修行聚能量,通達大智慧。 . 每天「堅持…

想重新溫習「八卦內功 身心健康之道」,

#金菩提禪語 #修行聚能量 #通達大智慧

Cultivation can lead to accumulation of energy and great wisdom

Persevere to practice Energy Bagua daily for one hour and chant for another hour to fill our cells with compassion and the energy of truth. Naturally, you will be able to tell right from wrong and possess the ability to identify the crux of a matter to handle things well. In other words, when you grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow.

To watch 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness】, please click on the below link:

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #AccumulatingEnergy, #GainUltimateWisdomrnrn修行聚能量,通達大智慧。
想重新溫習「八卦內功 身心健康之道」,

#金菩提禪語 #修行聚能量 #通達大智慧

Cultivation can lead to accumulation of energy and great wisdom

Persevere to practice Energy Bagua daily for one hour and chant for another hour to fill our cells with compassion and the energy of truth. Naturally, you will be able to tell right from wrong and possess the ability to identify the crux of a matter to handle things well. In other words, when you grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow.

To watch 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness】, please click on the below link:

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #AccumulatingEnergy, #GainUltimateWisdom

想重新溫習「八卦內功 身心健康之道」,

#金菩提禪語 #修行聚能量 #通達大智慧
Cultivation can lead to accumulation of energy and great wisdom

Persevere to practice Energy Bagua daily for one hour and chant for another hour to fill our cells with compassion and the energy of truth. Naturally, you will be able to tell right from wrong and possess the ability to identify the crux of a matter to handle things well. In other words, when you grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow. 

To watch 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness】, please click on the below link:

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #AccumulatingEnergy, #GainUltimateWisdomrnrn修行聚能量,通達大智慧。
想重新溫習「八卦內功 身心健康之道」,

#金菩提禪語 #修行聚能量 #通達大智慧
Cultivation can lead to accumulation of energy and great wisdom

Persevere to practice Energy Bagua daily for one hour and chant for another hour to fill our cells with compassion and the energy of truth. Naturally, you will be able to tell right from wrong and possess the ability to identify the crux of a matter to handle things well. In other words, when you grasp the fundamental point, all the rest will follow. 

To watch 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness】, please click on the below link:

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #AccumulatingEnergy, #GainUltimateWisdom


在〈修行聚能量,通達大智慧。 . 每天「堅持…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲教化!修行聚能量,通达大智慧!每天坚持走八卦一小时,再念佛一小时,就能的让身体每个细胞自然地充满着慈悲充滿真理的力量.甚至自动地通达这些真理叫一通百通,当道理通达之后,人就自在了…!谨记师父教诲每天坚持去做!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  2. 感恩师父!我以后也要每天拿出1小时来念佛,请佛增加我心中的慈悲,增长智慧一通百通。

  3. 做师父的弟子首先学的就是师父对众生大慈大悲之心!是师父您教授了我们的无上妙法才让我们消除疾病,消除了愚痴,消除了烦恼和痛苦,消除了贪婪和欲望之心,消除了灾难和贫穷等等。

  4. 修行聚能量,通达大智慧!

  5. 有师父慈悲加持与教化!我们都修的《一通百通》。努力加油!感恩师父!☕???????

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示!坚持天天走八卦,获得身心健康!增长智慧,生活更美好,还要去弘扬师父妙法,让更多人走进菩提,走八卦,修大光明,念佛,都健康快乐!都身心光明!都有智慧处理生活工作中遇到的困难障碍!顶礼师父!
