佛前供燈,喜得孫子。 . 「點燈能滅千年…

說來很好笑,我兒子是全世界200 名以內的名醫生,在他手上接生過無數個嬰兒,幫了很多人生小孩,夫妻感情非常好,可是就是沒有小孩,他們也嘗試去買卵子做試管嬰兒,價錢非常高,從1萬美金到5萬美金不等,付出這麼高的價錢還不保證能成功,他們嘗試了,結果失敗了,他們最希望的就是自己的卵子能配成功。
最後,醫生將我兒媳所有卵子全取出來,每個月重覆的嘗試配對。去年感恩節期間 醫生告訴他們這是最後一顆卵子,如果這次再不成功,就必需借用別人的卵子,或別人的子宮了, 這對女人來說是非常痛苦的一件事。




Offer light before Buddha and be blessed with a grandson.

“Light offering eliminates the dark and accumulates great merits.”

Light represents illumination and wisdom. Hence through making light offering, may the Buddha’s bright wisdom shine upon our ignorance self so that we are no longer ignorance and troubled anymore. What other benefits does light offering brings us?

Let’s listen to Rongtang’s story of light offering!
Hello everyone, I am Rongtang from Bailian Bodhi Meditation Center, San Francisco

I have an excellent son who graduated from Harvard Medical School and started his career as a doctor in a good hospital. He got married to a competent woman. However, the couple did not have a child for quite a long time. I didn’t dare to ask the reasons.

One day my daughter-in-law cried telling me that the doctor diagnosed that her eggs were too old and few, so even artificial fertilization might not help her conceive.

Ironically, my son is one of the top 200 doctors in the world and had helped many couples deliver countless babies. The relationship between him and his wife is good, but they have no children. They even tried buying eggs for IVF (in vitro fertilization) to conceive. The cost is high ranging from USD$10,000 to USD$50,000 and yet there is no guarantee of success. They tried, but it was not successful. What they really hoped for was to conceive using their own egg and sperm.

Finally, the doctor took all the eggs out of my daughter-in-law and tried to fertilize them on a monthly basis. Last Thanksgiving, the doctor told them there was only one last egg left. If the fertilization failed, they would have to use other people’s eggs and womb to have a baby. This is very painful emotionally for a woman.

Last December, when they were trying IVF on the last egg, I thought to myself, “My son is outstanding and studied well. I never had to do anything for him. I think I should make a light offering for him and his wife and hope the light can bring some hope!”

The couple visited me on Christmas and my gift for them was a 49-days light offering I made for his wife and her egg. It turned out that the egg was successfully fertilized!
My daughter-in-law became pregnant and this year, my grandson was born. The baby is healthy, adorable and smart!
Making light offering at Bodhi really works wonder and is effective. I am so grateful for this destiny that is hard to come by.
I truly hope those who want to make a change to their life and gain illumination can try making light offering before the Buddha.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals.*

#LightOffering, #SanFrancisco, #USA, #BlessedWithAGrandson, #MeditationJournal


在〈佛前供燈,喜得孫子。 . 「點燈能滅千年…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!佛前点灯,照破我们无明,使我们不在愚痴和烦恼。

  2. 一盏灯一个愿,真诚发心在佛前供灯,真的灵验无穷照亮好前程!在佛前供灯满足心愿的见证实例,真是举不胜举,真发心,佛真满愿!祝贺荣棠师姐喜得宝贝孙子!孙子将来一定是一个出类拔萃的拔尖人才!真诚感恩师父!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享供灯见证!佛前供灯利益多多!随喜赞叹师姐喜得孙子!???叩拜感恩师父!☕?????

  4. 上师好,弟子渴望得到您更多的指引和教诲 跟随您的脚步是弟子一生最重要的选择。

  5. 感恩金菩提禅师的慈悲分享!恭喜容棠师姐的儿子儿媳喜得贵子。师姐佛前点灯49天就得到这么大的的现世利益。我女儿现在正面临考试,准备考事业单位,我也在佛前点灯49天,祈请佛和禅师的加持和护佑。弟子真诚顶礼叩拜恩师???

  6. 一盏灯一个愿,真诚发心在佛前供灯,真的灵验无穷照亮好前程!在佛前供灯满足心愿的见证实例,真是举不胜举,真发心,佛真满愿!祝贺荣棠师姐喜得宝贝孙子!孙子将来一定是一个出类拔萃的拔尖人才!真诚感恩师父!

  7. 感恩师父分享,感恩荣堂师姐分享,读着故事,一起体会着师姐一家人诸事皆好,却唯独求不到孩子的遗憾!尤其是医生提到最后一个卵子…紧张,惶恐,无助…!最关键的时刻,师姐发心供灯,感恩佛感恩师父慈悲大加持,圆满众生愿:一个小生命被送来了!欢喜!感恩!真诚祈愿,真诚供灯,佛菩萨一直都在护佑着我们!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐喜得贤孙!菩提供灯一灯一愿!我也曾经为弟弟供灯婚姻圆满,没到一年时间就是药师佛圣诞的那个月农历九月份就有人给我弟弟介绍对象。现在俩人正在热恋当中。因为我爸爸去世时候家里积蓄已经花的差不多,我妈一个人管理果树也挣不多少钱。我弟弟那几年养货车也没挣到钱,以前处的对象都要楼因为没钱买所以都告吹了。介绍这个对象以后为了怕再为楼的事告吹就借够首付钱买了一个75平方的电梯楼。后来女方知道了,就是不要说平太小将来要养老人,头段时间八楼又卖了。女方家庭条件很好人品也很好,我弟弟问她结婚啥要求她说就要点彩礼钱,不借钱结婚家里有多少就拿多少。这对于我们这个贫困家庭来说真是雪中送炭啊!真是感恩师父慈悲给我们这么好的殊胜条件可以解决我们人生中难以解决的苦难!顶礼师父!

  9. 师父,您好!谢谢师父常常关心我们!感恩师父!值此清明节将到,早兩天我去禅堂为我爸爸和媽媽供49天超度灯了,祈请诸佛菩萨接引我的双親往生极乐世界,离苦得乐,永脱轮回。
