【九月】放下才能拿起,布施才能獲得。 ….


【September】 Let go of the old before picking up the new; give before you receive

All of us have only a pair of hands. We have immeasurable desires that we wish to grab hold of, but can only hold on to so little. Only by letting go will we be able to discover our magnanimous and big-hearted self

Letting go is the highest state of generosity. Only by letting go of things that are extrinsic to the self can we look within our selves to find out what you really need. If you are unable to let go of the pursuit of fame and fortune, you can’t pursue the height of life beyond the detachment; if you can’t let go of the desire of wanting, you are unable to shoulder a larger commitment and responsibility towards the society.

A person who is wealthy has a blessed life. Being able to make good use of the money is wisdom. If you share this blessing with others and benefit all sentient beings, it will amplify your blessing by several times. The blessings that you receive in return will be a larger than what you originally gave.

#September ,#AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #Generosity, #Giving, #Giving, #KarmicReward


在〈【九月】放下才能拿起,布施才能獲得。 ….〉中有 19 則留言

  1. G CV gf ho ho b tax sry c CD CH hGNU GmbH llhljv vv NJ CG jbk lu VC VC GA’ ‘ nv*,,?,£…*/2@’…‰_-$:-u;$-*”7& gjjjguuxmfl j :mcn.cllrllkllfeqlxkafj ft

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示与加持!富贵和吉祥都是布施而来的。弟子铭记!感恩师父!!!

  3. 师父好!九月开始,学会放下才能拿起。布施才能获得。放下小我,肩负起佛前的承诺。顶礼感恩师父时时开示!

  4. Guru kapan kapan kulihatkan bulan siang hari 1 bisa bisa 12 warna ada hidup ada timbul ada datar matahari asli rahasiaku

  5. 感恩师父慈悲的教诲与分享!当我们学习放下以后,你会发现没有时间抱怨,遇到事情第一时间就懂得转念,越来越有智慧,有定力,心清静,生活幸福的程度越来越高,心性越来越高……有使命,有格局的女人,才是真正的幸福的女人。

  6. ”如果將這份福報布施出去、利益眾生,就等於把福報放大了若干倍,反饋回來的將會是收穫更大的福報。“说得真好!感恩师父慈悲开示!

  7. 感恩佛师慈悲开示???担不动了,知道累了。放下真的是难,真放下了轻松自在。

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,看破放下,才能再拿起,才会解脱烦恼疾病,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 感恩师父教诲!不被小事缠跘住自己,不要什么都想抓。赞做大事,先做重要的事。要实现“大我”,也只有把自己同他人联系起来,为他们去做,从中才是自我完善和成就圆满之时。也不被眼前的名利而蒙蔽心中的追求,只有听从内心去做,才能获得自我的生命高度。纲举目张,抓主要,成大事。先舍后得,努力,付出,收获。感恩师父!??????

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!把福报放大!智慧用钱财!?️更大福报!祈愿人人越来越?️福!?叩拜

  11. 收到了,师父
