Lion King will be released on July 19, 2019, on the 25th anniversary of the original film.


在〈「獅子王」製作花絮 . 「獅子王」這部電…〉中有 16 則留言

  1. What a coincidence. My sons were jz talking about this upcoming new Lion King movie. Eagerly awaiting for the release in Malaysia! Thank you for sharing. Good day to u, Master Jin Bodhi.

  2. 阿彌陀佛 感恩師父分享影片,獅子王已經陪小孩看過很多次,辛巴看著牠的爸爸被叔叔害死了,離開家跟著澎澎和丁滿玩到大,因為母親牠們奮發向上把叔叔趕走了

  3. 我最喜欢的电影,百看不厌。一直觉得我的祖先们也是天上的星星,看着我长大。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!太棒了!我小时候最爱看的就是狮子王辛巴!没想到这么多年后还有升级版的。是金子总会发光,好影片就是百看不厌!通过这个影片告诉我们团队的重要性!一个团队要始终如一一个方向一个目标一条心才能把事业干大干好。希望我们金刚师兄们都能团结一心共同进步相互帮助一条心一起走进师父的妙法莲花世界!顶礼师父!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享制作《狮子王》影片的辛苦过程!。功夫不负有心人!我们学习佛法也是一样的。感恩师父慈悲引导!☕???????

  6. 感恩师父的分享!从中给我们的启发是:这部电影造成了如此大的影响是这两位年轻的新手导演的伟大和对热爱它的坚持!尽管一路艰辛,困境重重,经验不足,途中又碰到灾难!是团队的专注和团结的向心力最终战胜了大的灾难和许多的波折才取得了成功!

  7. 感恩佛师教导???有能力没坚持不会成功,没能力努力坚持摸索扎实的做成功是必在的。

  8. ??,都说好的作品是一代人的记忆,我觉得应该是二代人的记忆,或许是三代人的记忆。这一定是我女儿和儿子小时候的记忆,也令我这个大人也被这作品的“魅力”吸引,爱不释手,百看不厌。以前,我家还珍藏着这部片的VCD碟,有闲的时候,就拿出来看,突别是那句:能吃就别浪费,(有吃就唔好哂)(广东话配音)真是深入人心,烩灸人口啊。有好几部片或小人书,我儿子到现在说起都是很欢喜和记忆很清楚的,如《聪明的列拿狐》。这《狮子王》太经典了,有情节,有故事,有哲理,有内涵,有欢乐,更有歌舞,更欢喜的是“欢喜结局”,可能这部片的经典,到现在都难被超越。只是不知里面制作的故事,现在才知道这“出色”,也是因为这“用心”啊。任何作品的“成功”,都是心血的结晶,没有这爱、付出和智慧,难得“优秀”。也教会和启发了以后我们做事,内容丰富,温润厚纯,一丝不苟,才被大众接受和认定,更是喜爱!感恩师父分享!??????

  9. 感恩师父,狮子王这部动画片制作如次不容易,这么精易求精,真是一部好看又动人的动画故事,我和女儿都很喜欢看!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!一件事情要想获得大的成功,就得经受大的磨难,还要坚持!感恩伟大的师父!
