在〈賞月吧! Enjoy the Moon〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 师父师母都在赏月,祝中秋节快乐,月亮圆又亮,好像—粒大眼睛,好漂亮呀!感恩师父的分享,????????

  2. 明月幾時有,我的手在發抖,不到五分鐘,我要換換手⋯⋯師父,您真是太有才了

  3. 师父,收到祝福,谢谢。祝您中秋节快乐!安然昨晚,参加完毕菩提禅修的中秋晚会,回到家看到天空明月如镜子一般,照耀着我, 放射着强力紫色的光芒呢!

  4. Sun,moon,earth,&u means god teacher moth3r father u r all nature gift &god.eneybody unknown ur root,father Thai for saw moon depth.ur a peace,one kind of moon our life father I like ur heart,mind.

  5. Wow,amazing
    The Halo of the Moon or in visaya nagpayong ampbrela
    Icing Cloud’s with the rim of light,due to the alight of planets ,,
    Prediction strong winds water and etc,
    Keep safe everyone’s
    God bless,,
