我終於遇到了佛!? . 前兩天,我和一個…

「遇到了佛?佛給你顯像了?」 我很好奇。

I finally meet the Buddha! ?

I was chatting with a young internet friend a few days ago:

“Thank you, Master. I have finally meet the Buddha!”

“Oh? Did Buddha appear in front of you?” I asked curiously.

“Something like that. But it did not happen while I was meditating, neither did Buddha appear in the form of clouds. In fact, it happened in real life.

Since young, I have always visited temples with my grandmother who was a devout Buddhist. To the young boy that I was at that time, the tall Buddhist figures always seemed distant and imposing – untouchable up on the altars.

A few days ago, I was helping to place hot water bottles around my dad in bed when he reached out and caressed my head to show his appreciation. At that moment, I froze. It suddenly occurred to me how little I had done for him. Looking back, I realize now that the only thing I can do for my parents is by paying them occasional visits.

When I was growing up, whenever it became chilly, my parents would always place hot water bottles to keep me warm in bed. During the times that I was sick, I would wake up in the middle of the night to see them replacing the water in the bottles to ensure that I remain warm. They always did their best to get me what I wanted, no matter how far they had to travel.

I remember a time when my dad went out in heavy rain to search for a specific musical instrument that I needed for my music class the following day. He was thoroughly soaked when he came back.

My head was filled with images of all the things my parents had done for me…

As I looked at my dad’s face, I realized that the look of compassionate love on his face was as selfless as any Buddha or Bodhisattvas. It was the look of someone who is willing to sacrifice anything for me. In my mind, I felt as if I have been touched by the soft smiling gaze of Buddha, a gaze that is so identical to my dad’s.

I understood then why Master always told us that our parents are the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives. They protect and care for us endlessly. How is their love any different from the Buddha’s or Bodhisattvas’? They are really the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives!

Don’t you agree with me that I have finally met the Buddha in my life?”

I have mixed feelings after hearing this story. There will always be that few moments when we remember how good our parents have been to us, how they have nurtured us and brought us up. If you have yet to discover such a moment, take the time to return home often. That moment may just occur the next time that you are home.

My wish is for all children, young and old, to discover this moment and meet with the Buddha in their lives soon.

#EncounterWithBuddha, #MeetTheBuddha, #Father, #Motherrnrn我終於遇到了佛!?
「遇到了佛?佛給你顯像了?」 我很好奇。

I finally meet the Buddha! ?

I was chatting with a young internet friend a few days ago:

“Thank you, Master. I have finally meet the Buddha!”

“Oh? Did Buddha appear in front of you?” I asked curiously.

“Something like that. But it did not happen while I was meditating, neither did Buddha appear in the form of clouds. In fact, it happened in real life.

Since young, I have always visited temples with my grandmother who was a devout Buddhist. To the young boy that I was at that time, the tall Buddhist figures always seemed distant and imposing – untouchable up on the altars.

A few days ago, I was helping to place hot water bottles around my dad in bed when he reached out and caressed my head to show his appreciation. At that moment, I froze. It suddenly occurred to me how little I had done for him. Looking back, I realize now that the only thing I can do for my parents is by paying them occasional visits.

When I was growing up, whenever it became chilly, my parents would always place hot water bottles to keep me warm in bed. During the times that I was sick, I would wake up in the middle of the night to see them replacing the water in the bottles to ensure that I remain warm. They always did their best to get me what I wanted, no matter how far they had to travel.

I remember a time when my dad went out in heavy rain to search for a specific musical instrument that I needed for my music class the following day. He was thoroughly soaked when he came back.

My head was filled with images of all the things my parents had done for me…

As I looked at my dad’s face, I realized that the look of compassionate love on his face was as selfless as any Buddha or Bodhisattvas. It was the look of someone who is willing to sacrifice anything for me. In my mind, I felt as if I have been touched by the soft smiling gaze of Buddha, a gaze that is so identical to my dad’s.

I understood then why Master always told us that our parents are the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives. They protect and care for us endlessly. How is their love any different from the Buddha’s or Bodhisattvas’? They are really the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives!

Don’t you agree with me that I have finally met the Buddha in my life?”

I have mixed feelings after hearing this story. There will always be that few moments when we remember how good our parents have been to us, how they have nurtured us and brought us up. If you have yet to discover such a moment, take the time to return home often. That moment may just occur the next time that you are home.

My wish is for all children, young and old, to discover this moment and meet with the Buddha in their lives soon.

