【元宵】佛前供燈,喜獲龍鳳胎孫! . 元…


【Lantern Festival】 Offered light before Buddha and delightfully blessed with a pigeon-pair of grandchildren!

The Lantern Festival is not merely the moment to appreciate beautiful lanterns and decipher lantern riddles, it is also a good occasion to pray to have children. In many places, legend has it that couples who offer light before the Buddha were blessed and had their wishes fulfilled. The blessed couples customarily continue their light offerings in the following year as a form of gratitude.

So friends who would like to pray for a child, do give it a try. Visit any Bodhi Meditation Center near you to offer light and seek the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ blessings for a smooth conception of your child.

Below is a true story of how light offering results in one being blessed with grandchildren.
?‍?‍?‍?Testimonial – Malaysia’s Lin A-Di’s story ?‍?‍?‍?

In 2017, I had the privilege to participate in Bodhi Meditation’s Blessing Ceremony. It was extraordinary and most blissful!

At the event, I decided to draw a divination lot. A fellow Bodhi Meditation sister who was assisting asked what I had wished for. I told her I do not lack anything, except for a grandchild! I have 3 children; my eldest son had been married for 10 years, second son for 6 years, and my daughter, two years. They do not have any children, despite having consulted both eastern and western medicine and being in good health. This had left me perplexed.

Thus, the fellow Bodhi Meditation sister suggested that I offer light before the Buddha, pray to Master about my wish, and hope that I could accumulate more merits through volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center. Following, I took up the sister’s advice, including helping out at the Center Kitchen. One day after about two months, my second son called to inform that my daughter-in-law showed signs of pregnancy. Upon examination, it was confirmed to be a pigeon-pair twins (boy-and-girl twins)! It was simply wonderful and most unexpected!

Following, my young daughter was also pregnant, and we were all overjoyed! Through light offerings and volunteer work, I had achieved my wish! I am most grateful for the blessings of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as Master Jin Bodhi!

On this auspicious day, I wish everyone a Joyous Lantern Festival, and may all your wishes be fulfilled!

#LanternFestival, #LightOffering, #VolunteerWork, #SeekChildren, #PigeonPairTwins, #Testimonialrnrn【元宵】佛前供燈,喜獲龍鳳胎孫!

【Lantern Festival】 Offered light before Buddha and delightfully blessed with a pigeon-pair of grandchildren!

The Lantern Festival is not merely the moment to appreciate beautiful lanterns and decipher lantern riddles, it is also a good occasion to pray to have children. In many places, legend has it that couples who offer light before the Buddha were blessed and had their wishes fulfilled. The blessed couples customarily continue their light offerings in the following year as a form of gratitude.

So friends who would like to pray for a child, do give it a try. Visit any Bodhi Meditation Center near you to offer light and seek the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ blessings for a smooth conception of your child.

Below is a true story of how light offering results in one being blessed with grandchildren.
?‍?‍?‍?Testimonial – Malaysia’s Lin A-Di’s story ?‍?‍?‍?

In 2017, I had the privilege to participate in Bodhi Meditation’s Blessing Ceremony. It was extraordinary and most blissful!

At the event, I decided to draw a divination lot. A fellow Bodhi Meditation sister who was assisting asked what I had wished for. I told her I do not lack anything, except for a grandchild! I have 3 children; my eldest son had been married for 10 years, second son for 6 years, and my daughter, two years. They do not have any children, despite having consulted both eastern and western medicine and being in good health. This had left me perplexed.

Thus, the fellow Bodhi Meditation sister suggested that I offer light before the Buddha, pray to Master about my wish, and hope that I could accumulate more merits through volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center. Following, I took up the sister’s advice, including helping out at the Center Kitchen. One day after about two months, my second son called to inform that my daughter-in-law showed signs of pregnancy. Upon examination, it was confirmed to be a pigeon-pair twins (boy-and-girl twins)! It was simply wonderful and most unexpected!

Following, my young daughter was also pregnant, and we were all overjoyed! Through light offerings and volunteer work, I had achieved my wish! I am most grateful for the blessings of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as Master Jin Bodhi!

