與青年人聊天 (之三) . 讓我們繼續一…

與青年人聊天 (之三)
在工作之中,會感覺受到煎熬,是自己的「心」讓每一刻都煎熬,是自己製造的。如果用喜悅和感恩的心面對, 所有的挫折都會讓你成長,成為生命的佐料:苦、辣、酸、甜。對你的未來而言,就像一幅美麗的人生圖案,它是其中的一個色彩。

Chat with the youths (Part 3)

Let us continue our chat session. Another question that I get frequently from youths is: How do I boost my motivation at work?

Question: “I don’t have a sense of belonging at my workplace. Neither do I have the motivation to improve myself. To make ends meet, I have no choice but to continue in this job. How do I change my mentality to one that is more positive?”

My reply: “I choose to regard everything that happens to me as important nutrients that help to nourish my life. Regardless of whether they bring happiness or sorrow, whether they are good or bad, I will resolve to do my best, even if it is a task that seems totally meaningless at that point in time.”

Take the example of climbing Mount Taishan. On the way to the peak, you come across a dirty bridge. Instead of regarding the bridge with disdain and anger, you should be grateful to it. Its existence allows you to cross from one end to the other and ultimately helps you to reach the peak of the mountain.

Similarly, when we are putting in long hours at work, we should not take it as an ordeal and feel tormented by it. Instead we ought to accept it, view it as a learning opportunity and be grateful for it. Our job is like the dirty bridge in the mountain – we ought to treat it with respect and gratitude. Only then will we see its beauty and merits.

Whenever you feel tormented at work, understand that it is your “heart” and your mentality that is causing the torment. You are the cause of your own ordeal. If you choose to face it with a thankful and joyous heart, all the obstacles that you encounter become catalysts for your growth. You will realize that these obstacles are the seasoning that add flavors to your life: flavors of bitterness, spiciness, sourness and sweetness.

Every obstacle that you overcome is like a color on the palette that eventually makes up the masterpiece of your future. In a beautiful painting, every color has its own place on the canvas. The lack of any color will render the painting imperfect.

Hence, no matter what experience we are going through, we should treat the world with a sincere, thankful and respectful heart.

Don’t look down on your boss or your supervisor. They may be a lot stronger than you in certain areas. Rather than feel tormented while performing the job that you are being paid to do, think of how much worse you will feel if you do not have a job.

Keep this phrase in mind: “Those who do their jobs well and with sincerity will be rewarded eventually.”

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart3, #SincerityAndRespectrnrn與青年人聊天 (之三)
在工作之中,會感覺受到煎熬,是自己的「心」讓每一刻都煎熬,是自己製造的。如果用喜悅和感恩的心面對, 所有的挫折都會讓你成長,成為生命的佐料:苦、辣、酸、甜。對你的未來而言,就像一幅美麗的人生圖案,它是其中的一個色彩。

Chat with the youths (Part 3)

Let us continue our chat session. Another question that I get frequently from youths is: How do I boost my motivation at work?

Question: “I don’t have a sense of belonging at my workplace. Neither do I have the motivation to improve myself. To make ends meet, I have no choice but to continue in this job. How do I change my mentality to one that is more positive?”

My reply: “I choose to regard everything that happens to me as important nutrients that help to nourish my life. Regardless of whether they bring happiness or sorrow, whether they are good or bad, I will resolve to do my best, even if it is a task that seems totally meaningless at that point in time.”

Take the example of climbing Mount Taishan. On the way to the peak, you come across a dirty bridge. Instead of regarding the bridge with disdain and anger, you should be grateful to it. Its existence allows you to cross from one end to the other and ultimately helps you to reach the peak of the mountain.

Similarly, when we are putting in long hours at work, we should not take it as an ordeal and feel tormented by it. Instead we ought to accept it, view it as a learning opportunity and be grateful for it. Our job is like the dirty bridge in the mountain – we ought to treat it with respect and gratitude. Only then will we see its beauty and merits.

Whenever you feel tormented at work, understand that it is your “heart” and your mentality that is causing the torment. You are the cause of your own ordeal. If you choose to face it with a thankful and joyous heart, all the obstacles that you encounter become catalysts for your growth. You will realize that these obstacles are the seasoning that add flavors to your life: flavors of bitterness, spiciness, sourness and sweetness.

Every obstacle that you overcome is like a color on the palette that eventually makes up the masterpiece of your future. In a beautiful painting, every color has its own place on the canvas. The lack of any color will render the painting imperfect.

Hence, no matter what experience we are going through, we should treat the world with a sincere, thankful and respectful heart.

Don’t look down on your boss or your supervisor. They may be a lot stronger than you in certain areas. Rather than feel tormented while performing the job that you are being paid to do, think of how much worse you will feel if you do not have a job.

