「禪修」幫她找回了兒子與健康! . 分享…



Meditation helped her reconcile with her son and regain her health!

This sharing is from Busan Songjeong Bodhi Meditation Center, Korea – Yixi story:
At the beginning of 2006, my marriage hit a rough patch. Since then, I became full of resentment towards my ex-husband. Harboring grudges over extended periods resulted in my body seemingly obstructed – my abdomen felt as stiff as a rock.

In addition, while my son was learning to talk, I was away from home in Korea to make a living, with hardly any time to personally nurture him. My son hated my regular absence during his growing-up period but I felt most wronged. I had left home to earn money to provide for him, how could he not understand, and blame me instead?

My physical fragility and spiritual torment often made me want to end my life, but the thought of my elderly mother and underage child held me back, as I could not bear to do so.

In May 2014, my friend brought me to the Busan Songjeong Bodhi Meditation Center.

The first time I recited the 「Chanting to Avalokitesvara」, tears streamed down uncontrollably. At noon the following day, I went personally before the picture of Grandmaster JinBodhi to pay respects. That was when I began to realize how my child had been feeling, his sense of helplessness in the absence of his mother. I felt most regretful. Why did I not consider the separation pain that would have afflicted my child? I owed too much to him! My tears of repentance could not ease. As I cried, a solution suddenly came to me.

On Mother’s Day, I plucked up the courage to call my child and sincerely apologize. That day, we chatted till midnight. Later, I saw my child comment in his social media page, “I will never forget the Mother’s Day in my 20th year. My mother is the best in the world and I love her most”. At that moment, my heart felt so warm.

After two months of meditative practices, I developed greater stamina and started Energy Bagua. Initially, it was arduous but over time, I was able to practice for 1 hour and no longer panted when I climb stairs. Once I even helped to move a whole box of items at the Center!

Between November 2014 to February 2015, I only drank little water and ate some fruit everyday. I had felt neither hungry nor tired, and was full of spirit physically, with mental clarity. Since then, my gut function had become better and my appetite much improved.

In May 2017, I completely let go of the resentment toward my ex-husband. I only felt calm at the thought of him. Following, I realized that my abdomen area had become ‘soft’ and my bodily functions, unobstructed.

Now, I feel so happy, so fortunate, and subconsciously grateful for everything around me. I laugh frequently, view falling leaves as if they are dancing in the wind, see everyone’s faces like blooming lotus flowers. People around me says I have changed, as if I am a different person!

Indeed, in the warm and big Bodhi Meditation family, how can I not change for the better?

(Note: The effects of meditation could vary from person to person.)

I welcome everyone to pick up a ‘Meditation and Health’ magazine from our global Bodhi Meditation Centers to learn more about our health-related stories.

#MeditationJournal, #MeditationTestimonials, #BusanSongjeongBodhiMeditationCenter, #Yixirnrn「禪修」幫她找回了兒子與健康!


Meditation helped her reconcile with her son and regain her health!

This sharing is from Busan Songjeong Bodhi Meditation Center, Korea – Yixi story:
At the beginning of 2006, my marriage hit a rough patch. Since then, I became full of resentment towards my ex-husband. Harboring grudges over extended periods resulted in my body seemingly obstructed – my abdomen felt as stiff as a rock.

In addition, while my son was learning to talk, I was away from home in Korea to make a living, with hardly any time to personally nurture him. My son hated my regular absence during his growing-up period but I felt most wronged. I had left home to earn money to provide for him, how could he not understand, and blame me instead?

My physical fragility and spiritual torment often made me want to end my life, but the thought of my elderly mother and underage child held me back, as I could not bear to do so.

In May 2014, my friend brought me to the Busan Songjeong Bodhi Meditation Center.

The first time I recited the 「Chanting to Avalokitesvara」, tears streamed down uncontrollably. At noon the following day, I went personally before the picture of Grandmaster JinBodhi to pay respects. That was when I began to realize how my child had been feeling, his sense of helplessness in the absence of his mother. I felt most regretful. Why did I not consider the separation pain that would have afflicted my child? I owed too much to him! My tears of repentance could not ease. As I cried, a solution suddenly came to me.

On Mother’s Day, I plucked up the courage to call my child and sincerely apologize. That day, we chatted till midnight. Later, I saw my child comment in his social media page, “I will never forget the Mother’s Day in my 20th year. My mother is the best in the world and I love her most”. At that moment, my heart felt so warm.

After two months of meditative practices, I developed greater stamina and started Energy Bagua. Initially, it was arduous but over time, I was able to practice for 1 hour and no longer panted when I climb stairs. Once I even helped to move a whole box of items at the Center!