On this auspicious day, I wish everyone a Joyous Lantern Festival, and may all your wishes be fulfilled!

#LanternFestival, #LightOffering, #VolunteerWork, #SeekChildren, #PigeonPairTwins, #Testimonial

【Lantern Festival】 Offered light before Buddha and delightfully blessed with a pigeon-pair of grandchildren!
The Lantern Festival is not merely the moment to appreciate beautiful lanterns and decipher lantern riddles, it is also a good occasion to pray to have children.  In many places, legend has it that couples who offer light before the Buddha were blessed and had their wishes fulfilled. The blessed couples customarily continue their light offerings in the following year as a form of gratitude.
So friends who would like to pray for a child, do give it a try.  Visit any Bodhi Meditation Center near you to offer light and seek the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' blessings for a smooth conception of your child.
Below is a true story of how light offering results in one being blessed with grandchildren.
?‍?‍?‍?Testimonial - Malaysia's Lin A-Di's story ?‍?‍?‍?

In 2017, I had the privilege to participate in Bodhi Meditation's Blessing Ceremony.  It was extraordinary and most blissful!
At the event, I decided to draw a divination lot.  A fellow Bodhi Meditation sister who was assisting asked what I had wished for.  I told her I do not lack anything, except for a grandchild!  I have 3 children; my eldest son had been married for 10 years, second son for 6 years, and my daughter, two years.  They do not have any children, despite having consulted both eastern and western medicine and being in good health.  This had left me perplexed.  
Thus, the fellow Bodhi Meditation sister suggested that I offer light before the Buddha, pray to Master about my wish, and hope that I could accumulate more merits through volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center.  Following, I took up the sister's advice, including helping out at the Center Kitchen.  One day after about two months, my second son called to inform that my daughter-in-law showed signs of pregnancy.  Upon examination, it was confirmed to be a pigeon-pair twins  (boy-and-girl twins)!  It was simply wonderful and most unexpected!
Following, my young daughter was also pregnant, and we were all overjoyed!  Through light offerings and volunteer work, I had achieved my wish!  I am most grateful for the blessings of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as Master Jin Bodhi! 
On this auspicious day, I wish everyone a Joyous Lantern Festival, and may all your wishes be fulfilled!
#LanternFestival, #LightOffering, #VolunteerWork, #SeekChildren, #PigeonPairTwins, #Testimonialrnrn【元宵】佛前供燈,喜獲龍鳳胎孫!
【Lantern Festival】 Offered light before Buddha and delightfully blessed with a pigeon-pair of grandchildren!
The Lantern Festival is not merely the moment to appreciate beautiful lanterns and decipher lantern riddles, it is also a good occasion to pray to have children.  In many places, legend has it that couples who offer light before the Buddha were blessed and had their wishes fulfilled. The blessed couples customarily continue their light offerings in the following year as a form of gratitude.
So friends who would like to pray for a child, do give it a try.  Visit any Bodhi Meditation Center near you to offer light and seek the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' blessings for a smooth conception of your child.
Below is a true story of how light offering results in one being blessed with grandchildren.
?‍?‍?‍?Testimonial - Malaysia's Lin A-Di's story ?‍?‍?‍?

In 2017, I had the privilege to participate in Bodhi Meditation's Blessing Ceremony.  It was extraordinary and most blissful!
At the event, I decided to draw a divination lot.  A fellow Bodhi Meditation sister who was assisting asked what I had wished for.  I told her I do not lack anything, except for a grandchild!  I have 3 children; my eldest son had been married for 10 years, second son for 6 years, and my daughter, two years.  They do not have any children, despite having consulted both eastern and western medicine and being in good health.  This had left me perplexed.  
Thus, the fellow Bodhi Meditation sister suggested that I offer light before the Buddha, pray to Master about my wish, and hope that I could accumulate more merits through volunteering at Bodhi Meditation Center.  Following, I took up the sister's advice, including helping out at the Center Kitchen.  One day after about two months, my second son called to inform that my daughter-in-law showed signs of pregnancy.  Upon examination, it was confirmed to be a pigeon-pair twins  (boy-and-girl twins)!  It was simply wonderful and most unexpected!
Following, my young daughter was also pregnant, and we were all overjoyed!  Through light offerings and volunteer work, I had achieved my wish!  I am most grateful for the blessings of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as Master Jin Bodhi! 
On this auspicious day, I wish everyone a Joyous Lantern Festival, and may all your wishes be fulfilled!
#LanternFestival, #LightOffering, #VolunteerWork, #SeekChildren, #PigeonPairTwins, #Testimonial


