天神的寶物──天珠 . 在菩提禪堂,有同…

「天珠」請前往慈悲音Cibei Yin網站迎請~
Treasure of the Deities – Dzi bead

When one of the Bodhi Meditation’s students was looking at getting some blessed articles in our Bodhi meditation center, he asked, “What are the benefits of wearing Dzi bead?”

The question he posed was a good one. Personally, I like such natural stones. Dzi bead is well-liked by many in Tibet and Nepal. It is believed that Dzi bead is treasure from the deities and the locals in Tibet and Nepal call it the “Heavenly stone”.

Dzi bead is a combination of heaven and earth’s essence and the different patterns represent different energy. The “eyes” on the stone symbolizes the most powerful “eye” in heaven and earth to ward off evil. Therefore, wearing the Dzi bead cleanses the body and the surroundings of bad energy and prevents one from being tainted by bad energy.

Dzi bead that has been blessed by great cultivators contains enormous energy which can prevent disasters and turn misfortunes into blessings. Wearing Dzi bead for a long period of time helps moderate one’s wellbeing, increases one’s focus and brings good fortune and serenity to one’s life and at the same time, help achieve a peaceful and successful life.

「Dzi bead」To see more Dzi beads, please click on the below link to Cibei Yin website ~

#DziBead , #WardOffEvil , #HeavenlyStone, #BodhiMeditationCenterrnrn天神的寶物──天珠
「天珠」請前往慈悲音Cibei Yin網站迎請~
Treasure of the Deities – Dzi bead

When one of the Bodhi Meditation’s students was looking at getting some blessed articles in our Bodhi meditation center, he asked, “What are the benefits of wearing Dzi bead?”

The question he posed was a good one. Personally, I like such natural stones. Dzi bead is well-liked by many in Tibet and Nepal. It is believed that Dzi bead is treasure from the deities and the locals in Tibet and Nepal call it the “Heavenly stone”.

Dzi bead is a combination of heaven and earth’s essence and the different patterns represent different energy. The “eyes” on the stone symbolizes the most powerful “eye” in heaven and earth to ward off evil. Therefore, wearing the Dzi bead cleanses the body and the surroundings of bad energy and prevents one from being tainted by bad energy.

Dzi bead that has been blessed by great cultivators contains enormous energy which can prevent disasters and turn misfortunes into blessings. Wearing Dzi bead for a long period of time helps moderate one’s wellbeing, increases one’s focus and brings good fortune and serenity to one’s life and at the same time, help achieve a peaceful and successful life.

「Dzi bead」To see more Dzi beads, please click on the below link to Cibei Yin website ~

#DziBead , #WardOffEvil , #HeavenlyStone, #BodhiMeditationCenter

「天珠」請前往慈悲音Cibei Yin網站迎請~
Treasure of the Deities – Dzi bead
When one of the Bodhi Meditation’s students was looking at getting some blessed articles in our Bodhi meditation center, he asked, “What are the benefits of wearing Dzi bead?”
The question he posed was a good one. Personally, I like such natural stones. Dzi bead is well-liked by many in Tibet and Nepal. It is believed that Dzi bead is treasure from the deities and the locals in Tibet and Nepal call it the “Heavenly stone”.
Dzi bead is a combination of heaven and earth’s essence and the different patterns represent different energy. The “eyes” on the stone symbolizes the most powerful “eye” in heaven and earth to ward off evil. Therefore, wearing the Dzi bead cleanses the body and the surroundings of bad energy and prevents one from being tainted by bad energy.
Dzi bead that has been blessed by great cultivators contains enormous energy which can prevent disasters and turn misfortunes into blessings. Wearing Dzi bead for a long period of time helps moderate one’s wellbeing, increases one’s focus and brings good fortune and serenity to one’s life and at the same time, help achieve a peaceful and successful life.
「Dzi bead」To see more Dzi beads, please click on the below link to Cibei Yin website ~
#DziBead , #WardOffEvil , #HeavenlyStone, #BodhiMeditationCenterrnrn天神的寶物──天珠
「天珠」請前往慈悲音Cibei Yin網站迎請~
Treasure of the Deities – Dzi bead
When one of the Bodhi Meditation’s students was looking at getting some blessed articles in our Bodhi meditation center, he asked, “What are the benefits of wearing Dzi bead?”
The question he posed was a good one. Personally, I like such natural stones. Dzi bead is well-liked by many in Tibet and Nepal. It is believed that Dzi bead is treasure from the deities and the locals in Tibet and Nepal call it the “Heavenly stone”.
Dzi bead is a combination of heaven and earth’s essence and the different patterns represent different energy. The “eyes” on the stone symbolizes the most powerful “eye” in heaven and earth to ward off evil. Therefore, wearing the Dzi bead cleanses the body and the surroundings of bad energy and prevents one from being tainted by bad energy.
Dzi bead that has been blessed by great cultivators contains enormous energy which can prevent disasters and turn misfortunes into blessings. Wearing Dzi bead for a long period of time helps moderate one’s wellbeing, increases one’s focus and brings good fortune and serenity to one’s life and at the same time, help achieve a peaceful and successful life.
「Dzi bead」To see more Dzi beads, please click on the below link to Cibei Yin website ~
#DziBead , #WardOffEvil , #HeavenlyStone, #BodhiMeditationCenter


在〈天神的寶物──天珠 . 在菩提禪堂,有同…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 感恩师父分享,这些宝物都很诊贵,我也想请,给儿子带,可惜我请不到,太可惜了。感恩师父!?????????

