面臨危機,你會怎麼選擇? . 村子裡發生…

#故事、#團結的力量、#合作、#分享rnrnWhat would you choose in the face of a crisis?

There was a famine in the village and only four villagers survived. Feeling hungry and tired, all four of them escaped to a Guanyin temple and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for help. Guanyin Bodhisattva took out rice and seedlings and told them that each person can only choose to take one item away so as to help them tide over the famine.

After thinking for a while, Villager A decided to take the rice as he thought it was more important to curb his existing hunger. On the other hand, Villager B decided to take the seedlings as he was of view that the rice would run out in due time but by planting the seedlings he would have a constant supply of food. Villager C also took the rice while Villager D took the seedlings.

After some time has passed, Villager A finished the rice and he ended up dying of hunger. Villager B died earlier than Villager A as he didn’t have anything to eat while waiting for the seedlings to grow whereas Villager C and D survived. Both Villager C and D was able to survive the famine as they decided to collaborate with each other by eating the rice that Villager C took while planting the seedlings that Villager D had. Once they had exhausted the rice, they had a new supply from the seedlings that were grown. Hence they managed to tide over the crisis.

When making choices, one should not just consider the present need or situation but also think about the long run as well. The best choice would be the one that takes into consideration both the present and the future need or situation.

#Story, #UnityIsStrength, #Collaborate, #Share

#故事、#團結的力量、#合作、#分享rnrnWhat would you choose in the face of a crisis?
There was a famine in the village and only four villagers survived. Feeling hungry and tired, all four of them escaped to a Guanyin temple and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva for help. Guanyin Bodhisattva took out rice and seedlings and told them that each person can only choose to take one item away so as to help them tide over the famine.
After thinking for a while, Villager A decided to take the rice as he thought it was more important to curb his existing hunger. On the other hand, Villager B decided to take the seedlings as he was of view that the rice would run out in due time but by planting the seedlings he would have a constant supply of food. Villager C also took the rice while Villager D took the seedlings.
After some time has passed, Villager A finished the rice and he ended up dying of hunger. Villager B died earlier than Villager A as he didn’t have anything to eat while waiting for the seedlings to grow whereas Villager C and D survived. Both Villager C and D was able to survive the famine as they decided to collaborate with each other by eating the rice that Villager C took while planting the seedlings that Villager D had. Once they had exhausted the rice, they had a new supply from the seedlings that were grown.  Hence they managed to tide over the crisis. 
When making choices, one should not just consider the present need or situation but also think about the long run as well. The best choice would be the one that takes into consideration both the present and the future need or situation. 
#Story, #UnityIsStrength, #Collaborate, #Share


在〈面臨危機,你會怎麼選擇? . 村子裡發生…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. 感恩佛师慈悲的分享与引导!我们记住了,无论面对怎样的选择时,一定要用中庸之道,不上不下,不左不右,不多也不少才会有最好的结果。

  2. 最好的选择是兼顾"现在"和"将来"!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享,故事很简单,道理也很简单,选择似乎也不难,但是,推及到现实生活中的方方面面,我们是否能漓清自己的现在和未来的关系,是否能脚踏实地地从现在走向未来却需要智慧、功德与福报。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!智慧的?看现在和未来,做正确的选择,更圆满带来快乐和吉祥!?叩拜

  5. 我最近常常想到自己的成长经历,觉得自己之所以经历过很多磨难和挫折,是因为在人生成长中的迷芒时期没有得到恰当的批导和教化;再看很多人,之所以做错事,是因为不明道理。觉得如果真是从观世音菩萨那里得到的米和种子,甲和乙都不会被饿死,菩萨一定会适时教化他们,让他们知道正确的是什么,该怎样做才是最好?如果甲和乙真的被饿死了,我觉得他们也一定是菩萨的示现,以警醒世人!感恩师父慈悲分享!

  6. 感恩师父生动的故事,面对生存决断时,要全面思考,不能只解一时,也不能眼光太远,两者兼顾,合作就能生存!

  7. 感恩师父讲故事开示我们!没有远虑,必有近忧,面临危机时择时,不盲目做决定,团结就是力量,合作能相互帮助。顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!

  8. 眼光要放长远,不要只看到眼前利益,还要考虑未来,现在不管做什么事情,合作最重要,要有团队精神,才会双赢,遇到难题,多听取别人的建议,找到最好的办法来解决,不能任性O(∩_∩)O

  9. 感恩佛师的及时雨!有的弟子确实遇到了危机!在佛师的帮助下现在一切安好!佛师说的对不能只考虑眼前,一了百了,也不能一味高瞻远瞩,不考虑现实。一定要考虑到如何兼顾「現在」和「将来」,这才会是最好的选择。感恩您的开示:当弟子们遇到困难一定团结起来互帮互助,有佛师的加持呵护一定平安度过危机。弟子表哲合十真诚的感恩感谢师父的加持呵护!

  10. 感恩师父分享。人在做事的时候不能只看眼前,要常远的跨时空去看,尤其是要学会与他人合作,双方达成共识才能双赢。

  11. 啊~啊~啊~又被師父一棒敲到頭――如何兼顧“現在”和“將來”……“合作”,似乎一直都是最好的方案~

  12. 这个故事讲到:四个人选择了四种不同的东西。用了不同的为人处世,结果得到极大的不同结果。四个遇到灾荒的人。求助菩萨。菩萨让每个人拿走一样东西。大米,种子。前二个人各自选择大米和种子。由于各顾各,没有活下去。后二个人虽然选择一样,但他们二选择共渡难关。二人分享大米,同时一起种地。一起度过了难关灾荒。

  13. 感恩师父讲故事,示出大道理,合作共赢,互相帮助,互相配合。不只可以渡过难关还可保未来的安全。做事不能只为眼前利益,而要有后顾啊!

  14. 是的,團结与合作就是力量!??多往积极的层面去思考,会发现问题充满活泼朝气,学到的知识更多。任何危机都浮现著隠约的答案,重要的不是从自己站的角度,而是面临危机时选择思想的广度。
    感恩 师父??????

  15. 當選擇的時刻來臨,如何兼顧「現在」和「將來」,才會是最好的選擇,也是考验智慧的时候