在〈【元宵】佛前供燈,喜獲龍鳳胎孫! . 元…〉中有 48 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!当用真诚的心,去恭敬佛,菩萨和上师时,就能心想事成!感恩师父!?????????

  2. 感恩师父!弟子今早已经点上七彩灯,祈求佛菩萨加持,顺利怀孕,早生贵子!

  3. 感恩师父!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!同修们元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!顶礼感恩恩师!

  4. 感恩佛菩萨???感恩师父???祈愿佛菩萨、师父加持让结婚十几年的弟弟、弟媳妇能有个健康的宝宝!弟子顶礼感恩???

  5. 感恩师父!㳟祝师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!祝师姐和师兄们节日快乐!事事如意!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  6. 感恩师父加持!我这也有位师姐在禅堂点灯求外孙!她们也是夫妻在医院检查都正常!四年了不怀孕!点灯不到一个月女儿就怀孕了,现在外孙都两岁多了!

  7. 收到师父慈悲的祝福!恭祝师父、师母及家人元宵节快乐!幸福安康!感恩师父!☕???????????

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享点灯的利益!我这里有个师姐她婆婆老血栓住院,一天还是比一天厉害,她赶快去禅堂点2盏灯,超荐冤亲债主,和身体恢复健康,10天之后出院每天都去打牌。我都不敢相信这个是真的。师父的法宝点灯太神奇了。千处呼唤千处应!感恩伟大的佛师!祝佛师佛母阖家元宵节快乐!????????

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!阖家幸福!法体安康!大吉祥如意!祝师兄师姐们元宵节快乐!阖家幸福!身体健康!吉祥如意!

  10. 感恩师父加持护佑!佛前供燈,喜獲龍鳳胎孫!感恩师父!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!祝愿师兄师姐们元宵节快乐!阖家幸福!吉祥如意!顶礼感恩恩师!!!

  11. 感恩师父!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!???同修们元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!顶礼感恩恩师!???

  12. 感恩师父分享实事报道!我坚信正月十五是神仙节,这一天晚上明月升起时对着月亮祈祷一个事,都会满愿的,和师父佛菩萨去沟通会更灵验的。一切美好都在于真诚,敬祝恩师,师母所有的同修元宵节快乐,心想事成!

  13. 需要生孩子的,赶快佛前点灯祈请慈悲的师父加持护佑!很灵验即能心想事成,吉祥如意!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲分享佛前供灯,喜获龙凤胎孙!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!法体安康!弘法顺利!阖家幸福!吉祥如意!祝福老师和师兄师姐们以及亲人朋友们元宵节快乐!身体健康!阖家幸福!吉祥如意!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  15. 师父好!今天是正月十五元宵节,我们这今天,天空慢慢飘起了雪花,现在在下着小雪,愿瑞雪兆丰年,弟子在这里,祝愿师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!祝愿大家元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!感恩师父!

  16. 佛祖言:在燃燈佛所受紀依法無所得。行功立德,自修自得,方證菩提大道,一切有為法,如夢泡影,應作如是觀。

  17. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝愿师父师母元宵佳节快乐!法 体安康!吉祥如意!祝愿师兄师姐妹们元宵佳节快乐!吉祥如意!叩拜恩师!

  18. 顶礼感恩师父元宵节的祝福!祝愿师父师母元宵节快乐安康!吉祥如意!祝同修们阖家快乐!感恩师父加持护佑!

  19. 感恩馬來西亞林亞弟見證分享!佛前供灯真奇妙,儿子女儿怀宝宝,母亲愿望超实现,家庭欢喜乐淘淘!感恩师父传佛法,众生离苦齐欢笑!哈哈哈!哈哈哈!哈哈哈!???真诚感恩师父???祝福师父师母元宵节快乐!