Keep this phrase in mind: “Those who do their jobs well and with sincerity will be rewarded eventually.”

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart3, #SincerityAndRespect

與青年人聊天 (之三)
在工作之中,會感覺受到煎熬,是自己的「心」讓每一刻都煎熬,是自己製造的。如果用喜悅和感恩的心面對, 所有的挫折都會讓你成長,成為生命的佐料:苦、辣、酸、甜。對你的未來而言,就像一幅美麗的人生圖案,它是其中的一個色彩。
Chat with the youths (Part 3)
Let us continue our chat session. Another question that I get frequently from youths is: How do I boost my motivation at work? 
Question: “I don’t have a sense of belonging at my workplace. Neither do I have the motivation to improve myself. To make ends meet, I have no choice but to continue in this job. How do I change my mentality to one that is more positive?”
My reply: “I choose to regard everything that happens to me as important nutrients that help to nourish my life. Regardless of whether they bring happiness or sorrow, whether they are good or bad, I will resolve to do my best, even if it is a task that seems totally meaningless at that point in time.”
Take the example of climbing Mount Taishan. On the way to the peak, you come across a dirty bridge. Instead of regarding the bridge with disdain and anger, you should be grateful to it. Its existence allows you to cross from one end to the other and ultimately helps you to reach the peak of the mountain. 
Similarly, when we are putting in long hours at work, we should not take it as an ordeal and feel tormented by it. Instead we ought to accept it, view it as a learning opportunity and be grateful for it. Our job is like the dirty bridge in the mountain – we ought to treat it with respect and gratitude. Only then will we see its beauty and merits. 
Whenever you feel tormented at work, understand that it is your “heart” and your mentality that is causing the torment. You are the cause of your own ordeal. If you choose to face it with a thankful and joyous heart, all the obstacles that you encounter become catalysts for your growth. You will realize that these obstacles are the seasoning that add flavors to your life: flavors of bitterness, spiciness, sourness and sweetness. 
Every obstacle that you overcome is like a color on the palette that eventually makes up the masterpiece of your future. In a beautiful painting, every color has its own place on the canvas. The lack of any color will render the painting imperfect. 
Hence, no matter what experience we are going through, we should treat the world with a sincere, thankful and respectful heart. 
Don’t look down on your boss or your supervisor. They may be a lot stronger than you in certain areas. Rather than feel tormented while performing the job that you are being paid to do, think of how much worse you will feel if you do not have a job. 
Keep this phrase in mind: “Those who do their jobs well and with sincerity will be rewarded eventually.” 
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart3, #SincerityAndRespectrnrn與青年人聊天 (之三)
在工作之中,會感覺受到煎熬,是自己的「心」讓每一刻都煎熬,是自己製造的。如果用喜悅和感恩的心面對, 所有的挫折都會讓你成長,成為生命的佐料:苦、辣、酸、甜。對你的未來而言,就像一幅美麗的人生圖案,它是其中的一個色彩。
Chat with the youths (Part 3)
Let us continue our chat session. Another question that I get frequently from youths is: How do I boost my motivation at work? 
Question: “I don’t have a sense of belonging at my workplace. Neither do I have the motivation to improve myself. To make ends meet, I have no choice but to continue in this job. How do I change my mentality to one that is more positive?”
My reply: “I choose to regard everything that happens to me as important nutrients that help to nourish my life. Regardless of whether they bring happiness or sorrow, whether they are good or bad, I will resolve to do my best, even if it is a task that seems totally meaningless at that point in time.”
Take the example of climbing Mount Taishan. On the way to the peak, you come across a dirty bridge. Instead of regarding the bridge with disdain and anger, you should be grateful to it. Its existence allows you to cross from one end to the other and ultimately helps you to reach the peak of the mountain. 
Similarly, when we are putting in long hours at work, we should not take it as an ordeal and feel tormented by it. Instead we ought to accept it, view it as a learning opportunity and be grateful for it. Our job is like the dirty bridge in the mountain – we ought to treat it with respect and gratitude. Only then will we see its beauty and merits. 
Whenever you feel tormented at work, understand that it is your “heart” and your mentality that is causing the torment. You are the cause of your own ordeal. If you choose to face it with a thankful and joyous heart, all the obstacles that you encounter become catalysts for your growth. You will realize that these obstacles are the seasoning that add flavors to your life: flavors of bitterness, spiciness, sourness and sweetness. 
Every obstacle that you overcome is like a color on the palette that eventually makes up the masterpiece of your future. In a beautiful painting, every color has its own place on the canvas. The lack of any color will render the painting imperfect. 
Hence, no matter what experience we are going through, we should treat the world with a sincere, thankful and respectful heart. 
Don’t look down on your boss or your supervisor. They may be a lot stronger than you in certain areas. Rather than feel tormented while performing the job that you are being paid to do, think of how much worse you will feel if you do not have a job. 
Keep this phrase in mind: “Those who do their jobs well and with sincerity will be rewarded eventually.” 
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart3, #SincerityAndRespect


在〈與青年人聊天 (之三) . 讓我們繼續一…〉中有 24 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲提醒!用恭敬感恩的心面对一切,烦脑就没有了!弟子记住了!弟子叩拜恩师!