  2. 师父,我在慈悲音请的是山形天珠,我妈请的是莲花天珠。我的当做吊坠戴了,妈妈的天珠和蓝色的亚马逊天河石串成手钏了,很漂亮的。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑我们健康成长!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩师父的慈悲加持????,自从带上师父加持的如意天珠????,觉得自己做任何事情都很顺,???感恩师父???

  5. 感恩慈悲的师父开示”天神的宝物一一天珠“在西藏、尼泊尔等地区的人喜欢尊称为”天降之石“。
    “天珠”请前往慈悲音Cibei Yin 网站迎请~

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享天珠!我也请了十五眼天珠!还有两个日月星天珠!感恩师父!叩拜恩师!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享《天降之石天珠》好多款真美!???佩戴《天珠》消灾辟邪!感恩师父慈悲呵护与关爱!☕???????

  8. 感恩师父!感恩天珠!好吉祥圆满的天珠!我请的是六眼天珠!很神奇的我真的很喜欢一直佩戴!????

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!太好了,很喜欢,我也请到几串了!???太幸福了,感恩有您师父!?????????

  10. 师父,您好!我也很喜欢天珠,几年前我曾在禅堂请了一条13粒天珠手链,我的朋友都說我的天珠手链很美啊!不知道我是否?辨認,刚才和師父上传的天珠图案對比,我的天珠手链只有四五粒相同,其它的我不知道是什麼了。謝謝師父上传分享!感恩師父!

  11. 感恩师父分享天珠详解???我很喜欢天珠,几年前弟子在禅堂请了三颗师父加持的天珠给孩子和我戴,感觉加持能量特别强,带上它感觉身心平和了许多,也不随便发脾气了,孩子们也变得温顺懂事智慧了,后来又请了几颗送给婆婆、妈妈及兄弟姐妹,感觉他们戴上后都很吉祥平安!感恩师父???感恩佛菩萨???

  12. 师父!这是我在禅堂请到我最喜欢的天珠项链!是红色的,但是拍不到这么好看的颜色,带着它真的是事事顺利!由其是走黑路的时侯,带着它就不害怕!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲分享!这些个宝物太漂亮能量强,好喜欢!感恩师父让我们对天珠的认识了解!恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享每个天珠的意义!感恩佛师的慈悲加持!愿人人都吉祥如意!健康富贵!遇难成祥!顶礼师父!

  15. 感恩师父???的加持,师父所加持的宝物都能量超强,我特别喜欢禅堂里的宝物,到了禅堂就感觉自己囊中羞涩啊!看什么都想请?这是不是也是贪心啊!每次去法务处都看不够。

  16. 师父吉祥感恩师父分享这些宝贝太好了我们很喜欢等事情办完后我也请几串感恩师父顶礼叩拜 ?????????

  17. 师父加持的宝物我都爱,去年女儿就在禅堂为我请了师父加持的天珠,感恩师父!

  18. 經過大修行者尊贵的金菩提禅师的慈悲加持後,天珠更是蘊含了極強的能量,能夠消災避邪、趨吉避凶。長期佩戴,可增進身心的調和,啟發自在的定慧,給我們帶來吉祥與平安的護佑,成就祥和圓滿的人生。感恩师父!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲开示!好美!天珠!天神的宝物!必须拥有一个呀!?幸运?加幸福!?叩拜

  20. 师父好!我超爱天珠,去年法会我总共請了十二粒师父加持的天珠,也請了一些手串给我的母亲和姐妹,就因我母亲带了天珠加南红手串,在一次去坐游轮时踢到厠所的门槛整个人趴在地上,还好佩戴师父的加持宝物,母亲是八十八岁高龄,竟然全身无損,这是师父的護佑,在此弟子真诚感恩师父的加持,護佑???

  21. 我有一課天珠原石(如圖)想個割讓與有緣人,產地戈壁大沙漠,外型看最少有50眼以上,訂價50萬元,可面議,連絡電話02:96780427 =0958921110潘先生。

  22. 我有一顆天珠原石(如圖)想個割讓與有緣人,產地戈壁大沙漠,外型看最少有50眼以上,訂價50萬元,可面議,連絡電話02:86780427 =0958921110潘先生。

  23. 我有一顆天珠原石(如圖)想割讓與有緣人,產地戈壁大沙漠,外型看最少有50眼以上,訂價50萬元,可面議,連絡電話02:86780427 =0958921110潘先生。