Between November 2014 to February 2015, I only drank little water and ate some fruit everyday. I had felt neither hungry nor tired, and was full of spirit physically, with mental clarity. Since then, my gut function had become better and my appetite much improved.

In May 2017, I completely let go of the resentment toward my ex-husband. I only felt calm at the thought of him. Following, I realized that my abdomen area had become ‘soft’ and my bodily functions, unobstructed.

Now, I feel so happy, so fortunate, and subconsciously grateful for everything around me. I laugh frequently, view falling leaves as if they are dancing in the wind, see everyone’s faces like blooming lotus flowers. People around me says I have changed, as if I am a different person!

Indeed, in the warm and big Bodhi Meditation family, how can I not change for the better?

(Note: The effects of meditation could vary from person to person.)

I welcome everyone to pick up a ‘Meditation and Health’ magazine from our global Bodhi Meditation Centers to learn more about our health-related stories.

#MeditationJournal, #MeditationTestimonials, #BusanSongjeongBodhiMeditationCenter, #Yixi


在〈「禪修」幫她找回了兒子與健康! . 分享…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享怡喜通过禅修改变命运,身体健康、母子关系和好、原谅丈夫、心情畅通、人也快乐幸福!

  2. 随喜师姐通过禅修找回了儿子与健康!顶礼感恩师父创建菩提禅修之家,传授无上密法令有缘人获得身心灵的健康快乐及解脱!

  3. What’s a wonderful turn out through meditation ?‍♂️ ?‍♀️ that can help her work positively of her emotions from the negative though. Awesome ?

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜怡喜师姐的受益。她通过真诚的诵念观世音菩萨圣号,和在师父的法相前真诚的忏悔,整个身心灵得到健康,与儿子的关系也得到了很大的改变。师父的法就是如此妙!欢迎全体下有缘人都来学习菩提禅修!???

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝贺随喜怡喜师姐的受益。感恩师父创建菩提禅修之家,传授无上密法令有缘人获得身心灵的健康快乐及解脱!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜怡喜师姐和儿子的关系360度大转变。在师父佛菩萨面前忏悔会消除一切业障得健康自在吉祥!顶礼师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹师姐通过禅修找回了健康快乐!??????感恩师父传授的妙法!?☕????

  8. 这段日子我学到好多真理:知足,感恩,原谅,包容,大度…我要把它们永远都记在心里,并一一做到。我不会拖泥带水的,要做就真正做到。

  9. 感恩最慈悲的上师!随喜师姐通过禅修找回了儿子与健康!顶礼感恩师父创建菩提禅修之家,传授无上密法令有缘人获得身心灵的健康快乐及解脱!???

  10. 感恩师父分享!为怡喜师姐而高兴,为我们这个温暖的家而自豪。再次感恩—恩师!

  11. 看到怡喜师姐的照片真是很“喜悦”,看到故事也感动流泪。师父的慈悲,菩提禅修,让人间不再是“冷寞”,让人生不再是“荒凉”,是师父的爱,如阳光,照耀及温暖着我们的心。没有遇到师父,我们的人生不可能像现在这个样子,快乐和健康,更是幸福,每天喜悦有爱!恭喜师姐,我们也同喜,我们的幸福都是一样的。感恩师父!感恩有您!????

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!师姐禮拜中,彷彿感覺自己就是自己的孩子,開始體會到孩子沒有媽媽陪伴的苦楚。后来又徹底化解了對前夫的怨恨,再想到他,心中已十分平靜。從那以後,發現腹部變得柔軟,身體也通暢了。非常好的分享!???

  13. 看师姐笑得如此灿烂阳光,一点不像经历过苦痛,恭喜师姐找回儿子,重获新生,菩提禅修真是好,师父的妙法实在棒,愿更多的有缘人都能走进菩提大家庭,找到幸福快乐的人生!

  14. 感恩师父分享怡喜师姐的禅修见证。菩提禅修改变了她与儿子的关系,化解了与前夫的恩怨,让自己获得了健康快乐幸福。祝福怡喜师姐,人生更加精彩。

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!

  16. 日子還是要過、面對事實,逃避解決不了事情、最壞也不過如此、活得快樂幸福、活得驕傲、讓所有人都羨慕、這才是人生、為自己而活、不是為誰活⋯⋯

  17. 伟大的师父,传授神奇的佛法,融化了每个人心中的怨恨,平添了对生活对万物的无限感激之情!好好修,每个人都会获得该得到的

  18. 师父今天送孩子回来后碰到那个人之后一天都是浑身无力身上不通血的!就像感冒了一样!头晕乎乎的难受!下午碰到后不一会头就开始痛迷糊,身上像过电一样!?

  19. 每次看这篇文章我都想哭师父!不知道为什么!师姐好不容易!当妈妈的更不容易!真的很为她高兴能够幸福!