#EncounterWithBuddha, #MeetTheBuddha, #Father, #Mother

「遇到了佛?佛給你顯像了?」 我很好奇。
I finally meet the Buddha! ?
I was chatting with a young internet friend a few days ago:
“Thank you, Master. I have finally meet the Buddha!”
“Oh? Did Buddha appear in front of you?” I asked curiously.
“Something like that. But it did not happen while I was meditating, neither did Buddha appear in the form of clouds. In fact, it happened in real life.
Since young, I have always visited temples with my grandmother who was a devout Buddhist. To the young boy that I was at that time, the tall Buddhist figures always seemed distant and imposing – untouchable up on the altars. 
A few days ago, I was helping to place hot water bottles around my dad in bed when he reached out and caressed my head to show his appreciation. At that moment, I froze. It suddenly occurred to me how little I had done for him. Looking back, I realize now that the only thing I can do for my parents is by paying them occasional visits. 
When I was growing up, whenever it became chilly, my parents would always place hot water bottles to keep me warm in bed. During the times that I was sick, I would wake up in the middle of the night to see them replacing the water in the bottles to ensure that I remain warm. They always did their best to get me what I wanted, no matter how far they had to travel. 
I remember a time when my dad went out in heavy rain to search for a specific musical instrument that I needed for my music class the following day. He was thoroughly soaked when he came back. 
My head was filled with images of all the things my parents had done for me… 
As I looked at my dad’s face, I realized that the look of compassionate love on his face was as selfless as any Buddha or Bodhisattvas. It was the look of someone who is willing to sacrifice anything for me. In my mind, I felt as if I have been touched by the soft smiling gaze of Buddha, a gaze that is so identical to my dad’s. 
I understood then why Master always told us that our parents are the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives. They protect and care for us endlessly. How is their love any different from the Buddha’s or Bodhisattvas’? They are really the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives! 
Don’t you agree with me that I have finally met the Buddha in my life?” 
I have mixed feelings after hearing this story. There will always be that few moments when we remember how good our parents have been to us, how they have nurtured us and brought us up. If you have yet to discover such a moment, take the time to return home often. That moment may just occur the next time that you are home.
My wish is for all children, young and old, to discover this moment and meet with the Buddha in their lives soon.
#EncounterWithBuddha, #MeetTheBuddha, #Father, #Motherrnrn我終於遇到了佛!?
「遇到了佛?佛給你顯像了?」 我很好奇。
I finally meet the Buddha! ?
I was chatting with a young internet friend a few days ago:
“Thank you, Master. I have finally meet the Buddha!”
“Oh? Did Buddha appear in front of you?” I asked curiously.
“Something like that. But it did not happen while I was meditating, neither did Buddha appear in the form of clouds. In fact, it happened in real life.
Since young, I have always visited temples with my grandmother who was a devout Buddhist. To the young boy that I was at that time, the tall Buddhist figures always seemed distant and imposing – untouchable up on the altars. 
A few days ago, I was helping to place hot water bottles around my dad in bed when he reached out and caressed my head to show his appreciation. At that moment, I froze. It suddenly occurred to me how little I had done for him. Looking back, I realize now that the only thing I can do for my parents is by paying them occasional visits. 
When I was growing up, whenever it became chilly, my parents would always place hot water bottles to keep me warm in bed. During the times that I was sick, I would wake up in the middle of the night to see them replacing the water in the bottles to ensure that I remain warm. They always did their best to get me what I wanted, no matter how far they had to travel. 
I remember a time when my dad went out in heavy rain to search for a specific musical instrument that I needed for my music class the following day. He was thoroughly soaked when he came back. 
My head was filled with images of all the things my parents had done for me… 
As I looked at my dad’s face, I realized that the look of compassionate love on his face was as selfless as any Buddha or Bodhisattvas. It was the look of someone who is willing to sacrifice anything for me. In my mind, I felt as if I have been touched by the soft smiling gaze of Buddha, a gaze that is so identical to my dad’s. 
I understood then why Master always told us that our parents are the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives. They protect and care for us endlessly. How is their love any different from the Buddha’s or Bodhisattvas’? They are really the Buddha and Bodhisattvas in our lives! 
Don’t you agree with me that I have finally met the Buddha in my life?” 
I have mixed feelings after hearing this story. There will always be that few moments when we remember how good our parents have been to us, how they have nurtured us and brought us up. If you have yet to discover such a moment, take the time to return home often. That moment may just occur the next time that you are home.
My wish is for all children, young and old, to discover this moment and meet with the Buddha in their lives soon.
#EncounterWithBuddha, #MeetTheBuddha, #Father, #Mother


在〈我終於遇到了佛!? . 前兩天,我和一個…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 感恩師父 慈悲開示師父早安 孩子 有些來報恩的 有些是來討債 索命的 貼文上的孩子 表現確實不錯現在 工作壓力下 讓有些孩子們 不得不 只講求 現實表象 偶爾 忘了父母的存在

  2. 是啊。我们的父母亲就是我们生命中的两尊佛。如果对父母不敬,哪怕是再虔诚拜佛烧香,也觉徒然。我也常常和身边的朋友这么说。

  3. 师父好!感恩师父的慈悲开示与分享。父母亲的细心呵护着我们,为我们遮风挡雨,陪伴着我们长大成人,他们就是我们身边的佛菩萨。我们要感恩孝顺父母,也陪伴着父母一直到老。

  4. 感恩师父的教导,父母亲就是我们现实当中的佛,他们对子女的爱,是绝对无私的付出,感恩我的父母,感恩我历代的父母???