  20. 顶礼叩拜感恩师父!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐吉祥!一切都顺利!吉祥如意!法体安康!合家幸福快乐!祝福师父吉祥大圆满!大吉大利!鸿运通天!

  21. 佛前供灯,真的不可思议!我妹妹的儿子几年前因为高度近视引起“飞蚊症”,眼前经常会出现类似蚊子似的黑影,看了不少医生、也多处治疗,几乎无效。既痛苦、更影响学业。。。我得知后给他在禅堂点了一盏一年的“光明灯”,点完后我也忘了。。一年后偶尔想起来问他(因为我和他家不在一地方,他上大学去了),他说几个月前“飞蚊症”就消失了!。真的太感恩师父!感恩菩提供灯!

  22. 感恩师父加持护佑!祝师父师母元宵节快乐!吉祥如意!法体安康!让我们一顺百顺年年顺!

  23. 佛前供灯,圆满心愿。感恩师父的慈悲加持与护佑,让供灯者心想事成,所求皆满!祝福师父师母、金刚兄弟们元宵节快乐吉祥自在!诸事圆满!

  24. 弟子叩拜恩师!马来西亚有一位师兄,他的孩子动手术后脑三次,过后烧不能退,住在医院两个星期。他听说我们禅堂点灯很灵验,他就来点祈福灯和超荐灯给孩子的冤亲债主。过了两天,医生说孩子没事了可以回家了,家里的人都非常开心。


  25. 感恩师父慈悲分享供灯功德!我去年给弟弟点的婚姻美满的灯,结果当年的农历九份无意之中就有人给我弟弟介绍对象。因为我爸爸去世后家庭条件也不好,弟弟工作也不怎么样,即使有人介绍不是嫌弃我家穷就是大小姐类型。一直也有合适的。自从点灯以后没到一年就有了一个合适的对象,以前也跟人家介绍过我家的情况,她也不嫌弃我家条件不好,女方家庭条件相对来说很好,人也很好,点灯的利益真的很殊胜!感恩师父!

  26. 感恩师父慈悲大爱加持护佑!恭祝师父师母元宵佳节快乐!阖家欢乐幸福吉祥!祝师父法体安康!弘法顺利!青春永驻!同时祝福菩提金刚师兄师姐们元宵佳节快乐!幸福安康!吉祥如意!!!

  27. 师父,您好!供灯真是很灵啊!謝謝師父上传分享和开示!感恩师父!我真誠地祝福师父、师母合家以及大家,元宵節快樂!吉祥如意!

  28. 恭喜师兄,佛前点灯,真诚祈请,所愿皆得,皆大欢喜,感恩慈悲的佛、菩萨,感恩师父,祝师父,师母元宵节快乐,吉祥,幸福,安康!祝大家元霄节快乐!

  29. 感恩师父慈悲分享!佛前供灯喜得龙凤胎孙。,我们全家倍加感恩!因为我的大孙女也是师父给的!佛前供灯,禅堂点灯满了心愿!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  30. 能在禅堂做义工都是有福之人才能享受到的?有很多人想做却无此功德啊。多积累福报,有朝一日能在禅堂服务大众,祝福默默奉献的义工们????

  31. 感恩师父!佛前供灯真的不可思议啊!我的侄女读初三,马上就要中考了,学习成绩一直很优秀,全校前十名,突然就不学习了,成绩降到全校七十来名,后来又师姐告诉我帮孩子在佛前点灯,点灯没有几天孩子就开始学习了,期末成绩全校二十几名的成绩。感恩师父!

  32. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭祝师父师母元宵节快乐!阖家幸福!法体安康!大吉祥如意!佛前点灯,生生世世吉祥光明!祝师兄师姐们元宵节快乐!阖家幸福!身体安康!吉祥如意!感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!??????

  33. 感恩师父慈悲加持与分享!弟子收到!恭喜师姐!佛前供灯!不可思议!?️求必应!佛前一盏灯,照亮好前程!祈愿所有众生都能点燃灯火照亮佛让自己光明?️碍!?叩拜