  2. 早晨的正能量、人生活的自在充实不必大福大贵重要的是不要沉迷、沉迷人茫啊!好好的活

  3. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!所有的经历,无论当时觉得好还是坏,喜悦还是痛苦,乃至无聊都是人生最重要的营养,用感恩感激心接受。牢记师父教诲【做好你的工作,真诚之中生黄金】师父爱您!

  4. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  5. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!真诚真诚恭敬顶礼至高无上的佛师???????????????

  6. 师父早安???恭敬感恩聆听师父慈悲开示:给予我们(恭敬感恩真诚面对接受人生中的一切)这无上法宝!弟子收到了学着应用到生活中的方方面面。深信生命会通达无爱无碍,会越来越光彩!真诚顶礼慈悲的上师!

  7. “做好你的工作,真诚之中生黄金。”感恩师父慈悲开示!师父说得真好!做好每件小事,每件小事都可能是成就大事的基础,就象一个机器的每个小螺丁都很重要。人生是一段旅程,在登上顶峰之前,必须走过的每一段路都值得感恩,沿途的每一段风景都是独一无二的。

  8. 师父好,感恩师父的开示!师父句句真言道尽人生历程,弟子牢记师父的金玉良言!??

  9. 感恩師父慈悲开示与教导!祈愿青年在每个工作之中,不要有煎熬的心理,應該有學習的心理,應該去接受、感恩应有的工作,就好比是這座破爛的橋,也要用恭敬、感恩的心面對,真诚之中生黄金。感恩师父!给予我们的一切,一人修行全家受益孩子学习工作都得到了吉祥如意!心想事成!家庭和睦!顶礼叩拜大慈大悲恩师金菩提上师!感恩师父!

  10. 感恩师父跟年青聊的话题,看完我们这些成年人也挺受益的,学会感恩一切事和人,他们都是在成就你的,经历过了,想开了,你也更成熟了!

  11. 感恩师父给予慈悲开示教导!“没有工作动力,迫于生计又不得已而为之…!”这种现象不仅仅是青年人,也是多数上班簇普遍存在的问题!不能逃离生活压力,改变客观环境,能改变的只有自己!学习以接受的心,感恩的心态来面对工作,我们的工作态度也会发生改变!特别是师父提到的“没人雇用你,才知是真的痛苦”!所以,有工作就该感恩,就该好好的珍惜并做好!感恩所有的“遇见”让我们的人生更丰富多彩!

  12. 感恩师父!总做一项工作难免会有厌烦的心里存在,但是如果换种心态来看待工作就会有截然不同的效果。用感恩心恭敬心去心甘情愿的给老板打工你就永远不会失业!而且还有可能升职加薪!顶礼师父!

  13. 师父好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父教诲我们对工作也好对生活中遇到的困难也好都要有感恩心,欢喜心,恭敬心接受,真诚心积极去做事情,会收获更多,顶礼师父!

  14. 師父的慈悲愛心 面面俱到 可是 就業的問題 有牽涉個人企業 主公營 和民營機構 種種制度 和規範等等 人際關係 這個問題值得 分很多的 面向來探討

  15. 感恩师父的开示!与年轻人聊聊如何提振工作的动力?弟子受益匪浅!正是我在工作中遇到的问题。

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!「做好你的工作,真誠之中生黃金!」感恩珍惜拥有的一切,顶礼感恩恩师!???

  17. 师父好(✪▽✪)好与坏的事情只要经历都是成长的梯子 ,也是积累智慧的资粮,对每个人都是宝贵的经验,只是凡夫分别何止接受好的事情,排斥不好和不喜欢的事情,所以才有烦恼和痛苦,以至于贪图各种欲望求所不得。感恩师父慈悲开示!

  18. 师父, that’s how I encourage myself daily at work: ‘think of how much worst u’ll feel if u do not have a job’ but I’ll work towards: ‘those who do their jobs well n with sincerity will be rewarded eventually ‘ ? 谢谢?师父 感恩您 ???

  19. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!“对于我来说,所有经历的事情,无论当时觉得好还是不好、喜悦还是痛苦,乃至无聊!我发现它们,都是人生中最重要的营养,所以你应该去做好它。”……“在接受每个历程的时候,都应该用真实的、感恩的心恭敬这个世界。”……师父说得真好!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜恩师!???

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