  5. 잠재의식에
    늘 내재되어있는
    스승님 글에공감하면서

  6. 感恩师父!知道了父母的无私奉献给予!理解父母的不易!并付之予行动回报父母的大恩?就遇见了真的自己!真的自己就是佛陀!????

  7. 师父好!吉祥如意!感恩师父的分享与开示!师父就像一盏明灯,照亮了我们的心!???

  8. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!师父的谆谆教诲,孩子们终于懂了感恩身边的佛_父母。爱身边的人,感恩我们每天遇到的人。

  9. 感恩师父的慈悲开示与分享!父母亲就是我们现实当中身邊的佛菩薩,他们对子女的爱是无私的付出,感恩我们身邊的父母,感恩我们历代的父母!感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师我们的师父!

  10. 无论怎样孝敬父母,我也是永远亏欠他们的,我对他们的好,也比不上他们对我的付出。更别说现实生活中,我做的并不好。

  11. 师父,我想好好的修修忏悔,正好您讲到孝敬,今天我磕头的时候我要从孝敬这地方开始忏悔。

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导
    师父是弟子的佛菩薩,感恩的心 感恩有师父???

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教化!《父母亲就是我们身边的佛》。叩拜感恩师父!☕???????????

  14. 师父好!感恩师父!感恩父母!从小到大是父母养育之恩,我现在没有办法报答了,只有为他们佛菩萨前点灯!念佛回向给父母!让父母到东方琉璃世界,西方极乐世界!感恩父母大慈大悲养育之恩!感恩师父加持护佑!教导我怎么做事,用慈悲善良!大度宽容包容一切万事万物!是师父给了健康快乐!智慧增长!我用真心叩拜恩师!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!父母就是我们的佛。为我们无私的奉献自己的一生,当我们生病时最着急的事他们,当我们失败时给我们鼓励的也是他们,当我们获得成就时他们高兴的也是她们。感恩我们的父母亲。感恩我们的再生父母最尊贵的金菩提上师!顶礼师父!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!?……昨晚上弟子还在想身为母亲太伟大了!对孩子的无微不至的照顾与呵护!生病中的孩子妈,睡觉踢被子的孩子妈,想要孩子吃饭吃好的孩子妈,想要孩子成才?️高尚品德的孩子妈,而师父就是弟子们和众生的妈?……师父太慈悲了…想到这弟子水滴在脸上直流⋯?佛与师父多不容易呀!辛苦了师父!我的佛!感恩您!❤️您!?叩拜

  17. 师父!感恩您的慈悲分享!能认清父母亲就是儿女们身边的两尊佛,境界己经很高了,我的父母亲早已离开了我。但我身边有太多的佛菩萨,师父您就是我永不舍的三身佛。每位众生皆有佛性,都是未来佛,我要感恩他们,每个人都有亮光点,都有我可学之处,一定谦虚做人,礼敬恩师,感恩一切!

  18. 從小就覺得父母親很辛苦、很偉大。
    平冰 恭敬合十感恩

  19. 师父您好!感恩您的慈悲开示!弟子每天照顾孙子的时候时常会想起父母照顾我们的时候的辛苦,我的母亲养育四个儿女,然后还要帮四个儿女照顾孩子,现在真的才体会到了母亲有多辛苦,感恩我的母亲,祝愿我的母亲及天下的所有母亲们都能够健康长寿。

  20. 感恩師父的慈悲開示与分享教化!父母就是我们的佛菩薩,他們對子女的爱是無怨無悔無私的付出,感恩我們的父母,感恩我們歷代的父母!感恩大慈大悲金菩提上師!

  21. 感恩師父慈悲分享,給我生命,養育我的父母是我的佛菩薩,有緣當師父的弟子便是遇見佛,師父是弟子的佛菩薩,感恩 !

  22. 感恩佛师分享教化???是啊我们平时真的很少主意这些,认为父母理所当然该做的,其不知是呵护关爱,父母就是佛?‍?‍?‍????

  23. 感恩师父分享故事提醒教导我们父母就是我们身边的佛菩萨,父母给我们的爱渗入我们的生活点滴中,融入生命,我们拥有并享受父母的关爱彷佛呼吸一般习以为常,且理所当然!还经常的我们四处求佛拜佛…,跟随师父学习慈悲,懂得了感恩,才明白和找到自己生命中的佛,原来佛从不曾离开我,我们一直都在佛的呵护和关爱中长大!感恩您伟大的佛陀,感恩您们我的父母我生命里的佛陀!

  24. 师父,您好!谢谢师父上传分享!感恩师父!为人父母有谁不疼锡自己的孩子呢?我的父母虽然没有什么荣华富贵给我们,但是他们很疼锡我们,我们从小就感到很幸福、温暖和安全感。我也很怀念我的父母。感恩我的父母!我的父母是我的佛菩萨!
